Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16, Ranked By IMDb


Season 16 of Grey’s Anatomy saw fans saying goodbye to Alex Karev, among many other drama-infused moments. Here are the best episodes!

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Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Season sixteen of the hit primetime medical drama. Grey’s Anatomy, on ABC, is a bit different than its other recent seasons. It only has twenty-one episodes, instead of what was ordered, which is twenty-five.

In March of 2020, it was announced that production on the show was suspended due to the COVID-19 outbreak and that episode twenty-one would be the official season finale. This is the final season for a character who has been a series regular since the very first season, Dr. Alex Karev, played by Justin Chambers.

10 It’s Raining Men (7.8)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Meredith sent some ideas to an online publication wanting to write about her time at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Instead of taking her ideas and writing something with her, they’ve published an article based on those ideas and the article doesn’t paint the hospital in a good light.

All of the doctors read the article, some are insulted, some, like Alex, find it funny. Patients read it to and when one pulls up in the ambulance bay, he asks to be taken to a different hospital because of what he read.

9 Breathe Again (7.8)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Meredith is struggling a lot after having been arrested for insurance fraud and fired from the hospital as a result. Part of her sentencing is community service, which she has missed.

In this episode, she’s supposed to go to court to explain to a judge why she missed her court-mandated community service, but she misses the trial because Zola wakes up not feeling well and after a CT scan, the doctors at Grey Sloan conclude Meredith’s daughter needs surgery.

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8 Whistlin’ Past The Graveyard (7.8)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Alex is trying to get more funding for the hospital and in this episode, he meets with potential investors from Pac-North Gen. It’s also Halloween and it seems like anything that can go wrong, does go wrong, right in front of the men Alex is trying to woo.

Alex decides to give the group a tour of the new wing they’re building, but they’re stopped by a construction worker who pulls Alex aside and tells them they’ve found human remains buried underneath the construction site.

7 Snowblind (7.8)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

A freezing cold blizzard hits Seattle, causing chaos both inside and outside of the hospital. Meredith and Dr. Cormac Hayes, the new head of pediatric surgery at Grey Sloan now that Arizona Robbins has left, are treating a young patient who needs a live transplant.

The storm is preventing the transplant organ from getting to the hospital, but Andrew DeLica offers to help and goes to retrieve the organ, which he does successfully, but not without getting frostbite on his fingers.

6 Give A Little Bit (7.8)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Andrew meets a patient, Cindy, in the clinic, who is there with a woman named Opal, who claims to be Cindy’s aunt. Andrew is asking standard questions while examining Cindy, but quickly gets the feeling that something is not right with his patient and later reveals he thinks she is the victim of human trafficking.

Andrew tries to get the other doctors to listen to him, but they all think he’s making false assumptions causing Andrew to breakdown and eventually quit.

5 Papa Don’t Preach (8/10)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

Amelia has been carrying a big secret around. She is pregnant and Link is the father of her child. She’s worried about telling Owen, but in this episode, she blurts it out, and Owen is initially pretty shocked.

Their conversation is quickly interrupted by an incoming patient, Cassidy, who they later find out obtained her injuries when she threw herself down her stairs, in an attempt to terminate her own pregnancy.

4 Let’s All Go To The Bar (8.1)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

In the midseason finale of season sixteen, Meredith is welcomed back to the hospital with cake for her first day back at work. It’s also the first day for the new head of pediatric surgery, Dr. Cormac Hayes. Amelia and Bailey are both pregnant and enjoy discussing their pregnancies with one another.

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At the end of this episode, Amelia is getting an ultrasound and Carina informs her that she is not twenty weeks pregnant, she’s twenty-four weeks, which means Link may not be the father after all.

3 Sing It Again (8.2)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

After Richard has a public meltdown, he’s admitted to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital for extensive testing, with all of the doctors and Richard’s colleagues assuming something medically must be going on.

Richard becomes patient number one and all of the doctors focus on trying to diagnose him. The theory is that Richard has rapidly progressive dementia will explain his odd behaviors and hallucinations, but Meredith wants to dive deeper, thinking it’s not that simple.

2 Put On A Happy Face (8.6)

Greys Anatomy 10 Best Episodes Of Season 16 Ranked By IMDb

The doctors are still trying to get to the root cause of Richard Webber’s symptoms. Meredith and Andrew have been up for days researching possible causes.

Meredith and Bailey decide to do a biopsy, but right before the procedure begins, Andrew rushes into the operating room to inform the doctors that Richard had hip replacement surgery three years ago and they used metal made out of cobalt, meaning that all of this could be caused by a spike in Richard’s cobalt levels, which it is.

1 My Shot (9.1)

Meredith must go in front of the medical board who will decide is her medical license will be reinstated or not. A number of witnesses are called to testify in front of the board, all of whom are friends and co-workers of Meredith.

Initially, it doesn’t look good for Dr. Grey. Past patients of Meredith Grey are also called to testify on her behalf, bringing back a lot of memories for both Meredith and her audience. After a lot more drama throughout the day, Meredith gets to keep her license.

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