Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game, Ranked Worst to Best


Skyrim, Fallout 4, and eighteen other Bethesda titles were added to Xbox Game Pass. Here’s which titles subscribers should try out first.

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Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

It’s official, Microsoft’s $7.5 billion acquisition of Bethesda was approved, and gamers are already benefiting. The publisher added 20 of its best titles to Xbox Game Pass on March 12. Subscribers can now switch on their Xbox consoles and PC to load up any of these games at no additional cost. But where should they start from?

Bethesda has made a name for itself for vast, open-world titles like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. The publisher also added the iconic DOOM series to its repertoire after it acquired Id Software in 2009. So which of these titles are the cream of the crop?

Xbox and PC owners now have more than enough titles to play through for months. Here are the Bethesda games coming to Xbox Game Pass ranked worst to best.

#20 – Fallout 76 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Bethesda’s attempt to make the Fallout franchise into a co-op multiplayer experience was one of the worst flops in the company’s history. While updates like Steel Dawn have addressed certain underlying issues, even Bethesda Executive Producer Todd Howard admitted the release was a letdown from the start.

#19 – Wolfenstein: Youngblood on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The 2019 shakeup to the Nazi-fighting series added co-op gameplay, new quest progression, and diverse character abilities. Still, many of these features weren’t fully realized, making Youngblood a half-baked rework of a beloved series.

#18 – Rage 2 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Rage 2 is a stylistic mix of the Mad Max and Borderlands series with clear influences from the Fallout franchise. The sequel packs heart-pumping gameplay, but its lackluster narrative and one-dimensional characters made it forgettable compared to other post-apocalyptic adventures.

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#17 – DOOM 64 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

DOOM 64 delivered the Doomslayer experience on the Nintendo 64 console back in the day, which was a big deal for anyone who lacked a PC.

Unfortunately, the DOOM64’s lack of multiplayer support on Xbox Game Pass greatly impedes its replayability.

#16 – The Elder Scrolls Online on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls Online was a solid release that turned the fantasy series into an MMORPG. The title maintained the single-player games’ vast scope but limited players’ influence on the world as a whole, which was a major allure to the other titles.

#15 – DOOM 2 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

DOOM 2 was a monumental sequel to Id Software’s DOOM that added all-new enemies, more fluid gameplay, and multiplayer support. It’s long past the time of its graphics and mechanics, but it can still make for good demon-blasting action with friends.

#14 – Wolfenstein: The Old Blood on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The Old Blood is a modern take on Wolfenstein’s classic recipe of pure Nazi bloodshed with little-to-no emotional gravitas. It’s fun and satisfying to gun through but doesn’t go deeper than surface level.

#13 – The Evil Within on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The Evil Within is the only true horror title to make Bethesda’s Game Pass selection. Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami directed it, so fans of the long-running Capcom series will want to check out this slept-on third-person survival game.

#12 – DOOM 3 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The reboot to the DOOM series gave players more of a story-driven campaign by adding NPCs that helped the Doomslayer with equipment and information. Its multiplayer mode supported up to eight-player versus modes and a two-player co-op mode, and although its gun-or-flashlight gameplay was controversial at the time, it remains an engaging mechanic.

#11 – Prey on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Prey is a spiritual successor of the 1994 FPS System Shock, making it a must-play for sci-fi shooter fans. The title encourages exploration over gunplay, which some critics and fans had an issue with during release, but its world design still makes for an immersive experience.

#10 – DOOM (1993) on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The original DOOM is undeniably first-person shooter royalty. Id Software influenced generations of FPS titles after this now-legendary release. Even so, playing DOOM in 2021 is more of a nostalgia trip than a revolutionary gaming experience.

#9 – The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Morrowind was a seminal release and is still considered the best The Elder Scrolls release by diehard fans. It was the first 3D open-world entry for the series and the first to come to consoles.

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Despite its influence on the series, Morrowind’s mechanics and graphics pale compared to subsequent Elder Scrolls titles, but it’s a worthwhile playthrough for those obsessed with the franchise’s lore.

#8 – Dishonored on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The stealth action-adventure series Dishonored is a breath of fresh air among the FPSs and RPGs that dominate Bethesda’s Game Pass library. Its missions allowed gamers to complete them in vastly different ways, but some story missteps kept it just shy of perfection.

#7 – Wolfenstein: The New Order on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Wolfenstein: The New Order revolutionized the series by giving it more narrative depth while maintaining its nimble gunplay. Protagonist B.J. is no longer a voiceless murdering machine, which provides for some thought-provoking moments and not just another DOOM clone with Nazis instead of demons.

#6 – Dishonored 2 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The sequel to Dishonored improved on the series innovative stealth combat, giving players even more freedom to assassinate enemies how they see fit. The title’s once silent protagonist was also given a voice, which improved the original’s occasionally spotty narrative.

#5 – The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

The predecessor of Skyrim was RPG perfection upon its 2006 release. Its epic enemies, vast landscapes, and innumerable customization options go a long way to make up for its now-dated graphics, although it was unfortunately missing some of Morrowind’s most enjoyable spells.

#4 – DOOM Eternal on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

DOOM Eternal has been praised as the best FPS to be released for its non-stop twitchy combat, over-the-top gore, and dynamic level design.

DOOM Eternal rewards players with supplies when they execute enemies with certain weapons, which means gamers must constantly be cycling through their arsenal to survive the constant waves of hellspawn.

#3 – Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Fallout: New Vegas blends first-class storytelling, stunning world design, and highly customizable RPG elements. It set a new standard for the post-apocalyptic series and is often called the franchise’s best release by longtime fans, merging the best parts of both the early Fallout games as well as including some of Bethesda’s quality-of-life improvements.

#2 – Fallout 4 on Xbox Game Pass

Every Bethesda Xbox Game Pass Game Ranked Worst to Best

Fallout 4 did everything New Vegas did but offered refined gunplay and even more advanced customization options. It includes more than 150 hours of story and side quests to create one of the most in-depth and personalizable RPGs ever.

#1 – The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on Xbox Game Pass

Bethesda’s Skyrim turns 10-years old in 2021, but it’s still among one of the best open-world titles to ever be released. What better way to ring in its anniversary than adding it to Xbox Game Pass? The fantasy RPG packs hundreds of hours of gameplay with its vast array of unlockable abilities, side quests, and factions.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/bethesda-xbox-game-pass-ranked-skyrim-fallout-doom/

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