How Long Does Red Dead Redemption 2 Take To Beat

How Long Does Red Dead Redemption 2 Take To Beat?


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a huge game, so thankfully players now know exactly how long it will take to beat Rockstar’s open world Western.

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How Long Does Red Dead Redemption 2 Take To Beat

Red Dead Redemption 2 is nearly here, and if those reviews are anything to go by then players will be wanting to know how long it takes to beat. After all, Red Dead Redemption 2 promises to be a lengthy experience for players, with the Van der Linde gang’s story looking to require a serious investment in terms of hours.

Rockstar appears to have gone for an extremely deep gaming experience once more, perhaps delving even further into an immersive world than even Grand Theft Auto V. With a cast of characters to discover and a huge map to explore, some may be expecting to have to book in some serious time with Red Dead Redemption 2 to reach the end.

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As it turns out, head writer Dan Houser has been on hand to give an overview of how long players should take to finish Red Dead Redemption 2’s main story. Speaking with Vulture, Houser revealed that players should prepare for a main story that takes approximately 60 hours to complete. That’s a serious amount of time, but apparently Rockstar had even more planned for the story, too.

According to Houser, about 5 hours of extra content from the plot was cut, including a second love interest for main character Adam Morgan. Equally, Rockstar also decided to cut a “mission on a train where you had to deal with bounty hunters,” after believing that it didn’t quite feel fun enough.

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Although some may feel a little disappointed to be missing out on these extra missions – particularly if it resulted in new romance options – nonetheless a 60-hour main story is still a lot to get through. Equally, with gameplay hours as lengthy as that, making sure that all content lives up to scratch is definitely worthwhile to keep players entertained without feeling as though Red Dead Redemption 2 was becoming a chore. That also doesn’t cover the side quests that will inevitably crop up, nor the upcoming Red Dead Online.

All in all, then, players will be wise to book some time out in their diaries for Red Dead Redemption 2, although of course there’s more to a game than its length. Thankfully, from the looks of it there’s also some genuinely compelling gameplay provided within its open world, and so the grind that sometimes comes from large games, particularly as they come to their conclusion, will hopefully be absent here. Either way, between Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, gamers have plenty of single player story to get through. So much for those warnings of the death of the single player game.

More: Red Dead Redemption 2 Characters Revealed: Meet The Van der Linde Gang

Source: Vulture

Rob Gordon is a writer and musician from Brighton, United Kingdom. A Creative Writing Masters graduate from the University of Exeter, Rob has his roots in fiction writing but also has extensive experience writing about video games and the video game industry. As well as this, Rob is at home with a focus on film and television, particularly when it comes to the realms of horror. Alongside his writing, Rob plays in two UK-based musical acts, the electro-pop band Palomino Club and rock band Titans & Kings, and also lends his vocal talents to the Big Boys Don’t Cry podcast, which reviews and discusses romantic comedies. The bands and the podcast can be found on all good digital distribution platforms, and Rob can also be found on Twitter.

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