10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga


Soul Eater was one of the most renowned shonen anime back when it first released, but it can be surprising how much it derailed from the manga.

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10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

As with many long-running mangas, Soul Eater’s anime wasn’t completely faithful to its source material. For the most part, it starts that way, but by the mid-way point, the anime has become its own entity. Unlike most series, it’s not even due to them catching up to the manga too rapidly. There were still plenty of arcs to animate.

The anime was ending, so they needed to rush to a final battle with Asura. It’s part of why so many fans would like them to give the series a new anime that was more faithful to the manga, much like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was.

10 The Existence Of The Kishin Egg

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

The Kishin Egg is a concept that was created just for the anime. A concept that expounded on the fact that members of the Death Weapon Meisters Academy needed to hunt 99 evil souls to achieve Death Scythe status. The eggs are the first stage needed to become a Kishin, hinting that millions of them are running around if not for the DWMA. The issue with that is it undercuts some of the allure of Asura being the first Kishin and the lengths that Death went to avoid another.

9 Anyone Could Consume Souls In The Anime

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

The biggest difference between manga and anime is that anyone can consume souls in the anime. In the manga, it’s explicitly stated that only Demon Weapons could consume souls, which is the sole reason the DWMA exists in the first place. The anime decided to skew away from that and allow Al Capone to consume souls, leading to the entire Kishin Egg creation. It rendered the entire existence of the weapons moot, which made little sense considering how large a role they played in the story.

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8 The Creature Crona Is Forced To Kill By Medusa Is Changed

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

Of all the characters in Soul Eater, few are as sympathetic as Crona is. The horrors they are forced into by Medusa are reprehensible in both medians. The anime does try to make things a little less dark as the scene where Crona is forced to kill a creature is changed.

The manga has Crona kill a bunny, solidifying how dark Crona’s childhood was. The anime softened that blow by making it a small black dragon instead, most likely due to censorship issues.

7 Excalibur’s Past With Arthur Was Never Delved Into Within The Manga

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

When Excalibur is brought up, King Arthur isn’t far behind, so it’s hard to blame the anime for elaborating on this. The two of them are so intricately tied together that it makes sense to go into that past. One of the least offensive filler/story diversions that the anime takes, as Arthur is mentioned briefly in the manga. It helped give the weapon a little more depth, something that’s warranted considering he’s the strongest weapon in the world.

6 Mifune Didn’t Kill White Star In The Manga

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

In theory, making Mifune the slayer of White Star rather than unnamed members of DMWA makes sense as he’s the big bad for Black Star to overcome, and killing his dad adds to that fact. The issue is that White Star was never truly a dad to Black Star and was always treated as the awful person that he was, so his death shouldn’t have provided an additional drive for Black Star. It’s a change that wasn’t awful but didn’t have the desired effect, especially not when Black Star let Mifune live.

5 Death Doesn’t Die During His Battle With Asura In The Anime

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

By far, this is one of the most egregious errors and deviations the anime makes in comparison to the manga. For as great a character as Death is, death is necessary for Death The Kid to complete his arc and become the new Shinigami.

It makes for one of the most hyped moments in the manga, and the anime strips that away. More than just that, it’s needed to establish Asura as both a threat and worthy of being the final bad guy. To do that properly, a beloved character needs to meet their end.

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4 There Is No Truce Between The Witches & The DMWA In The Anime

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

At the end of the manga, a delighted ending is found, as the witches and the DMWA find common ground between one another, putting aside their endless battle with each other after Asura’s defeat. A big reason for this is that Death The Kid is now the shinigami and decided there will never be another Death Scythe. More than just that, both Medusa and Death meet their ends, helping eliminate their built-in hatreds that help both sides move on.

3 Soul Never Becomes A Death Scythe In The Anime

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

The Death Scythe is treated as a big deal in the manga, and when it’s achieved, it grants Maka a massive power-up, allowing her to keep up with both Black Star and Death The Kid, who was equally scaled up. It’s a status that Soul never achieves in the anime, as the death of Arachne is handled far differently. In the manga, Maka is the one who’s able to kill her, while the anime has Asura consume her. It’s one of many reasons why the entire battle with him is so different in the anime.

2 Maka Kills Medusa Instead Of Chrona In The Anime

10 Ways Soul Eater Is Completely Different In The Manga

As with Death’s survival ruining Death The Kid’s progression as a character, the same rings true here. It makes sense that the main character ought to defeat the main bad guy. That’s shonen 101. However, Crona’s relationship with Medusa was so horrific that it only makes sense for them to get the killing blow on their mother rather than someone else. The character is poorly mismanaged in general during the anime as half the cool things they do in the manga never make their way on screen.

1 Justin Law Never Betrays DWMA In The Anime

In the anime, Justin Law stays faithful to the DWMA throughout the series’s length and is generally shown as a zealot to Death, worshiping the Shinigami. That remains the same in the manga to a point. However, the manga focuses on how solitary he is and how he cannot trust others. With a little push from The Clown, those issues are exasperated, and he’s pushed into a stage of madness, joining Kishin’s forces.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/soul-eater-manga-vs-anime/

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