Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Chicago PD: 5 Characters, Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie


Chicago PD has some tough characters, but not every one of them would last in a horror movie.

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Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Horror movies come in all shapes and sizes, and the ones that have created a formula audiences all seem to know now — masked killers, haunted houses, imperiled women characters — are the ones that are deemed the most popular. Even so, horror is more diverse than realized.

But what happens when a cast as tough and dedicated as the members of the Intelligence Unit from Chicago PD go head-to-head with a typical slasher killer from the horror movie genre? Who will be the last person standing, if any at all?

10 Trudy Platt

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Trudy Platt will be the first to go. Stuck behind the Sergeant’s’ Desk for over a decade, Trudy is old school smart but she’s just not as sharp as she used to be back in the day. With a killer on the loose, her main concern would be trying to get back to her husband Mouch and that will be her downfall.

Trudy is tough and will go down swinging for sure. But compared to the other cast members of Chicago PD, Platt will be the first to go. Her death will set off the events for the rest of the cast as they search for her killer.

9 Antonio Dawson

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Next to go after Platt will be Antonio Dawson. While most team members are paired, Dawson will find himself alone; this is exactly what the killer wants. Antonio has burned a few bridges in his own unit which forces him to help hunt the killer without backup. Now, depending on the killer, Dawson may try to talk his way out of his demise for survival terms.

But this also hinges on the state of mind Dawson is in. If Dawson is clean, he’s one of the best. But if he’s still using, then he’s gone just as quick as Platt.

8 Adam Ruzek

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Adam Ruzek is a great cop. However, he will be the next to go after Dawson. The reason for that is rather simple. He will be the first of the men in the Intelligence Unit to sacrifice himself in the name of love and protection.

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In a lot of horror movies, the killers mostly go for the women first. With Kim Burgess and Hailey Upton in danger, Ruzek will rush to their defense, thus putting himself in danger. Since he’s dated both women, Ruzek will find himself in a tough spot. He’ll sacrifice his life for theirs.

7 Kevin Atwater

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Thanks to Ruzek’s decision to help Burgess and Upton, Kevin Atwater will have no choice but to help his best friend. With Ruzek bleeding out, Atwater will do what he has to do in order to help his friend. This will call for his demise.

Since most characters in horror movies tend to group up, Chicago PD will make sure to pair these two together as they’ve always done. Atwater, liked by many fans will try to protect Ruzek and by the end of their scene, they both will be dead.

6 Kim Burgess

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Burgess, despite her tough demeanor, still holds a candle for Adam Ruzek. After his murder, Burgess will head back and try to help. It’s just in her nature. At the end of the day, he was the father of the baby she lost and her one-time fiancé. Burgess is not afraid of taking anyone on but she will meet her match tonight.

While putting up a good fight and with her adrenaline rushing off emotions and fear, Burgess will be the next to fall. While the killer is finishing her off, Burgess will see Hailey Upton coming to her rescue before she takes her final breath.

5 Hailey Upton

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Hailey Upton is no longer the newcomer to the team. But in her short time, she sure has caused a few waves in the Intelligence Unit. After her life was spared by Ruzek and Atwater, Hailey sees her friend Burgess being murdered after running back to help Ruzek. Upton pauses at first but then remembers what the Unit stands for in PD.

Upton entered the Unit as a by-the-book cop but soon bent the truth and law to her liking. But this situation here is unlike anything she’s ever faced. She lets off a few shots before going head-first to save Burgess. A strong woman, but Upton falls at the hands of the killer.

4 Jay Halstead

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Jay Halstead hears the screams from Burgess and tells Lindsay they must go help. Lindsay disagrees and hops in a car. Halstead thinks for a moment then runs towards the screams. He lets off a few shots at the killer, hitting him and knocking him to the ground.

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Halstead has always been a cocky detective. Now, that same bravado will cost him his life. Thinking that he got the drop on the killer, Halstead radios for anyone listening. He turns and takes a knife to the back just before Alvin and Voight show up.

3 Alvin Olinsky

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

Another old-school detective, Alvin Olinsky is just as fearless and dangerous as Voight. Their loyalty dates back decades and Alvin is someone Voight trusts with his life. So, the two of them being paired together in this hunt is nothing new.

After seeing the murder of Halstead and not being to save the others in time, Olinksy and Voight, not knowing who is left, will do what has to be done to take the killer down. Voight takes a few shots at the killer which gives Alvin a small window to make his move. The killer is quick, grabs Alvin, and snaps his neck in one quick motion.

2 Hank Voight

Chicago PD 5 Characters Ranked By Who Would Die First To Last In A Horror Movie

It doesn’t matter who or what the opposition is, Hank Voight will always look to come out on top even if that means doing bad things. Chicago is his city and he will die to protect it; that also goes for his Unit. Voight will give his life to protect his own.

After seeing his close friend Alvin go down, Voight hears Erin over the radio saying she’s getting away. To give Erin time, Voight charges the killer. The killer stabs Voight but he manages to get off two headshots. They both fall to their death.

1 Erin Lindsey

Lindsay hears over the radio what has gone down with her team. She looks over at Jay Halstead and motions for him to leave the scene with her. Lindsay, no longer a favorite character after her PD departure, just made her return to the Unit after Hank Voight begged her to come back after she left for New York.

She looks at Jay one last time and heads to the squad car. Thinking she got away, she blows a kiss to Jay and radios Voight only to be surprised by another killer waiting for her in the backseat. Before she can start the engine, Lindsay is killed on the spot.

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