9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics


While he’s not Daredevil, Clint has been with some of Marvel’s most well-known women and a few who aren’t as famous.

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9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Hawkeye has long put his body on the line in battle, but he’s also put his heart out there nearly as much. Clint Barton has always been a man who followed his passions, meaning he’s had a lot of romantic flings over the years. Superheroes are known for getting into and out of relationships, so for Clint to have gotten around as much as he has isn’t exactly the biggest surprise.

While he’s not Daredevil, Clint has been with some of Marvel’s most well-known women and a few who aren’t as famous. Hawkeye always hits his mark, whether it be in battle or affairs of the heart.

9 Ultimate Hawkeye Was Married To Laura Barton

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

The Marvel Cinematic Universe takes a lot of cues from the Ultimate Universe, and Clint Barton’s character in the movies is mostly lifted from that version of the character. Everything from his costume to his demeanor comes from the Ultimate Universe, as does his status as a married family man. In The Ultimates II, readers got to meet his wife Laura and two kids.

Unfortunately, fans wouldn’t get to spend a lot of time with them, as the team’s enemies targeted the Barton family and killed them. This is one thing the MCU didn’t completely copy. Though the family was dusted by Thanos, they were resurrected at the end of Avengers: Endgame.

8 Night Nurse Tried To Heal The Wounds On Clint’s Heart

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Night Nurse has long been a staple of the Marvel Universe, even if she isn’t exactly a household name. For years, Linda Carter has run a clinic where injured superheroes can get treated with no questions asked. She’s been the difference between life and death for most of New York City’s greatest heroes. She and Hawkeye were recently in a relationship, but it was short-lived.

Hawkeye’s pig-headed pursuit of the Hood saw him neglecting Night Nurse and lying to her. This led to the relationship’s dissolution, as Hawkeye took her completely for granted. It was a sad affair for both of them, as they worked well together.

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7 Hawkeye And Moonstone Had A Short Relationship

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Moonstone has had an interesting career in the Marvel Universe. For a long time, she was a villain, battling Ms. Marvel on her own and the Avengers with the Masters of Evil. Her affiliation with that group led to her joining the Thunderbolts, a team that’s pretty much defined her ever since. Hawkeye joined the group after a time and took over as leader, something which caused the two to grow close.

Eventually, this would blossom into a relationship that would last throughout Hawkeye’s time on the team. They made a pretty good couple, but their fling would end once Hawkeye left the group and returned to the Avengers.

6 Echo And Hawkeye Got Together When He Took Over As Ronin

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Echo originated the mantle of Ronin, acting as the New Avengers’ liaison in Japan. She battled the Hand, but things got drastic for her when a Skrull posing as Elektra took over the group. The New Avengers pulled her out of the situation, and she joined up with the group proper. She and Hawkeye started spending a lot together and ended up in a relationship with each other just as the Skrull invasion started to heat up.

The stress of the entire situation brought them together, and they’d remain a couple throughout their time as New Avengers. Eventually, the relationship would fizzle out completely, as it seemed that they were together because of the situation they were in more than anything else.

5 Spider-Woman And Hawkeye Got Together After She Rejoined The Avengers

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Jessica Drew made a name for herself as Spider-Woman. However, after she was replaced by the Skrull Queen Veranke, that name wasn’t as good as it once was. While it wasn’t her fault, her fellow heroes were still wary of her, and she felt like she had to prove herself again. She rejoined the Avengers, where she and Hawkeye entered into a passionate but short relationship.

Hawkeye messed this one up as well. He cheated on Spider-Woman while they were together, and while they would try to reconcile, the trust was already broken. The two remained friends, but there was no way Spider-Woman could deal with Hawkeye in any other capacity.

4 Hawkeye And Black Widow Were On Again Off Again

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Black Widow is one of Marvel’s greatest spies, and she and Hawkeye have a long history together. She used him in her early battles against Iron Man when she was still an enemy agent, manipulating Clint with her feminine wiles. Later, they would hang out together as Avengers and have been in a relationship with each other more than once.

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Hawkeye and Black Widow have always made a great team, so the fact that they’ve fallen into bed with each other so many times isn’t exactly surprising. They’ve been through a lot together, and sometimes the only person one wants is someone who understands.

3 Hawkeye And The Wasp Dated Briefly

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Wasp has always been one of the best-dressed Avengers, so it makes sense that she’s dated so many of her teammates. While she’s most known for being with Hank Pym or Iron Man, she and Hawkeye also dated. Hawkeye was a change of pace for her, as she was used to dating heroes who thought their way through their problems. She was attracted to Hawkeye’s unpredictable, irreverent manner.

Their relationship wouldn’t last very long. In the end, they were two very different people, and their relationship was more superficial than anything else. Like many of Hawkeye’s relationships, they ended as friends, which is nice for both parties.

2 Hawkeye Slept With Scarlet Witch Instead Of Killing Her

9 Marvel Characters Clint Barton Had A Relationship With In The Comics

Scarlet Witch has had more relationships than casual fans realize. Calling what she and Hawkeye had a relationship is a little much, but they did get together once. After he came back to life in House Of M, he hunted down Scarlet Witch to take revenge against her for everything she did. However, he changed his mind when he found her.

Wanda’s memory of her previous life was completely gone, and Clint couldn’t bring himself to hurt her. The two ended up sharing an intimate moment before Clint returned to America and joined the New Avengers.

1 Hawkeye And Mockingbird Were Married

Most of Hawkeye’s relationships were pretty short. This makes sense since he can be a pretty immature person. His relationship with Bobbi Morse, the woman known as Mockingbird, was quite different. The two of them hit it off immediately. She brought things out of him that no one else did, and the two ended up married.

Hawkeye was leading the West Coast Avengers during their marriage, and the two of them were happy together. Unfortunately, Mockingbird was replaced by a Skrull who eventually died in battle. Clint didn’t learn the truth until Secret Invasion when the real Mockingbird returned. However, they were never able to rekindle their relationship after all those years, remaining friends instead.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/marvel-clint-barton-comic-relationships/

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