Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

Lord Of The Rings: 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition


From extra details and scenes to some character explanations, these scenes would be missed by anyone not watching the extended Fellowship of the Ring.

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Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been almost twenty years since the first installment of Peter Jackson’s monumental Lord of the Rings trilogy first appeared on theater screens. Of course, the version shown in theaters wouldn’t be the only way that The Fellowship of the Ring would reach viewers, and when the Extended Edition was released, viewers were given the pleasure of numerous additional scenes.

While some of these were brief and didn’t really add to the plot, others provided little pieces of crucial information that not only enrich appreciation of the film but also shape the narratives of the subsequent two films.

10 The Exact Circumstances Of Isildur’s Death

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

In the theatrical version, Galadriel’s opening voiceover makes it clear that the tragic figure of Isildur was slain when the One Ring betrayed him. However, the exact circumstances of that betrayal are left vague. In the opening sequence in the Extended Edition, the viewer learns that his party was ambushed by Orcs and, when he slipped the Ring on to try to escape them, it slipped off, rendering him visible, and vulnerable, to the arrows of his enemies, who quickly shot him down.

9 What The Writing On The One Ring Says In The Black Speech

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

When Gandalf visits Frodo at his home in the Shire, he reveals that the One Ring has writing on it, though it can only be seen when the Ring gets hot. However, he doesn’t go into a great deal of detail about what it says. It’s only when he is sitting in the Council of Elrond in Rivendell–an important moment for the alliances of Middle-earth–that he says aloud what it says, speaking in the dread Black Speech of Mordor. It’s a terrific moment from the Extended Edition, and the guttural sound of that language is indeed disturbing and terrifying.

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8 Where The Rope Comes From In The Two Towers

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

Those who’ve seen The Two Towers know that the rope that Frodo and Sam have is a very important prop, particularly since it allows them to climb down the treacherous cliffs of the Emyn Muil. However, in the theatrical version it’s unclear where this rope came from.

Those who’ve seen the Extended Edition of Fellowship, however, know that it is a gift from the Lady Galadriel herself, which may in fact explain why it came untied at exactly the right moment (and why it seems to hurt Gollum so badly).

7 You Meet The Sackville-Bagginses

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

The Shire is filled with all sorts of delightful characters, but unfortunately they appear only very briefly in the theatrical edition. The Extended Edition gives viewers a more in-depth look at the various denizens of this corner of the world, including the dour Sackville-Bagginses, Bilbo’s dreadful cousins. Though they don’t have any dialogue, it’s very clear that Bilbo is absolutely terrified of them, and he comically manages to avoid having to interact with them at his birthday party (while helping Frodo to do so as well).

6 That Bilbo And Sam Saw Elves On Their Way To The Grey Havens

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

In the book, it takes Frodo and his three companions quite a while to get out of the Shire, while the film significantly shortens these events. One important scene that was excised from the theatrical version shows Sam and Frodo witnessing a progression of Elves leaving for the Grey Havens. It’s a fairly brief scene, but it’s a heartbreaking one nonetheless, and it shows viewers very early on that the sad and tragic Elves are indeed giving up on Middle-earth.

5 Aragorn’s Sad Back Story

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

There’s no doubt that Aragorn is one of the most important characters to appear in the film. The theatrical cut doesn’t give the viewer a tremendous amount of information about him. In an added scene, however, he has a conversation with Elrond, in which the latter reminds him of why his mother brought him to Rivendell. She knew that he would be hunted because of who he was. It’s a haunting reminder of the terrible burden that Aragorn must bear as the last scion of the ancient royal line of Gondor.

4 We Learn Who Rosie Is

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

Viewers will remember that, as the trilogy reaches its conclusion, Sam ends up marrying a young hobbit woman. The theatrical version of Fellowship shows a bit of her, but in an extended scene in a tavern known as The Green Dragon, the viewer learns that there’s a pre-existing relationship between the two of them. In fact, Sam is more than a little jealous that one of his fellow hobbits has been flirting with her. It definitely helps to set the stage for their later marriage, and it shows again why Sam is such a heartwarming character.

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3 We Learn That Aragorn Sees Himself And Arwen In The Story Of Beren And Luthien

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

Readers of Tolkien’s work know that one of the most beloved parts of his legendarium is the tale of Beren and Luthien, the human and Elf who fell in love with one another, despite the fact that he was mortal and she was not.

In a powerful added scene, Aragorn sings a bit of their tale, and it’s very clear (as events will later show) that he sees his romance with the beautiful Arwen as an echo of that, and it helps to explain his reluctance to ask her to stay in Middle-earth for him.

2 We Learn That Galadriel Is A Ring-bearer Herself

Lord Of The Rings 10 Things You Only Know If You Watched The Fellowship Of The Ring Extended Edition

In the theatrical version, there’s the barest hint that Galadriel, a very important character in both the books and the movies, might be wearing one of the Three Elven Rings, when Frodo sees a glint of it as they begin their journey down the Anduin. In the Extended Edition, however, she explicitly tells him that she is wearing Nenya. It’s a powerful moment between these two crucial characters, and it helps the viewer to explain why she has the power to keep the forest realm of Lothlorien unspoiled. Though the movie doesn’t show it, Gandalf is also a bearer of one of three Elven Rings.

1 That Gollum Has Followed Them On The River Anduin

In a crucial scene in the theatrical version, Frodo realizes that Gollum, that very formidable creature, has managed to follow the Company into the Mines of Moria. After that, however, it’s a little unclear what happens to him, until he finds Sam and Frodo wandering in the wilderness. In an extended scene, however, the viewer learns that he picked up their trail and has in fact followed them on the River Anduin, which helps to explain how he was able to find Sam and Frodo so quickly after they left the rest of the Company.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-fellowship-extended-edition-facts-trivia/

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