Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Ice Cube’s 10 Best Movies, According To IMDb


Ice Cube got his start in the hip-hop world but he has also starred in over 30 films to date. IMDb ranks the best films of his career, so far.

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Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Ice Cube is one of the most multitalented performers currently working in Hollywood. As one of the founding members of the gangster-rap group NWA, Cube became a massive recording artist once going solo with his 1990 debut album, AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted.

One year later, Cube made his big-screen debut in John Singleton’s seminal coming-of-age film Boyz n the Hood. In 1995, Cube transitioned into writing and producing with the classic comedy Friday, co-starring Chris Tucker. Since then, Cube has appeared in over 30 feature films and most recently starred in The High Note. With Last Friday currently in preproduction, here are Ice Cube’s 10 best movies, according to IMDb.

10 The Glass Shield (1994) 6.2/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Systemic police corruption is the subject of Cube’s third feature film, The Glass Shield, in which a young black man and rookie female law enforcer face widespread prejudice and subjugation.

Teddy Woods (Cube) is arrested at a gas station by black cop John Johnson (Michael Boatman) and a rookie female officer Deborah Fields (Lori Petty) for a murder he did not commit. With a warrant out for his arrest and a gun in his possession, the cops pin the murder on Woods without a second thought. In witness the unfair treatment, Johnson and Fields work to prove Teddy’s innocence.

9 Next Friday (2000) 6.2/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Five years after the runaway hit comedy Friday, Craig (Cube) moved away from rough streets of South Central and into the affluent suburbs of Rancho Cucamonga to live with his cousin, Day-Day (Mike Epps) in Next Friday.

Upon his arrival, Craig meets his new neighbor Karla (Lisa Rodriguez), who happens to be the sister of three drug dealers with a stash of cash Craig needs to prevent his cousin’s eviction. As they hatch a plan to get the money, a wild series of hijinks ensue.

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8 Barbershop (2002) 6.3/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Cube joins Cedric the Entertainer, Anthony Anderson, Keith David, and more in the comedic ensemble of Barbershop, a tale of a tight-knit community coming together in South Side Chicago.

When Calvin Palmer (Cube) sells the sacred barbershop he inherited from his deceased father, he faces backlash for selling out among the various patrons in the community. Steadfast in denial at first, Calvin slowly realizes through heartened and hilarious testimony of the shop’s customers that you cannot put a price on such an important place.

7 Trespass (1992) 6.3/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

The second feature film Cube starred in was Trespass, a gritty action thriller directed by Walter Hill from a script by Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis. Ice-T, Bill Paxton, and William Sadler costar.

In Arkansas, firemen Vince (Paxton) and Don (Sadler) find a treasure map on the job. The map leads them to a trove of stolen gold located in a warehouse in St. Louis. When the two men travel to the city to retrieve the loot, they’re bombarded by an onslaught of gunfire from a local gang intent on taking the money.

6 Higher Learning (1995) 6.5/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Four years after making his mark in Boyz n the Hood, Cube reunited with director John Singleton for Higher Learning, a movie that explores the tension between black and white America.

Costarring Omar Epps, Jennifer Connelly, Larry Fishburne, Michael Rappaport, Kristy Swanson, Regina King, and others, the film tracks a diverse student body at Columbus University who experience racial strife and prejudicial tension on campus. When a white supremacist hatches a plan to shoot black students on campus, positive action is taken to promote peace.

5 22 Jump Street (2014) 7.0/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Cube reprises his role as no-nonsense Police Captain Dickson in 22 Jump Street, a sequel in which the two leads Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) graduate to undercover work at a local college.

Much of the plot revolves around the fraying relationship between the two buddy-cops. Jenko meets a strapping football star named Zook (Wyatt Russell) who he becomes new best friend with, leaving Jenko alone to investigate the artsy crowd on campus. As Schmidt and Jenko work to find the supplier of the drug WHY-PHY on campus, they must mend their friendship in the process.

4 Three Kings (1999) 7.1/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Cube costars alongside George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg in the screwball war comedy Three Kings, directed by David O. Russell.

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While on a mission in Kuwait, the quartet of U.S. soldiers happens upon a cache of gold bullion. As they hatch a plan to transport the unreported loot to keep for themselves, their selfishness takes a backseat when witnessing lethal atrocities conducted by the empowered regime. Instead of enriching themselves, the Three Kings set out to help liberate the locals.

3 21 Jump Street (2012) 7.2/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

In 21 Jump Street, listless cops Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are given the assignment to infiltrate a high-school while undercover as students in order to identify the supplier of a deadly synthetic drug. Cube plays their demanding Captain who refuses to take no for an answer.

Once enrolled, the two underachievers take the drugs themselves, leading to a wacky experience that helps them get closer to the drug dealer in question. The Chip Lord and Chris Miller film also feature Brie Larson, Dave Franco, Jake Johnson, Nick Offerman, and more.

2 Friday (1995) 7.3/10

Ice Cubes 10 Best Movies According To IMDb

Friday is the movie that really transitioned Ice Cube from into the world of filmmaking. He not only starred in the film, but he also co-wrote and exec-produced the movie.

The classic stoner comedy finds Craig (Cube) fired from his job on his day off. Left with nothing to do, his weed-selling friend Smokey (Chris Tucker) convinces him to smoke for the first time. Craig gives in, but can’t quite function when local drug dealer Big Worm (Faizon Love) and neighborhood heavy Deebo (Tiny Lister Jr.) comes around.

1 Boyz N The Hood (1991) 7.7/10

The first film Cube starred in continues to rank the highest among his entire filmography to date, according to IMDb. John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood earned two Oscar nominations, including Best Director and Original Screenplay. At 24 years old, Singleton was the youngest director and first African American to be nominated for Best Director.

The story follows Tre Styles (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a young man coming of age in South Central Los Angeles while living with his single father, Furious (Larry Fishburne). With loyalty to his closest friends Ricky (Morris Chestnut) and Dough Boy (Cube), Tre must navigate the difficulties of gang-violence claiming too many lives.

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