Dark Souls Remastered Secret Boss Battle Tips & Tricks (Kalameet)

Dark Souls: Remastered – Secret Boss Battle Tips & Tricks (Kalameet)


Defeating Black Dragon Kalameet is one of the hardest boss fights within Dark Souls Remastered. Defeating the large creatures is a hefty challenge.

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Dark Souls Remastered Secret Boss Battle Tips & Tricks (Kalameet)

From Software’s second entry to the “Souls-like” style of action RPG games, Dark Souls Remastered recreates the original Dark Souls with added polish and updated graphics. The long-standing franchise has launched the seemingly lesser-known studio into stardom, making them a household name for many gamers. The studio’s ability to craft, endearing narratives through the environment, item descriptions, and other subtle mediums has made the Souls series such a popular franchise. Combining this with the series’s infamous punishing difficulty has established a die-hard community of Dark Souls players. From Software’s Dark Souls has established the studio placement in video game history.

One of the lesser-known aspects of both the original title and its remake is the existence of a secret boss within the duration of the game. Serving as one of the most difficult fights in the entirety of Dark Souls, facing the Black Dragon Kalameet tests a player’s skill and perseverance. With an assortment of deadly attacks in his arsenal, Kalameet is a challenge for even veteran players of the infamous Souls series. Kalameet cements itself as one of the most frustratingly difficult boss fights in the entirety of the franchise. With a long and drawn-out process to even gain access to the fight, Kalameet is not for the faint of heart. He will test a player’s skill and understanding of the game’s systems to their fullest. In return, Kalameet is one of the most intense and fun fights to exist in any Souls title ever.

What Gear to Use Against Black Dragon Kalameet in Dark Souls: Remastered

Dark Souls Remastered Secret Boss Battle Tips & Tricks (Kalameet)

Kalameet has an assortment of powerful long and close-range attacks. Ranging from his use of his devastating tail to fire-based attacks. Fighting Kalameet is rooted in a player’s ability to stay calm within close range. Because attempting to fight Kalameet from a distance is a death sentence for even the best players.

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The general recommendation for facing Kalameet is to wear physically defensive gear for the fight. This is partly due to the need to fight Kalameet at close-range, wearing armor that has high physical defense can mitigate some of Kalameet’s melee damage. A player may ask, why not just wear fire-resistant armor instead of physical defensive armor? Although Kalameet has some powerful fire attacks, the majority of the time he will avoid using them. Nine times out of ten Kalameet will only fire a long-ranged flame attack if you are running away from him. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, but fighting Kalameet will trigger his melee attacks before his fire attacks. So be sure to stock up on gear to limit damage from close range attacks.

When choosing a weapon to defeat Kalameet a good rule to follow is the rule of two’s. This is in reference to the general Dark Souls strategy of two hits then retreat, in order to prevent any unnecessary risks or damage. So to adhere to this rule choose a weapon that can dish out massive damage to Kalameet in one or two hits. That way you optimize the damage being dealt before retreating.

How to Fight Kalameet in Dark Souls: Remastered

As mentioned earlier, the trick to defeating Kalameet is to stick close to his massive body. The dragon is at his most dangerous when he is attacking players from long distance. Once close to his body try to land a few hits at a time than reposition.

When attacking Kalameet try not to position yourself directly underneath the dragon. If you do he will leap into the air and unleash a powerful fire blast that covers a large radius. This is one of his most powerful moves, so if at all possible try your best to avoid forcing him to use the attack.

Kalameet’s melee attacks mostly consist of claw-based swipes. These moves are fairly telegraphed and easy to avoid, however, be sure to watch out for his leaping claw swipe attack. This move dishes out some sizeable damage and can be followed up with a devastating tail slam. So if you see the dragon bound towards you be sure to avoid it at all cost.

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Kalameet’s assortment of fire attacks is pretty standard fare for dragon enemies in Dark Souls. If standing too far away from him the creature will fire off a powerful but easily avoidable fire blast. Simply always stay moving to the side to avoid being attacked by these fire blasts.

As you fight Kalameet try to stay on the outside of his hind legs. That way you can easily attack his large body while being able to escape from danger if need be. Avoiding standing underneath the beast to mitigate his powerful fireblast attack. If he is attacking you be sure to roll into his attacks opposed to the side or backward.

Kalameet has a special property in that if you land two simultaneous attacks on his tail you can chop off his large whip-like appendage. This provides players a powerful weapon after doing so and cripples the dragon’s most dangerous melee attack. Unfortunately, Kalameet does not really let players get behind him to attack his tail. He is an ever-moving target and rarely ever allows players to flank him. However, after his powerful tail slam, there is a small opening for players to capitalize on to take out his tail. Use this to your advantage and cleve the dragon’s tail. This provides a healthy reward both in the context of the fight and the sword it provides players.

For the best success against Kalameet simply attack the dragon a few times in short bursts then move and reposition. The fight can be difficult but with enough patience, the dragon is no harder than any other obstacle in a player’s path. Try to avoid getting overconfident when fighting the dragon. Kalameet has the weapons to quickly defeat an overzealous player. Stay smart, avoid his attacks, and pepper away at the dragon’s large health pool.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dark-souls-remastered-secret-boss-tips-tricks-kalameet/

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