Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

Avatar: The Last Airbender – 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography


There are various aspects in the Avatar: The Last Airbender world that are as delightful as they are unique, from gorgeous gorges to beautiful mesas.

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Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

The planet in Avatar: The Last Airbender is much like the real one, except with a drastically different map. There are oceans and continents, not to mention dozens of islands scattered around the globe, but there are only five recognizable regional powers — the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, the Air Nomads, and the United Republic of Nations.

Given the vastness of the geography, there are various aspects in the Avatar world that are as delightful as they are unique, from gorgeous gorges to magnificent mesas. What are some of the most fascinating things about the world, though?

10 A Wide Variety Of Landforms

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

The physical beauty of the world is immeasurable — the mountain ranges crisscrossing the Earth Kingdom, the shimmering bays, the cliffs and canyons on every continent, and the complex forest ecosystems that hold everything together.

One fine example of the latter is Wulong Forest, which is composed not of trees but rocky columns, the eerie site of the battle between Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Ozai.

9 Aang Memorial Island Refers To The Statue Of Liberty

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

After the Hundred Year War, the people of the newly formed United Republic presumably paid homage to their savior by creating a gigantic metallic effigy of the 12-year-old Avatar.

This statue, built together with a pedestal, is on what becomes Aang Memorial Island. Considering that Aang has been depicted holding out his Airbending staff in victory, the statue is an obvious tribute to the Statue of Liberty (much like Republic City is a reference to NYC.)

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8 Four Of Five Volcanoes Are Important Parts Of The Story

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

There are five named volcanoes in the story, four of which play crucial roles. The Boiling Rock is a volcanic island prison, noted for the impossibly hot body of water that surrounds it. It is from here that Sokka manages to save Suki and Hakoda.

The volcanic island which held the Fire Sage Temple is destroyed by Avatar Roku as punishment for those who turn their backs on Aang. Roku’s home island is also part of a live volcanic chain, and this is how it is unfortunately consumed. Finally, the Royal Caldera City, part of one of the Fire Nation Capital, is located inside a volcanic crater.

7 Si Wong In The U.S. And Australia

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

The massive Si Wong Desert in the middle of the Earth Kingdom continent is claimed to be impossible to pass, even though it is populated by people. The Sandbenders and the Beetle-headed Merchants call the desert their home, and they know exactly how to navigate its extremes.

The name in Chinese refers to “death,” connecting the Si Wong to the Death Valley desert in California, both of which are extremely hot. Further, Si Wong Rock, set amidst the emptiness of its environment, is a reflection of Uluru in Australia’s Northern Territory.

6 Ba Sing Se Is The Size Of A Small Nation

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

Ba Sing Se is not only among the first-ever human cities, being at least five millennia old, but also the largest in size. It has three walls, each of which rings a different socioeconomic class of citizenry — along with forests and farmland — making it extremely vast.

The exact dimensions of Ba Sing Se are not mentioned, but given how long it takes Team Avatar to fly from the Outer Ring to the Royal Palace, it can be assumed that it approximately covers an area similar to that of a real-world country.

5 Each Of The Four Corners Of The World Has A Dominant Season

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

As expected from a spherical world, there are seasons depending on the globe’s orientation with respect to its sun. However, what’s more interesting is that each of the four major countries displays a specific season, both in terms of climate as well as culture.

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The Earth Kingdom is Spring (Earthbending and the birth of new life), the Fire Nation is Summer (Firebending and the power of heat), The Air Nomads are Autumn (Airbending and the comfort of a cool breeze), and the Water Tribes’ are Winter (Waterbending and the versatility of ice).

4 The Formation Of Kyoshi Island

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

Kyoshi Island was once a peninsula extending from a peninsula, where several Yokoyans lived for a long time, enjoying peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, the warmongering of Chin the Conqueror reaches the port of Yokoya, where it falls to Avatar Kyoshi to resolve the situation without spilling any blood.

She literally peels the peninsula off the mainland using the Avatar State to augment her bending. Kyoshi breaks the area into an island and Airbends it away from the continent.

3 The Secret Architecture Beneath Lake Laogai

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

Team Avatar learns of the uncomfortable experiments being performed by the Dai Li when they visit Ba Sing Se, ultimately discovering the hidden prison deep underneath Lake Laogai.

This is more impressive from an architectural perspective, simply because of the sheer genius of engineering and design that would have gone into building the facility. Although older than the Dai Li, Lake Laogai falls under the agents’ control when the organization is created by Avatar Kyoshi.

2 The Earth Kingdom — Area, Population, & Geodiversity

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Fascinating Facts About The World’s Geography

The Earth Kingdom consists of one continent all for itself, not to mention a large number of islands in its territorial waters. It is blessed with a wide range of topological and biological features, from rolling coniferous forests and tropical wetlands to grassy savannahs and dry plains & plateaus.

There are many important towns and cities in the Earth Kingdom, including Ba Sing Se, Gaoling, Zaofu, and Omashu, where a large fraction of the world’s population resides.

1 How Serpent’s Pass Gets Its Name

The Serpent’s Pass is a notorious “road” to Ba Sing Se, taking those who dare journey on it across the East and West Lakes. The rock outcropping is dangerous to traverse, comprising sheer cliffs and an unreliable path.

The actual path doesn’t weave and bend like a snake, which confuses Team Avatar as they assume that the name is a reference to the physical structure – that is until they come across the actual sea snake lurking around Serpent’s Pass.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-last-airbender-fascinating-facts-about-world-geography/

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