Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Game Of Thrones: 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You Cry-Laughing


The Lannisters were often the ones opposing our heroes in GoT, showing their ferocity. Let’s look at the light side of the Lannisters through memes.

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Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Ah, the Lannisters, never has a family been so notorious on television because of all their crimes against nature and humanity. They are beautiful people who are also wealthy and among the most powerful in Westeros. However, not all the glitters is gold, and the Lannisters look plenty golden enough atop their thrones.

Underneath all their shiny facade exists a dysfunction deeper than their biggest gold mines. Despite all their family issues, they still somewhat manage to keep everything together with their golden hair; how they do it has become the subject of countless memes throughout a decade of Game of Thrones. So, to send their regards, here the Lannisters present you 10 memes about them


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

You already expected this, but you can’t say Lannister without thinking incest. Well, if we’re to be euphemistic about it, it’s more like keeping the bloodlines “pure.” Otherwise, they’d have a different shade of hair color other than blond and that could very well spell the downfall of their mighty royal family.

Anyway, the Lannisters didn’t exactly catch a bad reputation for incest up until Jaime and Cersei started experimenting just how much they could away with it. They went as far as putting an incest child on the throne and playing dumb about it. Cersei also did this twice with Joffrey and Tommen, even keeping the “Baratheon” surname as if it meant something; at that point, almost everyone in Westeros and their dog knew the truth.


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Moving on to the most notorious Baratheon–er, Lannister ever, we have Joffrey. This sniveling smear of rectal refuse has been the unanimously hated character of Game of Thrones up until he choked on poison in the fourth season. As for those who are confused at Joffrey’s family tree which could have easily turned into a family circle, it’s true.

His grandfather, Tywin Lannister, married his cousin; that’s where the Lannister gene stopped changing much to result in offsprings that are functioning members of society. The results were disastrous, and we have here the most hated villain ever in Game of Thrones’ history. Even the Night King or Ramsay Bolton looked appealing by comparison.

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Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Say what you will about the twisted relationship between Jaime and Cersei Lannister, but they complement each other well. Not only do they look like a beautiful dream blond Scandinavian couple worthy of the heights of Beverly Hills, but they also help each other… codependently. Okay, that’s not exactly healthy in any relationship but give them a break, they’re not exactly perfect when they came out of the womb.

First of all, Jaime wasn’t too bright, and Cersei? Well, she wasn’t too male. Any other time period and that wouldn’t have been a problem, but she lives in a feudal era. That’s why they needed each other, like bread and butter. Besides, they shared the same womb already, at the same time. They might as well be joined at the hip.


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

If you can recall how big-budget and amazing Game of Thrones was back in Season 1, you’ll probably remember how the banter between the power players are some of the most interesting dialogue to ever happen on television. Peter Baelish’s select few interactions with Cersei, for that matter, is a political lesson you can’t forget.

It’s basically Baelish hinting that he has dirt on Cersei after finding out her incestuous relationship with Jaime and how Joffrey isn’t a Baratheon. Unfazed, and truly diabolical, Cersei just brushes off the indirect threat and flexes her bigger guns (or sword in this case) at Baelish. The lesson was pretty clear: no more incest jokes, mmkay?


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Tyrion Lannister has always wanted to be a respected Lannister– at least in his father’s eyes. Really, if that had only happened, he would not have become the genius he is or likely wouldn’t be the most sensible Lannister ever. Well, he did achieve more than being a respected Lannister in the end, he also became the tallest one.

Oh, scratch that last part, he also became the only Lannister. The irony is that he’s also the most vulnerable Lannister (luck notwithstanding). Anyway, Tyrion would have considered such a feat an achievement if only his family was left intact or if at least his siblings were alive. It’s like being the smartest person in the world, except you’re also the only one alive in the world.


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Didn’t think we’d leave Lancel Lannister out on this meme list, did you? There he is, the bootleg version of Jaime Lannister, less heroic, less handsome, but just as incestuous. You could argue that Cersei would have made any male relative incestuous given how much of a vixen and a blond bombshell she is but that doesn’t make it any more acceptable.

The funny thing is, Robert Baratheon, Cersei’s legal wife, always makes fun of Lancel due to how inept and clueless the young Lannister is. Turns out revenge is sweet for young Lancel after Cersei commissioned him to take Jaime’s place after the latter became a prisoner of war. What a considerate twin sister she was but no one seems to be complaining, certainly not Lancel.

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Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Twins until the very end, Jaime and Cersei Lannister died the way their father feared their death would be: like fools. At least, that’s how the writers of Game of Thrones made it out to be; it was as unceremonious as possible, getting crushed by bricks in King’s Landing after prioritizing their drama over escaping.

Anyway, you could argue that it was poetic. Just as they shared the same womb, the same father, the same bed, and the same saliva, they also shared the same cause of death. They seem to have died with at least a sliver of happiness, however, being back in each other’s toxic arms.


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Jaime and Joffrey actually didn’t get much of a dialogue spotlight together despite being in the same throne room every day (until Season 4 that is). It was probably for the best since Jaime doesn’t want to reveal to Joffrey that he wasn’t really fit to be on the throne. That’s Jaime being considerate, at least.

However, Joffrey did deserve to know how unfit he is to be a king, being the little turd he is. In one of their few rare interactions, Joffrey just had to insult a one-handed Jaime, his own father. Too bad he wasn’t alive long enough to see his dad’s full redemption… which later turned into a disappointing 360-degree relapse.


Game Of Thrones 10 House Lannister Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Ask any Lannister what their greatest investment is and they’ll likely answer Bronn. Just Bronn. Not Elephants or mercenary armies from the Iron Bank of Braavos. No– all you need is one good Bronn who can shoot a flaming arrow at a wildfire and obliterate Stannis Baratheon’s fleet.

Arguably, Bronn is the greatest asset of the Lannisters, so much so, that all three Lannister siblings vied for his services. In the end, Bronn got his castle in the form of Highgarden, and it appears Tyrion Lannister successfully paid his debt.


Yes, it’s a dark meme for making fun of Tommen Baratheon’s tragic resignation as King of Westeros. Because in hindsight, he was actually the kindest Lannister0– tied with Myrcella quite possibly. That isn’t to say there’s nothing wrong with him– he was still borne out of incest, but at least Tommen wasn’t as sadistic as his dearly departed older brother.

In any case, Tommen’s impromptu on-screen death was something unexpected. His mother definitely did not see it coming too. Goes to show just how dysfunctional the Lannisters are in proportion to their power.

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