Doctor Strange Discovers Horrifying Fate of First Sorcerer Supreme

Doctor Strange Discovers Horrifying Fate of First Sorcerer Supreme

As Doctor Strange travels back through the prior forms of the Marvel Universe, he discovers the fate of Moridun, the first Sorcerer Supreme.

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Doctor Strange Discovers Horrifying Fate of First Sorcerer Supreme

Contains spoilers for Defenders #3!

Moridun was the very first Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe, forging the rules that Doctor Strange and every other magical user play by to this day. In Defenders #3, on sale now in print and digital, it is revealed this horrifying villain has an even more horrifying fate – becoming an earlier version of Galactus!

Creation in the Marvel Universe works in cycles of death and rebirth. One cosmos comes to an end and the next is born, with new rules to govern it. Now, Doctor Strange’s new Defenders team is traveling back through them, heading for the very first. In the previous issue, they found themselves in the Sixth Cosmos, a universe of pure science, and home to Galan of Taa – the man who would become Galactus. Their adventure in the Sixth Cosmos concluded, they warped back to the Fifth; here, in this dark universe where magic was first created, Moridun, who first appeared in 2015’s New Avengers #2, became the first Sorcerer Supreme. In Defenders #3, written by Al Ewing with art by Javier Rodriguez and letters by Joe Caramagna, readers learn that after laying down the laws of magic, Moridun went on to become the fearsome devourer Omnimax in the next cosmos.

Doctor Strange and the Defenders have arrived in the Fifth Cosmos and are detected by Moridun. As Moridun watches them, it is revealed that he believes he will enter the next cosmos as a “grand devourer.” Later in the issue, Doctor Strange confirms this, but says that Moridun will get there “the hard way.” Moridun is defeated when Harpy opens the Green Door, banishing him elsewhere. It’s an ending that recontextualizes the previous issue, as fans realize that the Devourer of Worlds they saw in that issue is a transformed Moridun, cursed to endless hunger by his ambition.

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The Fifth and Sixth iterations of the Marvel Universe are polar opposites: the Fifth is where magic was born and codified, whereas the Sixth is governed by the laws of science. Moridun transforming into Omnimax is poetic; his mysticism will allow him to attain the grand new form he seeks, leaving him to suffer as a monster in a world of reason. Much like Galactus, Moridun/Omnimax has his own herald: Zota, the man he has enslaved in this issue, and who the Defenders are attempting to stop toying with the fabric of all past realities. It is unknown what happened to him after his defeat at the hands of the Defenders, but he did appear in the Eighth Cosmos, the current Marvel Universe, perhaps between this moment and his eventual transformation.

Moridun’s legacy in the Fifth Cosmos is one of pain and misery, even as he was building the foundation Doctor Strange and the rest of the Eighth Cosmos’ Sorcerers Supreme would come to rely on. Defenders continues its tour of Marvel’s unseen history by revealing that far from being a hero, Moridun was a dark Sorcerer Supreme who met a terrible fate – a fact that will likely help Doctor Strange keep his own ego in check.

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