Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack On Titan: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Yelena


Yelena has only recently become an important character in Attack on Titan’s final season, so fans might not be too familiar with her yet.

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Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Plenty of anime series come along and turn into massive phenomena, but few resonate with the impact of Attack on Titan. The action anime series is incredible right from the very first episode, but it’s shocking how this story about man against monster has naturally evolved into a much more personal and terrifying struggle between humanity.

The final season of Attack on Titan advances the narrative in major ways that forever change the status quo, and there are many new individuals that become pivotal players in the series’ final act. Yelena is one such character, and she’s someone who makes a significant impact on the war between Marley and Eldia.

10 She’s The Leader Of The Anti-Marleyan Revolutionists

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack on Titan’s final season really emphasizes the war between Marley and Eldia. There’s much consideration placed in who are the true heroes here and it stirs up a lot of complicated emotions. Yelena is born as a Marleyan, but she grows disillusioned with her own people after she meets Zeke Jaeger. Inspired to help change the world and aid the right people with their cause, Yelena helps put together the Anti-Marleyan revolution and acts as their leader. Some of the other members, like Onyankopon, express doubt, yet Yelena is full of everlasting resolve.

9 She Worships Zeke Jaeger Like A God

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack on Titan works so well because many characters that get involved in this war begin their story as children, yet grow into hardened warriors and monsters with the ability to end the world. There’s a lot of reverence and fear toward the Titans, and Yelena is someone who’s completely born anew after a serendipitous encounter with Zeke’s Beast Titan. Zeke’s Titan saves Yelena’s life during the Marley Mid-East War and in turn, Yelena views Zeke as a God who will end this war and fix the world. Yelena develops an undying devotion to him and his bold plans.

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8 She’s Instrumental In The Raid On Liberio

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

A major turning point during Attack on Titan’s final season is the raid that’s launched on Libero during Willy Tybur’s big speech. Eren’s heavy chat with Reiner and his ensuing transformation act as a major catalyst in this war. It’s unclear at the moment, but Yelena also plays a pivotal role in making sure that Eren’s part of the plan succeeds.

Yelena dons a disguise and pretends to be a guard in order to gain access to the young Warrior candidates so that she can trap them and prevent them from transforming into Titans so that Eren can move ahead.

7 She’s One Of The First Marleyan Soldiers To Set Foot On Paradis Island

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack on Titan begins with a small environment that’s literally walled away, but the scope steadily broadens and soon Paradis Island becomes a coveted location that’s pivotal to the series’ endgame. Eldia and Marley both make separate plays to take advantage of Paradis’ resources and Yelena ends up among the first of Marley’s people to get sent to the island to initiate their plan. Yelena crafts an effective false backstory for herself where her nation was conquered by Marley and she helps plant seeds of deception during this important period on Paradis Island.

6 She Executes Griez Among Others

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack on Titan is full of loss and betrayal, but that doesn’t make it any less shocking. The acts of the Anti-Marleyan and Jaegerist factions play by their own rules and their approach to vigilantism is terrifying. These individuals feel that they are the law and Yelena demonstrates this in a chilling manner when she executes her ally, Griez, at point-blank range after he badmouths Sasha and the Eldians in general. Yelena also takes out a Marleyan captain and an Anti-Marleyan volunteer, but it’s likely that her emotionless and obsessive tendencies have led to her taking even more lives.

5 She’s Instrumental In Dot Pixis’ Downfall

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

Attack on Titan is full of tragedy right from the start, but the final season doesn’t hold back when it comes to the casualties and losses. Many powerful and courageous individuals meet their end and the Garrison’s Dot Pixis is typically a pillar of confidence and resolve.

It’s devastating to see characters like Pixis get broken down and punished for their dedication. Yelena makes sure that Pixis suffers when he chooses to not take their side along with Zeke and Eren. Yelena and Floch have Pixis’ men turn against him and deliver a brutal beating.

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4 The Rumbling Only Makes Her More Convinced In Zeke’s Plan

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

The final act of Attack on Titan comes down heavily to the controversial Rumbling plan that Eren wants to trigger by making contact with Zeke. This horrific plan becomes a dividing line for not only the characters but also the audience. Yelena views Eren as much of a God as she does with Zeke, but Eren’s betrayal shatters her faith in him. Yelena doubles down on Zeke and becomes more convinced in his euthanasia plan. At the end of her crusade, the only thing that Yelena desires is for others to acknowledge that Zeke’s euthanasia plan was right after all.

3 She’s Sentenced To Death By Floch

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

The tide turns frequently during the final season of Attack on Titan and there are radical shifts in power. Yelena wields a lot of authority that she’s not afraid to throw around, but she experiences a rude awakening after Eren successfully triggers the Rumbling and she seems to lose her beacon, Zeke. Yelena finds herself arrested and sentenced to death by Floch because of her knowledge regarding Zeke’s plan to euthanize the Eldians. Floch and Jean are moments from executing both Yelena and Onyankopon before they’re both rescued by the Cart Titan and join the ragtag survivor rebellion group.

2 She Helps Save The Future Of The World With The Protection Of Fort Saita

Attack On Titan 10 Things You Didnt Know About Yelena

The final chapters of Attack on Titan’s manga are controversial in the sense that they throw the eclectic survivors together into one group with the common goal of stopping Eren and saving what’s left of the world. Eren’s Founding Titan transformation stupefies most individuals and it seems impossible to find a decent way to launch an attack. Yelena reveals that Eren plans to attack the flying boats at the Fort Saita research base since they have the sole advantage of flight. Yelena’s intel allows them to get a slight advantage over Eren and preserve these vital resources.

1 Her Final Fate Is To Live On & Spread The Word Over What She’s Seen

It should be clear that Attack on Titan isn’t a story where everyone is set to live happily ever after. The series never flinches when it comes to the horrors of war and its final act features the deaths of many beloved characters. At a point, it feels like most of the world might perish, but despite all of the trouble that she causes, Yelena manages to survive. She’s much more docile after Zeke’s death, but she survives to enjoy a future and is given an escape with others on a lifeboat before Falco’s Jaw Titan initiates its final plan.

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