Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Avatar The Last Airbender: One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality


Each Avatar character has a very distinct personality, but these quotes go against the strong personalities of Aang, Katara, Sokka, and more.

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Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Avatar: The Last Airbender has been one of the most successful children’s shows of the 20th century. Almost 20 years later the fandom continues to be active. With the news of a live-action series in the making, fans have only grown even more excited to see their favorite story on the screen once again.

One of the biggest pulls of Avatar: The Last Airbender is the unique characters. Team Avatar is made up of a mismatched group of teens, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. However, these quotes go against the personality of the characters fans have come to know and love.


“I Guess You Just Don’t Know People As Well As You Think You Do. You Miscalculated.”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Mai is one of Azula’s only friends and right-hand women. She is the daughter of a government official and so she has lived a very comfortable life. Mai’s parents have never been the most attentive, so she often buries her emotions instead of sharing them. Despite that, she is also fiercely loyal.

This quote goes against Mai’s personality because she is not usually one to stick up for herself. In the wildly popular “The Beach” episode, Mai’s friends point out that she doesn’t stand up for herself, and Mai doesn’t seem to care. However, Mai completely changes it up when she decides to rescue Zuko at the Boiling Rock. She stands up to Azula like she never has before.

Ty Lee:

“Your Aura Is This Dingy, Pasty, Gray!”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Ty Lee is also a friend of Azula, although perhaps an unexpected one. Ty Lee is very different from Mai and Azula with her bubbly and often optimistic personality. Together though, the three made one of Avatar’s most formidable teams. Ty Lee also spent a large part of her life living with the circus so she is now trained in various acrobatics as well as Chi blocking.

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Ty Lee’s quote comes from season three in “The Beach” episode. In an unusual heart-to-heart with her friends, Ty Lee grows angry at their assumptions about her and yells at them. Ty Lee never portrays negative emotions, and certainly not at her small group of friends. Her anger here at Mai is very uncharacteristic.


“Sooner Or Later They All Would Have Betrayed Me– Just Like Mai And Ty Lee Did.”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Azula is one of the strongest women in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is Zuko’s younger sister and one of the show’s main villains. Azula has been raised by her father, Ozai, as the Fire Nation’s next Firelord. She is far more skilled in firebending than Zuko, but that only comes with even more pressure.

Azula often emphasizes perfection. In her introduction episode, she grows frustrated with her firebending exercises simply because she has a single hair out of place. In the finale of the series, however, Azula quickly loses this perfection. This quote shows how the pressure of her position gets to her and she becomes unrecognizable from the Azula fans had known all along.

Uncle Iroh:

“If We Don’t Burn It [Ba Sing Se] To The Ground First!”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Iroh is Zuko’s wise uncle. He sees Zuko as his own son and does everything he can to keep him safe. Originally, Iroh was meant to become Firelord, but he abdicated after the death of his son. Iroh then followed Zuko into exile to keep an eye on him.

One of the most striking moments of the show is seeing Iroh’s attack on Ba Sing Se. It is so different compared to everything else Iroh said and did in the show. He preaches to Zuko about patience and love, but this flashback shows the opposite philosophy. Iroh appears to take great joy in his win at Ba Sing Se which goes entirely against his personality.


“Hello, Zuko here.”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Zuko is the exiled prince of the Fire Nation and eventual member of Team Avatar. Even after joining the Gaang, Zuko is very closed off and gruff. He is prone to angry outbursts and does not take kindly to advice (even from Iroh).

This iconic quote from “The Western Air Temple” episode is not only engrained in the minds of the fans but also very out of character for Zuko. The line is an awkward and stuffy attempt at being friendly, which is certainly unlike anything Team Avatar had seen from Zuko at that point in time. While this is one of Zuko’s best episodes, this moment is very at odds with his personality.


“They Never Gave Me The One Thing That I Really Wanted– Their Love, You Know What I Mean?”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Toph is Aang’s earthbending master. She is the youngest of the team, but also one of the strongest. She is abrasive and sarcastic, but she cares deeply for her friends. Toph often gives off an air of nonchalance, but she knows more about her friends than she cares to admit.

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While Toph does love her friends, she doesn’t love sappy moments. She is never one to volunteer her feelings unless they involve beating someone up. This quote from the series finale with Zuko, however, is quite different. Toph willingly tells Zuko about all of her trauma simply because she wants to be included in bonding with Zuko like everyone else. It is certainly an unexpected moment.


“Each Of You Is So Amazing And Special, And I’m… Not.”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Sokka is Katara’s older brother and one of the original members of Team Avatar. Sokka was left as the man of the village after the Fire Nation attacked the Southern Water Tribe, so he has an incredible protective streak. He starts the show as an ignorant young boy but ends the story as a strong strategist.

Sokka has never-ending confidence in himself no matter the situation. So this quote from season three doesn’t match with his personality at all. He is usually full of bravado, but here he only has self-pity. Sokka is doubting his ability in a battle, something he has never done before.


“Then You Didn’t Love Her The Way I Loved Did.”

Avatar The Last Airbender One Quote From Each Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality

Katara is a waterbending master. She is the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, so all she wants is to master the practice. She is strong and independent, preferring to rely on herself rather than others. She can be stubborn, but it always comes from a place of love.

This quote comes from “The Southern Raiders” in which Katara is speaking to Sokka about their mother. The siblings’ loss of their mother usually makes their bond stronger, but here Katara uses it to weaken the bond. Katara and Sokka fight like siblings usually do, but they don’t ever intentionally hurt each other like this. This may be Katara’s best episode, but it isn’t her best moment.


“You Just Didn’t Care! You Never Liked Appa! You Wanted Him Gone!”

Aang is an airbending master and the Avatar. Growing up as a monk he was always taught to choose love and pacifism over hate and war. He uses this philosophy in his everyday life as he deals with the trials of being the Avatar. Aang’s ultimate goal is to defeat Firelord Ozai and live happily with his friends.

When Aang loses Appa in the desert he becomes a person fans had never seen before. He is angry and hurting, and he gets it out by yelling at Toph. The usually calm Avatar is suddenly full of unbridled rage. Appa was the one thing Aang had from his life before going in the ice, but that doesn’t excuse his actions. In this moment, Aang becomes a person no one can recognize.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-lines-quotes-main-character-against-their-personality-unusual-makes-no-sense/

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