Cobra Kai Theory Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)

Cobra Kai Theory: Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)


Cobra Kai season 3 will feature an Okinawa storyline, but what if it centers on Johnny instead of Daniel? Here’s how it could go down.

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Cobra Kai Theory Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)

Cobra Kai season 3 will feature an Okinawa storyline, but what if it centers on Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) and not his long-time Miyagi-Do rival, Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio)? Through two seasons, the Netflix series has further developed the narrative arcs for both franchise characters, with both individuals taking the appropriate steps to become better fathers and better leaders. However, the Cobra Kai season 2 finale suggests that both Daniel and Johnny may be ready to call it quits after a tragedy involving their proteges.

The words “protege” and “mentor” are key when theorizing about possible Cobra Kai season 3 storylines. As of now, Daniel has vowed to shut down Miyagi-Do after a massive school brawl that left Johnny’s Cobra Kai protege, Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña), in a coma, the result of a battle with Daniel’s Miyagi-Do protege (and Johnny’s son), Robby Keene (Tanner Buchanan). Importantly, Daniel’s wife Amanda (Courtney Henggeler) demands that her husband shut down the family karate business, as their daughter Samantha (Mary Mouser) was involved in the fiasco due to a confrontation with Tory Nichols (Peyton List). By the end of Cobra Kai season 2, various protege/mentor relationships are in jeopardy. The potential fall of Miyagi-Do is especially tragic, given the franchise’s backstory involving the late Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita), Daniel’s mentor. Meanwhile, Johnny’s Cobra Kai business has been forcefully acquired by John Kreese (Martin Kove), his former mentor, and also the original dojo founder. So, who will emerge as the new mentor and protege in Cobra Kai season 3, and why?

Some Cobra Kai fans may assume that Daniel will travel to Okinawa in the third installment, presumably to honor Mr. Miyagi. In that scenario, audiences will naturally receive flashback moments from The Karate Kid Part II, and it’s certainly possible that Daniel will return home and plead with his wife to keep Miyagi-Do alive and well. From there, Daniel can once again offer high-quality training to students who will undoubtedly square off against Kreese’s Cobra Kai crew. The narrative wildcard, however, is Johnny – once a protege, once a mentor, now a broken man. Here’s how Cobra Kai season 3 could adapt the premise of The Karate Kid Part II featuring Johnny as the lead.

The Karate Kid 2 Plot Explained

Cobra Kai Theory Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)

The Karate Kid Part II begins immediately after the events of the original film, however, the narrative quickly jumps ahead six months. Now single after being dumped by Ali Mills (Elisabeth Shue), Daniel plans to stay with his mentor while his mother pursues a work opportunity in Fresno. The film’s inciting incident emerges when Mr. Miyagi receives a letter from Okinawa, informing him that his father is sick and near death. Daniel eventually surprises Mr. Miyagi at the airport, and subsequently joins him for the journey of a lifetime. The American teenager learns about Japanese customs and the truth about why Mr. Miyagi left Japan for the United States: He loved a woman, Yuki, whose family arranged for her to marry Mr. Miyagi’s best friend, Sato, who just so happened to be his father’s protege. Old wounds are re-opened in The Karate Kid Part II, and Daniel ends up fighting for his life while protecting his Japanese love interest, Kumiko (Tamlyn Tomita), along with a valuable piece of land.

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Thematically, The Karate Kid Part II strengthens the character arcs for Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, as the narrative is grounded by conversations between the primary leads. Daniel learns about the legacy of the Miyagi family dojo in Okinawa, and even utilizes their customary drum technique while competing. In one of the film’s most poignant moments, mentor and protege bond while discussing the deaths of their respective fathers. Daniel arrives in Okinawa as a confident young man and leaves with a life-changing cultural lesson that translates to his life experiences in Cobra Kai.

Cobra Kai Season 3 Features An Okinawa Trip

Cobra Kai Theory Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)

Cobra Kai season 3 will indeed feature a trip to Okinawa, Japan. The news broke in July 2019 at San Diego Comic-Con when Macchio confirmed that the third installment will explore the origins of Miyagi-Do Karate. He also confirmed that Daniel will make the trip but was reluctant to say anything more about the specifics. However, Macchio did make a telling statement when addressing how the Mr. Miyagi storyline has been incorporated into Cobra Kai:

“It was always important from the get-go upon hearing the initial pitch for this project to have Miyagi woven into the story and into LaRusso’s life… Whether it be something [Daniel] needs to tap back into to find balance in his life if he’s gone off… and that stuff has all been incorporated last season.”

Who else amongst the Cobra Kai characters needs a spiritual re-balance? The most logical answer is Johnny, a man who wants to improve his life but doesn’t necessarily know how to ask for help. If the Miyagi-Do mentality is all about mercy, then Daniel is the ideal person to provide some life mentorship.

How Cobra Kai Season 3 Could Adapt The Karate Kid 2

Cobra Kai Theory Season 3 Will Follow Karate Kid 2 (With Johnny)

A Cobra Kai season 3 adaptation of The Karate Kid Part II’s premise would involve Daniel assuming the role of his mentor, Mr. Miyagi, and showing Johnny the ways of Miyagi-Do in Japan. The trip to Okinawa would thematically link to the opening events of The Karate Kid Part II, in which Johnny is physically attacked by his mentor, Kreese, after losing the All-Valley Karate Tournament. From there, a Cobra Kai adaptation of the sequel would involve Daniel and Johnny bonding over their mutual distaste for Kreese while re-energizing themselves through Miyagi-Do family techniques.

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Daniel and Johnny could connect on a deeper level by discussing their deceased fathers, just as Daniel and Mr. Miyagi do in The Karate Kid Part II. In fact, it makes sense that such a conversation would take place in the same location from the sequel, allowing for a bit of nostalgia that will pull at the heartstrings of Netflix audiences. Cobra Kai season 3 could also introduce a new love interest for Johnny, perhaps a Japanese woman who would help him understand the local traditions, just as Kumiko did for Daniel in The Karate Kid Part II. In the original sequel, the narrative ends with Daniel asking his Japanese opponent whether he wants to live or die. In Cobra Kai season 3, Daniel will theoretically ask his former American opponent Johnny the same thing, albeit with a much different tone.

Why Johnny Should Go To Okinawa

Johnny needs time away in Cobra Kai season 3 to address his complicated past with Kreese. On one level, the Cobra Kai founder is responsible for helping Johnny develop into a confident young man, but he also instilled a “no mercy” mentality, which is one of the primary themes explored in the Cobra Kai season 2 finale. So, Johnny not only needs to address Kreese’s influence as a father figure but also needs to open up about his birth father’s death. Daniel can help him do that, as he has similarly experienced the same type of loss.

By talking about Kreese, painful as it may be, Johnny can become a better father to Robby. They’ve come a long way in their relationship, and Robby needs help more than ever after the events of the Cobra Kai season 2 finale. For a proper redemption story, there need to be small steps and big revelations. First, Johnny can clear his head in Japan and resolve his life-long conflict with Daniel. He’ll then feel more at ease when discussing his late father and Kreese. The Miyagi-Do methods will undoubtedly play a role in Johnny’s recovery, and he can return to America with a new set of life skills. In Cobra Kai, Johnny will move past his “no mercy” background and evolve into a merciful man, thanks to the knowledge gained from Miyagi-Do in Okinawa, Japan.

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