John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

John Wick: Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)


Action fans are pumped for the fourth and fifth installments of the John Wick franchise, but will the Keanu Reeves character wear out his welcome?

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John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

Following the unprecedented success of John Wick’s initial trio of big-screen outings, Lionsgate has greenlit back-to-back fourth and fifth installments that will continue Baba Yaga’s adventures — and possibly conclude them. There’s no official word on whether the fifth John Wick movie will be the last, but the cliffhanger ending of Parabellum seemed to be heading into a kind of Wick-verse Endgame in which John and the Bowery King take on the High Table.

On one hand, the John Wick movies seem to just keep going from strength to strength. On the other hand, movie franchises often go on for so long that they unwittingly destroy their own legacy. There are plenty of arguments both for and against ending the John Wick series.

10 Should End After Chapter 5: It Needs To Go Out On A High Note

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

Very few action movie franchises have gone out on a high note. From A Good Day to Die Hard to Rambo: Last Blood, most action movie finales are so far gone from what made their franchise great in the first place that it feels less like a swansong and more like a studio putting an IP out of its misery.

The John Wick series is on a winning streak at the moment, but the filmmakers need to be wary that they don’t let it go on for so long that it becomes a detriment to its own legacy.

9 Should Keep Going: The Character Has Become Iconic

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

John Wick has quickly bypassed Neo, Johnny Utah, and Ted “Theodore” Logan to become Keanu Reeves’ most iconic role. The character is so instantly memorable and fascinating that he’s become the most recognizable part of Reeves’ entire decades-long filmography.

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As long as audiences keep demanding to see more of this character and Reeves is willing to keep coming back and putting in as much effort with each movie, then he might as well keep riding this wave.

8 Should End After Chapter 5: The Series Risks Getting Repetitive

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

So far, the John Wick movies have continually upped the stakes. In the first movie, he avenges his dog. In the second movie, he takes out a personal vendetta against a very powerful adversary. In the third movie, he faces the fallout from that vengeful impulse. In the fourth and fifth movies, he’s primed to take on the entire High Table organization.

But there are only so many times the producers can raise the stakes of this conflict. Eventually, they’ll find themselves going to space like Dom Toretto’s Fast and Furious crew. It’d be better to end the John Wick franchise sooner than later because it risks getting repetitive.

7 Should Keep Going: It’s The Most Consistently Great Action Movie Franchise Around

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

Straightforward action movie franchises (ie nothing involving superheroes or Jedi) are generally rocky at best. The James Bond movies vary massively in quality, Tom Cruise’s stunts cover up shaky storytelling in the Mission: Impossible franchise and Fast & Furious is dependable for lovable actors and increasingly ridiculous action but not much else.

The John Wick series is the most consistently great action movie franchise around, but it’s one less-than-awesome movie away from becoming yet another fallible action series like Indiana Jones, Bourne, The Expendables, and countless others.

6 Should End After Chapter 5: Keanu Reeves Isn’t Getting Any Younger

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

While Keanu Reeves still brings his A-game to every single action beat in the John Wick franchise, his age began to show in the fight scenes in Parabellum. In the final string of fight scenes, the threequel even called attention to it as John’s respectful opponents give him time to recover from each hit. Reeves’ commitment is unparalleled, but he’s in his fifties.

The whole fun of John Wick’s action comes from Reeves doing the stunts himself, allowing the editors to cut when it’s best for the movie and not when he’s swapped out for a stunt double. The franchise will lose its greatest asset if it has to employ frenzied cutting like Taken 3’s infamous fence jump scene.

5 Should Keep Going: The Worldbuilding Is Rich Enough To Sustain It

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

One of the things that made John Wick stand out amongst the crowd of revenge thrillers was the masterful worldbuilding in Derek Kolstad’s script. Without taking too long to explain the lore or letting the exposition distract from the plot, John Wick set up a worldwide network of contract killers with their own chain of hotels.

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The first three John Wick movies have established worldbuilding on a global scale that’s more than interesting and complex enough to sustain a bunch more movies.

4 Should End After Chapter 5: The Narrative Arc Is Building Toward A Climax

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

The original John Wick movie told the relatively simplistic story of a grieving hitman avenging the murder of his dog in the context of a larger fictional universe. After the next two movies have fleshed out that world and given John some very powerful enemies, the narrative arc is seemingly building toward some big payoffs.

The back-to-back fourth and fifth John Wick movies can pay off all the ongoing story threads in the same way that Infinity War and Endgame did for the MCU’s “Infinity Saga.”

3 Should Keep Going: No One Else Is Making Action Like The John Wick Team

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

Although movies like The Night Comes for Us and Brawl in Cell Block 99 offer similarly intense fight scenes, the John Wick franchise’s action is unparalleled in the current moviegoing landscape.

No one else in action cinema right now is making action scenes with the same physicality, visual flair, and pitch-perfect pacing as that of the John Wick movies.

2 Should End After Chapter 5: The Story Needs A Definitive Conclusion

John Wick Why The Series Should End After Chapter 5 (& 5 Reasons It Should Keep Going)

The serialized nature of the John Wick series means it needs a definitive conclusion. It can’t keep hopping from cliffhanger to cliffhanger until eventually calling it quits when the audience doesn’t care anymore.

This franchise has been continually raising the stakes and building toward an endgame. The series needs a deliberate, coordinated ending that ties up all the loose ends.

1 Should Keep Going: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Keanu Reeves, Chad Stahelski, and the rest of the John Wick team are committed to making these movies the best they can be and the audience keeps lapping them up, so there’s really no sense in stopping any time soon. Kevin Feige has been tweaking the same formula three times a year for over a decade now and the MCU is going stronger than ever.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. As long as the filmmakers continue to put in as much care and passion and hard work, the movies will continue to be great.

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