Endgame’s IMAX Version Reveals Cap & Thor During Iron Man’s Final Speech

Endgame’s IMAX Version Reveals Cap & Thor During Iron Man’s Final Speech

Fans notice that Captain America and Thor were also present during Iron Man’s farewell speech in Avengers: Endgame via its IMAX version on Disney+.

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The new IMAX version of Avengers: Endgame on Disney+ leads to fans realizing that both Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) were present during Iron Man’s (Robert Downey Jr.) final speech. It’s been almost three years since Joe and Anthony Russo wrapped up the Infinity Saga with their 2019 Marvel Studios film. To further drive the idea home that it was the end of an era, the film also functioned as the swan song to some original Avengers, including the MCU’s inaugural hero.

Following Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) devastating snap in Avengers: Infinity War, the surviving Avengers went their separate ways and spent the next five years differently. For Tony Stark, that meant time for his personal life. He married Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and together, they had a daughter named Morgan (Lexi Rabe). When the idea of the time heist came about, and he was recruited to join the mission, Tony was skeptical of the plan, afraid that trying to undo the snap would cost him his current life. But, unable to sit on the sidelines and let his teammates figure things out, he eventually suited back up to join them. In the end, it became his final mission as he sacrificed his life to ensure the future of a Thanos-free universe.

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On the heels of Iron Man’s death, the primary MCU characters gathered in his lake-side cabin for his private funeral service. Apparently, he recorded a farewell speech in case he didn’t make it out of the time heist. The hologram video was played for his family and closest friends. Now, many fans are noticing that both Steve Rogers and Thor were also in the house during this time, thanks to Endgame’s new IMAX version on Disney+. Check the image from Reddit user u/swccggergallreturns below:

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The hologram message was Tony’s way of leaving a farewell message in case things didn’t go well during their time-traveling shenanigans in Avengers: Endgame. But, it also doubled as a meta-commentary on how big the MCU has grown over the years since he debuted as Iron Man in 2008. The original scene zeroed in on Pepper and Morgan, which made sense since they were the ones who would be most impacted by the death of the Stark patriarch. Aside from them, Rhodey (Don Cheadle) and Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) were also present, since they’re his two oldest friends. In the background were Captain America and Thor, and while they were always there, the non-IMAX version of Avengers: Endgame didn’t fully show them; instead, they’re only featured from the neck down, making them easily missable.

Iron Man may already be dead in the MCU — at least in the Sacred Timeline, but his legacy lives on. In fact, his impact goes well beyond the events of Avengers: Endgame and the Infinity Saga with a couple of Disney+ shows that will explore stories related to him. That includes series such as Ironheart and Armor Wars.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-endgame-imax-captain-america-thor-iron-man/

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