Monster Hunter World is Capcoms BestSelling Game Ever

Monster Hunter World is Capcom’s Best-Selling Game Ever

According to Capcom, this year’s Monster Hunter World is the studio’s best-selling game, outselling previous record holder Resident Evil 5.

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Monster Hunter World is Capcoms BestSelling Game Ever

Breaking yet another gaming record, Monster Hunter World has taken the crown as Capcom’s best-selling game ever.

Monster Hunter was first released back in 2004 on the PlayStation and tasked players with the job playing a hunter, slaying various monster across mythical lands. The role-playing action game has become known for scavenging loot from slain creatures and fashioning weapons to get further in the game. While World hasn’t changed the tried-and-tested formula much from the early days, it’s been enough to wipe the floor with its Capcom competition.

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World had already become Capcom’s fastest-selling game, but it can now add best-selling to its list of accolades. According to a press release by Capcom, Monster Hunter World has shipped a jaw-dropping 7.5 million copies, meaning that the sixth Monster Hunter game doesn’t seem to be running out of steam. Admittedly, it is 7.5 million copies “shipped” not sold, but it is still a behemoth of the gaming world. Impressively, World is still waiting on its PC release, meaning that the record is broken only by XBox One and PlayStation 4.

Remembering that Capcom is responsible for franchises likes Street Fighter and Resident Evil, Monster Hunter World is sitting pretty at the top of the studio. World just nudges ahead of previous winner Resident Evil 5, which has sold 7.3 million copies as of December 2017. Also, with Resident Evil movie maestro Paul W.S. Anderson crafting his own Monster Hunter outing for the silver screen, it now won’t just be gamers that know about the long-running Capcom series.

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Monster Hunter World has gone on to gain critical acclaim, mainly for adapting the series to a more Western audience without losing its core values. Cashing in on aesthetics of games like Destiny, World is still very much still a Monster Hunter game – albeit with some suped-up graphics. World is the first game in the franchise since 2015’s equally impressive Monster Hunter Generations, and fans are still very much invested in the series.

Admittedly there are a lot of big games to come this year, so it is a case of wait and see how Monster Hunter: World fares against the likes of The Last of Us Part II, God of War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man game. However, considering that it has only been on shelves since January 26, becoming Capcom’s best-selling game is quite a feat to behold. Gamers may only be two months into 2018, but World continues to be something of a “monster” hit and is sure to continue this trend.

More: Paul W.S. Anderson Excited For Capcom’s Monster Hunter Movie

Source: Capcom

Tom Chapman is a Manchester-based writer with square eyes and the love of a good pun. Raised on a diet of Jurassic Park and Jumanji, this ’90s boy had VHS movies flowing in his blood from a young age. Heading into further education, Tom turned his passion for the silver screen into a degree in Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. These days, he is addicted to all things Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Westworld, while reading up on what the X-Men are doing and imagining a life in Gotham City. Having previously worked at What Culture, Movie Pilot, and Digital Spy, Tom is now finding his way at Screen Rant and CBR. No topic is too big or too small for this freelance writer by day, crime-fighting vigilante by night.

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