10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails


One generation’s edge is another’s cringe and that’s what happened with a lot of Ultimate Marvel.

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10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

There was a time when Ultimate Marvel was the cutting edge. The early 2000s were a different time, and Marvel decided to try something different, rebooting some of their biggest characters and teams, giving them new origins for the 21st century. This was the genesis of Ultimate Marvel and in the beginning, the books were massive hits.

The comics were much edgier than ever before, fueled by writers like Mark Millar. However, one generation’s edge is another’s cringe and that’s what happened with a lot of Ultimate Marvel. There are so many examples of it going off the rails, rendering it a laughingstock.

10 Wolverine Left Cyclops To Die In Order To Get Jean Grey Back

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Ultimate Wolverine doesn’t get as much attention for just how terrible of a person he is compared to other Ultimate characters. He deserves more attention for that and it begins with his relationship with Cyclops. While Wolverine and Cyclops in the 616 had an antagonistic relationship, the Ultimate Universe took it to a much greater extent.

Wolverine was actively planning to kill Cyclops at some point in order to get Jean Grey all to himself, and in a mission in the Savage Land acted on that. He left Cyclops to die after letting him fall off a cliff. It was a terrible act but somehow, the X-Men forgave him for it.

9 Ultimate Iron Man Often Felt Like A Joke In The Early Days

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Iron Man is a tough character to make seem sympathetic in the 616 Universe, but the Ultimate Universe barely even tried to do that, especially in the early days. Tony Stark in the Ultimate Universe was an arrogant womanizer to the extreme and his drinking, played as serious in the 616, was almost a gag, as he quaffed massive amounts of alcohol all the time.

Ultimate Iron Man was a parody of the 616 version of the character in a lot of ways. Nothing was played seriously with him and he came off as every smarmy billionaire stereotype ever, except he was also a superhero.

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8 Ultimate Nightcrawler Was A Creepy Homophobic Monster

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Ultimate Nightcrawler was completely different than his 616 version. A product of Weapon X, there was none of the Kurt Wagner charm. Instead, he was a grimdark version of the character and was actively homophobic toward Colossus and Northstar. While he’d eventually realize the error of that, that wasn’t the end of his wrongdoing.

He fixated on Dazzler and broke down when she started dating Angel. He eventually kidnapped her, lying to her about what had happened to the X-Men and trying to force her to love him. The Ultimate Universe took one of the X-Men’s nicest people and transformed him into something horrible.

7 Ultimate Hank Pym’s Beating Of Wasp Was Much More Traumatic

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Hank Pym is one of Marvel’s most disliked heroes in general, and one of the big reasons for that is the time he slapped Wasp in the face. The Ultimate Universe took that to a much more ugly extreme. The Ultimates #6 had Pym savagely attacking the Wasp to the extent he sprayed her with bug spray and used his new Ant-Man helmet to sic ants on her. The whole thing was just completely terrible. It took a moment in Marvel history that was already bad and made it a whole lot worse.

6 The Red Skull Was Made Into Captain America’s Son

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

In the 616 Universe, Red Skull is Captain America’s worst foe, a man who is all about perpetuating the terrors of the Nazi regime. In the Ultimate Universe, Cap never had his own book, so very few of his villains were brought over. Red Skull was but he had to be given an edgy new take and that take was that Captain America was his father.

Taken from his mother Gail and raised by the US government, he carved the skin off his face and escaped, becoming a monstrous terrorist who eventually went after his father. It was such a strange choice and it landed with a thud.

5 The ” You Think This Letter On My Head Stand For France?” Moment Has Aged Terribly

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

The characters of the Ultimate Universe were often very different from their 616 counterparts and Ultimate Cap was a great example of that. He wasn’t the inspiring hero that readers were used to but more of the ultimate soldier, a perfect Captain America for a post-9/11 world. One can argue that writer Mark Millar did this purposely but that doesn’t make it any less jarring.

In a battle against a shapeshifting Chitauri he fought during WWII, after being told to surrender, Captain America pointed at the A on his head and yelled out, “You think this letter on my head stands for France?” It’s such a massively jingoistic scene and is a bad look in retrospect.

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4 Ultimate Hulk’s First Rampage Is Full Of Cannibalism And Rape Jokes

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Ultimate Hulk was the first person the Ultimates fought, driven to a rampage because Betty Ross goes on a date with actor Freddie Prinze Jr. What follows is a pretty great fight that is taken too far by writer Mark Millar. Millar’s sense of humor was often juvenile and his portrayal of the Hulk leaned into that. While the Ultimate Universe changed a lot about Marvel and thankfully this wasn’t something that was incorporated.

Ultimate Hulk ate people and wanted to rape Betty. The whole thing is bad in general and it basically destroyed the Hulk as any kind of intelligent character like he is in the 616 Universe.

3 Ultimate Wolverine Gets With Teenage Jean Grey

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Ultimate Wolverine is quite different from the 616 version in a lot of ways. For example, in the 616 universe, Wolverine can be trusted around teenage girls, but not so much in the Ultimate Universe, especially with Jean Grey. He immediately starts to hit on the teenage girl and even ends up in bed with her in a hotel before the first arc of Ultimate X-Men was through.

Ultimate Wolverine is just as old in that universe as he is in the 616. That means he’s over a century old going after a teenage girl, which takes one of the 616’s more iconic relationships and transforms it into something wrong and criminal.

2 The Quicksilver-Scarlet Witch Incest Angle Was Horrible

10 Times Ultimate Marvel Went Off The Rails

Scarlet Witch has had a lot of great relationships in the 616 Universe, several of which were iconic. In the Ultimate Universe, she only has one iconic relationship and that’s with her brother Quicksilver. Mark Millar started it with jokes but he didn’t make it text. That was writer Jeph Loeb in Ultimates 3, where it was revealed the two were lovers from a young age. Also, Wolverine might be their father and watched them have sex because Ultimate Wolverine is terrible.

Several times, it’s made to feel like a normal healthy thing between the two of them, which was a mystifying storytelling choice.

1 Ultimatum Killed The Ultimate Universe But It Took Years For It To Realize It Was Dead

Ultimatum, by writer Jeph Loeb and artist David Finch, took all of the edginess of the early Ultimate Universe and blasted it into the stratosphere. It was horrifically violent and dark, as Magneto attacked the world, killing millions of civilians as his Brotherhood attacked the heroes and caused even more casualties.

Ultimatum was meant as a shake-up to a line that had become staid but it didn’t work out that way at all. It was a mean-spirited, depressing story and killed the Ultimate Universe, even though it shambled on for several more years. It’s gone down as one of Marvel’s most disliked stories of all time.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/ultimate-marvel-off-the-rails/

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