Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Happy Endings: The 10 Best Characters


Happy Endings may have ended several years ago but fans are still coming back for more on streaming services thanks to these great characters.

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Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

The run of Happy Endings was a wild one as it started out with critics seeing it as just another sitcom that didn’t stand out. However, it got progressively better during season 1 and managed to avoid cancellation a few times before finishing up after three strong seasons.

One reason that loyal fans kept coming back to the series was the fantastic characters. Even though some fit tropes of the genre, they were fleshed out to be more than that and most were hilarious. The talented cast managed to bring these people to life, whether they were supporting players or the big stars.

10 Scotty

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Every show like Happy Endings needs to have those random side characters who are known to pop up from time to time. One of the best in this series was Scotty (Seth Morris). He’s mostly associated with Max but had interactions with the whole gang as he was often brought in for the oddest of situations.

Scotty is actually pretty creepy, admitting that he’s possibly stalking Max and being prone to suggest violent solutions to whatever problems arise. His strange thought process is part of what makes him such a memorable character as whenever the show did something outlandish, you can be sure Scotty was involved.

9 Dana

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Although she only popped up in a handful of episodes, Dana Hartz (Megan Mullally) always managed to steal the show. As Penny’s mother, she had an instant connection to the entire gang but she also had specific bonds with Max and Dave. Her charismatic and boisterous presence made her the star of any room she was in.

Like her daughter, Dana is big on drama and showmanship, which made sense given they used to perform on stage together. She was also involved in a few poignant storylines like dealing with being single and then dating Dave’s dad, which basically made him and Penny siblings despite their mutual attraction.

8 Derrick

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

It was very likely that Derrick (Stephen Guarino) was the show’s most consistent recurring character. He was first introduced when Penny wanted a gay best friend because Max didn’t do things that she believed a stereotypical gay man would. Derrick stepped in and formed an instant bond with Penny.

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Alas, she quickly grew tired of his over-the-top antics and constant shouting of “DRAMA,” mostly because she already filled that personality for the gang. Despite this, Derrick stuck around and would pop up from time to time. He even got married at the end of season 2, which was a big wedding for the main characters.

7 Pete

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Another character who was mostly connected to Penny, Pete (Nick Zano) got engaged to her. The start of their relationship was rocky as they met after Penny was concussed, so she had to wear a helmet and hid this by wearing hats at every other odd date they went on. Once he learned the truth, Pete still stayed with her.

Not only did he accept all of Penny’s oddities but he also managed to do something difficult, which was to fit in with her friends. On a show with such an established set of characters, introducing someone new to that dynamic can be a tall task but Pete felt like he belonged and was a welcome addition to the mix.

6 Dave Rose Jr.

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

It’s time to move into the show’s core group of characters. Dave Rose Jr. (Zachary Knighton) is one of the most notable right at the start since it’s his wedding that kicks things off. In many ways though, Dave feels like the Ted Mosby of this show in that he’s arguably the protagonist but everyone else outshines him.

His success at running a food truck is admirable and he’s a great friend to those close to him but he could also come across as annoying. Dave is known to try way too hard to prove himself as the coolest guy in the group, which often led to him being the butt of the joke.

5 Alex Kerkovich

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

The case of Alex Kerkovich (Elisha Cuthbert) is an interesting one. She started the show as something of an antagonist because all the audience knew was that she left Dave at the altar and went on the honeymoon with another guy. Of course, there was more to the story and to their relationship than that, which helped flesh Alex out.

Unfortunately, she kind of got stuck with the unfortunate “dumb blonde” stereotype seen on TV too often. Alex was always the last one to get the joke and would say things that kind of made no sense, making her the other one to get dissed alongside Dave. It was through her relationships, including the rekindled one with Dave, that fans got to learn more about her.

4 Max Blum

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Although every character had their source of comedy, Max Blum (Adam Pally) has a case for being the funniest in the series. Penny described him as a “straight dude who likes dudes” since he circumvented tropes and was basically a lazy, uncultured guy. It’s that aspect that often made him such a fun disaster to watch.

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Max clearly cared about his friends but was also shown to be pretty selfish at times, not afraid to put his own needs in front of them. That included taking things to a very serious level during a series of pranks. It makes sense that Max was friends with Scotty because he’s just as outlandish as he is sometimes.

3 Penny Hartz

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

There was no character from Happy Endings who was more quotable than Penny Hartz (former SNL cast member Casey Wilson). From hilarious one-liners to iconic quotes like “a-MAH-zing,” she was always a hoot. That made her likable, as did her hopelessly optimistic outlook on things.

Penny was kind of a mess when it came to her love life, always getting into odd shenanigans, taking on the personalities and hobbies of whoever she’s dating, and sometimes self-sabotaging. Despite that, she was constantly in an upbeat mood and truly believed good things were coming soon. Fans also got to understand her more through her complicated romantic interest in Dave.

2 Jane Kerkovich-Williams

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

In a lot of ways, Jane Kerkovich-Williams (Eliza Coupe) was the one who grounded the group. She has a no-nonsense attitude and is the definition of a perfectionist, which could have both a positive and negative impact on the gang. She also was fiercely competitive, sometimes to a fault.

Jane was great whenever that played a part in the storyline but she also was a standout when she tried to go against it. For example, her poor attempts at jokes that only she finds funny was a running gag that always made the audience laugh. On top of it all, Jane typically used her Type-A personality to defend or help those she was closest to.

1 Brad Williams

Happy Endings The 10 Best Characters

Brad Williams (Damon Wayans Jr.) feels like he might have the most connections to the other members of the group. He is married to Jane, met Max while filming The Real World, Alex is his sister-in-law, and he’s one of Dave’s best friends. He also happened to be one of the most well-rounded characters.

By day, Brad was an investment banker who did very well at his job but he also had a playful side that came out whenever he hung out with his friends. It was enough to prevent him from getting stuck in typical character tropes. Throw in the fact that he’s always a good friend and a great, supportive husband, and he’s a winner.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/happy-endings-best-characters/

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