DCs New Mister Miracle Just Reversed Darkseids Iconic Tagline

DC’s New Mister Miracle Just Reversed Darkseid’s Iconic Tagline

Darkseid’s iconic tagline: “Darkseid Is…” just got an updated, more positive meaning thanks to the new Mister Miracle Shilo Norman.

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DCs New Mister Miracle Just Reversed Darkseids Iconic Tagline

Warning: contains spoilers for Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #6!

One line strikes terror into the hearts of beings across the DC universe: “Darkseid Is,” but the new Mister Miracle has taken the Lord of Apokolips’ iconic tagline and reversed it, claiming it for himself. In Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #6, the hero learns the true legacy behind the name Mister Miracle, leading to a fresh spin on a terrifying mantra. The issue, the final of the miniseries, is on sale now in print and digital.

There have been three different people to assume the role of Mister Miracle. The first, Thaddeus Brown, was an escape artist who passed his name and gimmick down to Scott Free, an escapee from Apokolips; the third, Shilo Norman, was a protégé of Scott Free. Scott and his wife Barda starred in a critically-acclaimed miniseries, written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerards. In it, in addition to fighting existential angst, he had to contend with Darkseid. The Lord of Apokolips loomed over Scott’s life, repeating the mantra “Darkseid Is,” a grim reminder that death is inevitable. The series ended on an ambiguous note, one that is still the source of debate. Scott Free and Barda are nowhere to be found now, seemingly erased from the universe; Shilo Norman is once again Mister Miracle, with no memory of his mentor. However, a mysterious warrior calling herself N’Vir has attacked Norman, claiming to be the daughter of Scott and Barda and insisting that Shilo is tainting their legacy.

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As issue six, written by Brandon Easton, with art by Fico Ossio, colors by Rico Renzi, and letters by Rob Leigh, opens, Mister Miracle has his hands full with N’Vir, the two fighting back and forth with neither gaining the upper hand. A vision of Thaddeus Brown appears to Shilo, telling him to look beyond the costume and his being a superhero, and to embrace “Shilo Norman,” because that is the true source of his strength. After talking N’Vir down, Shilo is reunited with his once-thought-dead parents, who impart upon Shilo how proud they are of him. When Mister Miracle returns to Metropolis, he calls for a press conference, promising a big announcement. A reporter asks, “Who is Mister Miracle?” Shilo removes his mask in front of the crowd, declaring “Shilo Is..”

In Tom King and Mitch Gerards’ Mister Miracle, the phrase “Darkseid Is” became a terrifying refrain, reminding Scott Free (and readers) that the end is inevitable and that all destinies are set. The phrase became the perfect embodiment of the title’s themes. For Shilo Norman, however, the phrase becomes bold and declarative, signaling to the world that he is truly ready to take on the title. Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom has explored themes of family and legacy, showing how they not only illuminate our lives but how they can become toxic as well, and Shilo’s declaration at the end shows this—N’Vir was a cautionary tale on the nature of legacy.

A new day is dawning for Mister Miracle, and he celebrated it by reversing one of Darkseid’s most iconic lines, giving it a new, and better meaning.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/shilo-norman-mister-miracle-reverses-darkseid-tagline/

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