Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

Doctor Who: 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Could’ve Been Better)


Doctor Who’s Eleventh Hour, which guest-starred Olivia Colman, has 5 things fans loved and 5 things they felt could have been improved upon.

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Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

The Doctor Who series took on a new spin with the introduction of Matt Smith in “The Eleventh Hour” episode. Smith made some changes to the previous Doctor, played by David Tennant, that fans had grown to love, charging the show with a fresh energy that carries viewers into the other subtle changes that the creators introduced.

One of such changes, for example, comes with Amy Pond, the eleventh Doctor’s first companion or, as he later puts it, “the first face this face saw”. Being the first episode of a new era of Doctor Who puts a decent amount of pressure on a fifty-minute story, and even if a new Doctor can often take some getting used to, The Eleventh Hour came through with some charming aspects for viewers to grasp onto.

10 Love: The Food Scene

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

Possibly the most memorable scene from the episode is the one in which The Doctor tasks young Amy Pond to find a food that he will enjoy. His body is still “cooking”, or adapting to the rejuvenation of taking a new bodily form (David Tennant to Matt Smith), and the show playfully uses this to create a humorous scene where The Doctor spits out several widely loved foods whilst bonding with Amelia (or young Amy).

9 Could’ve Been Better: Amy’s Cop Performance

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

The Doctor is supposed to be a clever person. More than this, he something of a genius, constantly cracking jokes about the slower processing powers of the human mind. It’s a bit baffling, therefore, to think that when he is faced with Amy Pond who is wearing a fake police uniform and clearly putting on a forced authoritative voice, The Doctor eats it up.

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8 Love: Rory’s Introduction

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

Viewers meet a slightly pathetic yet sympathetic Rory in the most Rory-way possible. Standing in the hospital, he ineffectively tries to explain to his superior that comatose patients have been calling out and that he has seen them on the street, walking around. The scene perfectly captures the fumbling, endearing qualities of the Rory fans come to know.

7 Could’ve Been Better: The Doctor Leaving Amy

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

The Doctor knows that he often gets times wrong. He also knows that The Tardis is in a state of distress at the current point of the episode, as it is undergoing a similar rejuvenation adjustment to himself.

For The Doctor to jump into the Tardis a promise young Amy that he will be back in five minutes was quite a move for someone who has lived thousands of years and knows better than to make such promises.

6 Love: The Raggedy Man

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

It’s revealed that future Amy Pond is notorious for having grown up obsessing over The Doctor–or, as he became known to people in her life, “The Raggedy Man”. Young Amy never really go to know who the Doctor was, and all she was left with was her first impression. The Doctor is presented as a sort of folklore of her childhood, contributing to the fairytale feeling of the episode.

5 Could’ve Been Better: The Alien Communication

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

The Doctor ends the episode by calling back the aliens to reprimand them for threatening the earth. This scene would be a lot more satisfying if it weren’t for the obvious fact that the Doctor showing his ease of calling the Aliens to talk to them defeats the purpose of the rest of the episode, where he had to devise a complicated plan to send messages all over the world to communicate with the aliens.

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4 Love: Olivia Coleman

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

The episode came out when actress Olivia Colman had not yet hit the peak of her career. In 2020, Coleman is somewhat of a household name–being seen in The Favourite and The Crown, amongst other great achievements.

It’s fun, then, to look back and see Colman making a cameo as host for the impostor alien, and to appreciate how good her acting was even before she was under the prime spotlight.

3 Could’ve Been Better: Amy’s Job

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

When Amy reveals that she is a Kiss-O-Gram it comes as a bit confusing to viewers. She lives in a small town where everybody knows each other, and yet her Aunt doesn’t seem to understand what Amy’s job is. It’s also odd to think that there is enough calling for a someone who, as Amy puts it, “goes to parties and kisses people” in such a small town as Leadworth.

2 Love: Matt Smith

Doctor Who 5 Things We Love From The Eleventh Hour (& 5 That Couldve Been Better)

I highlight of the episode is of course, that Matt Smith makes his Doctor debut in it. Tennent was a fan-favourite for many, bringing a special wit and charisma to the show. Yet, Smith makes himself easily lovable as the Doctor. There’s a lightness, youthfulness, and affectionate quality that comes with The Eleventh Hour and that Smith carries with him through the rest of his time as The Doctor.

1 Could’ve Been Better: The Duck Pond

The duck pond is a part of the episode which is hardly worth noting upon first watching, but for fans of Doctor Who it takes on a special quality upon returning to this episode again. The duck pond is given a significant amount of importance later in the show, and, to put it simply, the importance relies on the fact that while Amy so easily calls it a duck pond, there aren’t actually any ducks in it. While this is fair enough if the pond was to be so significant perhaps the creators could have chosen one that made the lack of ducks seem more shocking, or perhaps a different touchstone completely, as calling a pond a duck pond doesn’t seem that odd.

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