D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

D&D: 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e, Ranked


Beyond magic items for stealth, there are many other items that can benefit rogues in a variety of ways.

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D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

Originally called the thief class, the rogue is one of the first classes to be introduced in Dungeons and Dragons way back in the very first edition. Today, the kinds of rogues players can create range anywhere from the classic skulking thief to swashbuckling pirates and master spies. While the fighter is certainly a versatile class in terms of playstyle, the rogue has versatility in how their abilities are presented.

When it comes to giving rogues magic items, the immediate instinct is to provide rogues with items to enhance their stealth. However, between the expertise ability and the class’s dependence on the stealth skill, many rogues will become incredibly stealthy on their own as their campaign continues. Beyond magic items for stealth, there are many other items that can benefit rogues in a variety of ways.

10 Ensure Rogues Can See The Locks In Any Environment With Goggles Of Night

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

While not an important item for a rogue with darkvision, Goggles of Night can be an absolute blessing to any rogue that lacks this ability. These goggles have the simple ability to give the wearer 60 feet of darkvision. What’s especially nice about the goggles is that they don’t require attunement in order to be used, giving rogues without darkvision the ability to see in any level of light without having to sacrifice an attunement slot.

Most character races in D&D have darkvision as a natural ability, but for those who don’t, the Goggles of Night are a real lifesaver for moments when they find themselves alone in the dark.

9 Ensure Infinite Storage For Loot With A Bag Of Holding

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

A Bag of Holding is two feet in diameter and 4 feet deep but can hold up to 500 pounds in 64 cubic feet of space. This means that a rogue in the process of doing what rogues do best – breaking and entering – can effectively store anything and everything of value they find in a house. This could be extremely humorous when used against an antagonist in a campaign or when the party needs to perform some sort of heist, as the rogue could not only retrieve the central object of the mission but a few extras that catch their eye.

Having the ability to store anything the party might need is a blessing regardless of the party’s class composition, but a party with a rogue has the opportunity to create the ultimate burglar in all the land.

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8 Cause A Distraction With A Bag Of Tricks

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

The Bag of Tricks is an interesting item. It comes in a range of colors and each color creates slightly different effects. As an action, the person holding the bag pulls one of the small balls of fur out of the bag and throws it up to 20 feet away, where it transforms into an animal randomly determined by the roll of an eight-sided die. The person who summoned the creature can command it as a bonus action and can summon up to three per day.

Summoning these animals is the perfect way to cause a distraction. Need to escape a room that’s blocked by guards? Summon a baboon to burst out of the room and lead the guards on a wild goose chase, giving the rogue the perfect chance to flee the scene.

7 Be An Assassin At The Ready With A Dagger Of Venom

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

Daggers of Venom are an excellent item for a rogue. Daggers are already a classic weapon of choice for a rogue but combine that with poisons and the perfect rogue weapon is born. The dagger is magic when overcoming resistances to non-magic weapons and gives the wielder a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. In addition, the wielder can use an action to make the dagger secrete a poison for one minute. The next enemy hit with the dagger after this has to make a saving throw or take a brutal extra 2d10 poison damage and become poisoned.

Rogues of the Assassin subclass in particular would get great use out of this weapon as it combines their two best tools for quickly dispatching enemies. Even beyond the Assassin subclass of rogues, the Dagger of Venom is an excellent choice of magic weapon for anyone who sneaks through the shadows.

6 Enhance Skills With Fortune By Using A Luckstone

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

The Luckstone provides its wielder with a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws. It’s similar to a Cloak or Ring of Protection in that it provides a bonus to saving throws, but the bonus to ability checks is especially good for rogues. That +1 bonus to ability checks also applies to skills, which are a type of ability check, adding to the likelihood that they’ll pass whatever checks they need to make, whether it be picking locks, scaling walls, or moving stealthily.

Getting a Luckstone is a stroke of good fortune in and of itself, but given to a rogue that typically has a variety of skill checks they have to make on a fairly regular basis, the Luckstone becomes good fortune in more ways than one.

5 Never Need To Scale A Wall Again With Winged Boots

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

Rogues tend to be the characters tapped by the party to break into things or sneak around where the rest of the party can’t. This means the rogue may need to scale a wall, climb a tree, or perform any number of vertical feats in order to get to where they need to be. Having to move up vertical surfaces, though, typically requires a skill check, which if failed severely enough can result in guards or any number of individuals catching the rogue in the act. Winged Boots remove this risk by providing the rogue with four hours of flight, in increments as short as one minute.

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4 Never Get Caught Unaware With A Weapon Of Warning

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

Weapons of Warning make it so that their wielder can’t be surprised and gives them an advantage on initiative checks. This means that not only is it impossible to sneak up on the rogue, but if the rogue gets caught and ends up in a fight, the rogue has a better chance of going first and gaining the advantage over their opponent.

The advantage on initiative also benefits the features of the Assassin subclass and beyond that ensures that a rogue can protect themselves both in and out of combat.

3 Be A Master Thief With Gloves Of Thievery

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

Gloves of Thievery provide rogues with a +5 bonus to sleight of hand checks and checks made to pick locks. Few items give bonuses greater than a +3, so having anything higher than that starts to really skew the odds in the player’s favor. For example, with the Gloves of Thievery a rogue could roll a five on a d20 and still get a ten without adding their dexterity modifier or proficiency bonus to the check.

With Gloves of Thievery, an already skilled rogue can become even more efficient at picking locks, while a lower-level rogue can get a bonus big enough to impress and confound their allies as their natural abilities grow.

2 Make Doors And Walls A Joke With A Ghost Step Tattoo

D&D 10 Best Magic Items For Rogues In 5e Ranked

A Ghost Step Tattoo is perfect for an upper-level rogue who can never fail a lockpick check. When activated, the tattoo provides resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, makes the wearer immune to being grappled or restrained, and allows them to move through solid objects and creatures. This means that a rogue who gets a Ghost Step Tattoo would never have to pick a lock again and could simply walk right through whatever door they’re faced with.

At higher levels it can be seen as pointless to have a rogue roll to pick locks, as the Reliable Talent feature means they can’t roll lower than a ten, and with the Expertise feature will likely have a massive bonus to their checks. This can make lockpicking a tedious formality, or something skipped over entirely. With a Ghost Step Tattoo, though, the players and the DM now have a far more interesting way to bypass lockpicking.

1 Ensure A Rogue Has Stealth Supremacy With A Cloak Of Invisibility

Rogues tend to have such a high bonus to stealth that they’re practically invisible to begin with, but with a Cloak of Invisibility, they can truly become invisible. The cloak does have some limitations, though, specifically that it can only be used for two hours before needing to recharge, regaining its full capabilities after 24 hours without being used.

Despite the time limit of a Cloak of Invisibility, its ability still compliments the stealthiness of a rogue perfectly, allowing them to sneak their way past anything and anyone that might try and stop them.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dd-best-magic-items-rogues-5e/

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