Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Game Of Thrones: 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You Cry-Laughing


These ten memes about House Tyrell from Game of Thrones will have you laughing hysterically as you recall moments and events from the show.

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Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

House Tyrell was one of the most interesting houses on Game of Thrones. Led by the fierce Olenna Tyrell, other notable members included the tournament knight Loras, who was also the secret lover of Lord Renly Baratheon, and his sister Margaery, who was married to Renly. Olenna would do anything to protect her family and Margaery would do anything to be Queen, including marrying the terribly cruel brat King Joffrey and then his clueless and younger brother Tommen.

There was so much deceit and plotting going on with this House that it is the thing of memes.

10 Vanity And Ambition

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

The two most notably Tyrells were Margaery and Loras, siblings who had high hopes for themselves. But they were also incredibly good looking, with flowing locks of hair and shimmering baby-like skin.

And they knew they were attractive. The only thing that was more important to them than looks and what they could accomplish with them was their ambition to be tops. Even if it meant Margaery knowingly letting her brother sleep with her secretly gay husband.

9 Burnt Rose

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Olenna, it was revealed, was the person who poisoned Joffrey at his own wedding because she couldn’t bear the thought of her granddaughter Margaery being married to such an evil person. Ironic, isn’t it?

House Tyrell was burned many times before. And after being taken down by the Lannisters, including Olenna being murdered by poisoning, the future of the house was in question. But they always find a way to rise back up. Even when being burned, they still have the ability to fight back.

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8 Turned To Dust

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Basically, after Olenna was murdered by poisoning and Margaery and Loras perished in a brutal fire after being tortured and held captive in a cage, we can pretty safely say that House Tyrell has been reduced to nothing but ash.

There are other Tyrell cousins that supposedly exist so maybe they were eventually able to bring themselves back up from the ashes. But this wasn’t really addressed on the show.

7 Family Tree

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

It’s kind of hilarious when you look at the Tyrell family tree, which starts with Olenna and her husband and goes down to their three children, their respective spouses, and then their five children.

It’s when you look at Margaery that things get a bit confusing. She is attached to not only one but three husbands. One was gay and was murdered by his own brother. The second was a bratty tyrant born of incest. And the third plunged from an open window to escape the horrible situation he was in.

6 100% Strength

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Sure, House Tyrell had a whole family of people. But it was really Olenna who held all the power. You didn’t want to mess with her, and while she might have seemed like the sweet old lady, make no mistake that whatever she says goes.

And when she didn’t get her way, she did what was necessary to make sure things changed so she would. The others might have been ambitious and felt that they were in control. But they really only made up a small fraction of what House Tyrell was all about.

5 Chips And Crisps

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

What makes this meme so funny is that the image is of actual potato chips that just happen to bear the same name as the popular House on the series. The Tyrrell’s court farm in Herefordshire makes everything from potato chips/crisps to popcorn, nut medleys, and vegetable crisps.

No word on if their popularity skyrocketed after Game of Thrones was released. But just like House Tyrell, they come in many different varieties, all with bold flavours. So they really have the market cornered.

4 Sleep With Men And Women

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

This variation on the Dos Equis man meme, makes fun of the fact that the House Tyrell is home to a very interesting family dynamic. Margaery married King Renly Baratheon simply because she was dying to be a Queen.

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Meanwhile, she knew full well that he was not only gay but also madly in love with her brother Loras. And she seemed to be fine with their relationship, even though she tried with all her might to get Renly to sleep with her, too.

3 Boys Like Boys

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Using the House Tyrell sigil of a golden rose on a pale green field, the real house words are “Growing Strong.” But this meme changes things up to be funny, saying “even our boys like boys.”

Back then, and in that fictional world, homosexuality was frowned upon. So Loras had to hide his relationship with a man, not to mention a king (and his sister’s husband!) But here, the meme tries to make it sound like being gay would have been something to boast about. The boys are so great in House Tyrell than even other boys like them!

2 Deal With It

Game Of Thrones 10 House Tyrell Memes That Will Have You CryLaughing

Who better to add a filter of cool sunglasses to than Lady Olenna herself? She was a Queen in every sense of the word. She spoke with wisdom and you listened. And even if she was soft spoken and seemingly rational, don’t think for a second that she won’t eliminate you or put you through great pain if you cross her.

Just think of what she did to King Joffrey. She didn’t just kill him, but she had him die in the most painful and excruciating manner.

1 Loving It

This is sort of how you feel when you watch anyone from House Tyrell on the screen. Like you’re just fully immersed in the moment with a delicious alcoholic beverage and love of everything that is going on.

Whether it’s Olenna and Margaery walking through the gardens plotting something or Loras proclaiming his love for Renly, it was always full of beauty and love. Yes, even when someone from House Tyrell was actually being the villain you couldn’t help but somehow feel butterflies inside.

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