Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Adventure Time: Distant Lands – 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries


Mystery has surrounded the Adventure Time spinoff series Adventure Time: Distant Lands since it was announced. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Mystery has surrounded the Adventure Time spinoff series Adventure Time: Distant Lands since the day it was announced. The few scraps of information tossed out to anxious fans had them worried things would turn out the same way as the Adventure Time movie – announced but never released. New facts prove that this is no false alarm. Fans finally have something to look forward to beyond reruns of their favorite episodes.

Fans are eager to find out all that there is to know about this new series, including its release date, location, season length, and episode length, which are all unlike the original. Keep reading for all of this information plus any information available on what each episode entails.

10 The First Episode Drops Soon

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

WarnerMedia initially announced that “BMO” and “Obsidian” would premiere in 2020. A June 25th release date for “BMO” was confirmed through a promotional poster. The lack of new information for “Obsidian” implies that the two episodes won’t be released in proximity to one another and not even the year was specified for “Wizard City” and “Together Again.” It can be assumed there is a long wait ahead.

Since producers waited until within a month of BMO’s release to announce a date, it’s unlikely that announcements for the remaining episodes will be made with any kind of haste.

9 It Doesn’t Take Place In The Land Of Ooo

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Exploring new worlds is a major theme in Distant Lands, hence the title. Each of the episodes seems to take place in an entirely new setting. Locations vary, from regions of the same planet to destinations far off in the Adventure Time universe.

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This means that many side characters from the original series won’t have the opportunity to reappear. Interactions between major characters must be limited, too. The result is four standalone episodes. On the bright side, the few protagonists of each episode will get their fair share of screen time.

8 The Series Won’t Air On Cartoon Network

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Distant Lands will be released on the month-old streaming service, HBO Max. Access will cost viewers a monthly fee of $14.99. There are plans to lower the cost in the future, with the addition of a version that includes commercials.

HBO Now subscribers don’t need to pay for this new service, as a simple app store update will replace the old with the new. All the same shows and movies are included along with new content. The only difference is that HBO Max is supported by fewer TV streaming platforms.

7 They Mean It When They Say Miniseries

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Don’t get too excited. This is not a reboot. The miniseries will consist of four episodes approximately 45 minutes in length. On the bright side, that’s almost the length of an actual Adventure Time season when the episode times are combined.

Each episode sucks viewers into an adventure led by a different character from the original series. The exact time period in which these episodes are set is unclear, but they do all take place after things wrapped up in the Adventure Time finale.

6 BMO Gets His Own Episode

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Olivia Olson, the voice actress of Marceline, hosted a live stream for the 19th anniversary of Adventure Time back in April. An Adventure Time marathon and Q&A preceded a trailer for “BMO”, the Distant Lands episode that stars BMO.

The little green console arrives on a massive space station composed of several unique biomes. Collapse is imminent in this warring world unless BMO can discover a way to save it. “BMO” is set to air on June 25th as the first episode of the miniseries.

5 Bubbline Is Back

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

It took 10 long seasons for Bubbline shippers to see their fantasies made canon with a relationship-confirming kiss. This left little time for this new dynamic between Marceline and Princess Bubblegum to be explored.

The “Obsidian” episode will grant viewers more time with the girls as they race to stop an unnamed, catastrophic event by going to the Glass Kingdom. But not all 45 minutes will be about their relationship. The episode will also delve into the pasts of the two girls, finally resolving the unanswered questions that revolve around their origins.

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4 Finn & Jake Reunite In “Together Again”

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Plot information released for the “Together Again” episode states that Finn and Jake “rediscover their brotherly bond.” This language has caused many to believe that the episode takes place quite long after they parted ways in the finale. The word “rediscover” implies that the boys may have grown apart. Some have taken that to mean bad blood has developed between them.

There is no doubt that some things have changed since promotional materials show Finn has acquired another prosthetic arm. No new world is specified for this episode.

3 “Wizard City” Sends Peppermint Butler Back To School

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Unlike the other episodes, there isn’t any immediate heroism present in Peppermint Butler’s story. It focuses on Peppermint Butler’s efforts to prove himself innocent after he’s accused of wrongdoing on campus.

Though Peppermint Butler is one of Princess Bubblegum’s laboratory creations, several episodes in the original series hint at the dark paths he’s visited while unsupervised. It’s what makes him a believable culprit. In addition to all of the information that’s revealed about Peppermint Butler, the system of magic in the Adventure Time universe will get a closer look.

2 New Writers Have Joined The Team

Adventure Time Distant Lands 10 Things Fans Need To Know Before Watching The Miniseries

Writer Jack Pendarvis of the original series returned to work on Distant Lands. It’s likely that other returnees had a hand in the show’s production, but their involvement is still unconfirmed.

Kate Tsang who worked on Steven Universe is one of the new confirmed writers and Charley Feldman of The Owl House and Christina Catucci of Trolls World Tour formed part of the writing staff, too. Tweets made by Jack Pendarvis confirmed these new crew members, along with a few from other staff.

1 The Art Will Stay The Same But The Artists Won’t

Most of the storyboard artists won’t be returning. Hanna K Nyström, a storyboard artist and poster designer from the original series, is an exception. New additions include Maya Petersen, who did storyboard work in later seasons of Steven Universe, and Serena Wu, who worked on Enter the Florpus.

Promo videos show that the staff is working hard to keep the same style that the previous artists mastered. The animation is smooth and the colors are vibrant. Preplanned changes to character design are the only difference.

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