New Manga Puts its Own Twist on Attack On Titans Darkest Scene

New Manga Puts its Own Twist on Attack On Titan’s Darkest Scene

Kaiju No. 8’s Kafka Hibino can transform into a monster like Attack On Titan’s Eren Yeager, but their origin stories are very different.

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New Manga Puts its Own Twist on Attack On Titans Darkest Scene

Warning! Major spoilers for Attack On Titan!

Kaiju No. 8 is almost exactly the same as Attack On Titan in that the main character Kafka Hibino can transform into one of the manga’s titular monsters, but how he comes to wield this bizarre ability differs greatly from Eren Yeager.

In Attack On Titan, Eren’s father, Grisha, wants to protect his son from the human-eating Titans that are rampaging throughout their world by bestowing on him the power to control them, the Founding Titan’s special ability. Unfortunately, the only way that this power can be passed on is if a Titan devours the current wielder, and since Grisha had possessed that very ability, Eren would have to eat his father. So, Grisha injects his son with a serum that transforms him into a Titan and then waits until Eren devours him, and he does.

Kafka’s origin story in Kaiju No. 8 is far less complicated and twisted, though it does have the ability to send a shiver down the spine of even the most desensitized readers. Before his transformation, Kafka had been a man who’d given up on his dream of becoming a Defense Force member to fight kaiju monsters. After failing the exam, he settled on a job that involved cleaning up the remains of every kaiju that the Defense Force slew. But one day after a rather eventful day at work, a small mosquito-like kaiju finds Kafka and flies into his mouth, thus causing him to transform into a humanoid kaiju.

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Both Kaiju No. 8’s Kafka and Eren from Attack On Titan are able to revert back and forth between their monstrous forms, but each of them are at very different points in their life at the start of their respective series. Although Eren obtained the power of the Founding Titan as a child, he had forgotten the experience and only transformed again after he had become a member of the military’s Scout Regiment, Attack On Titan’s own version of Kaiju No. 8’s Defense Force that engages Titans in direct combat. Conversely, Kafka just had a change of heart to pursue his dream of joining the Defense Force right before he transforms for the first time, complicating this endeavor exceedingly.

Although similar in many respects, both series couldn’t be any more different. Attack On Titan is renowned for its disturbing imagery and dark themes with comedic elements sprinkled throughout quite sparingly and far between. Meanwhile, Kaiju No. 8 relies heavily on comedy to drive the plot forward. Humor was even a major part of Kafka’s initial transformation as both he and his younger subordinate freak out in hilarious fashion as they try to gain a grip of what just happened.

Although an entertaining plot point, Kaiju No. 8 shouldn’t have had to rely on Kafka becoming a kaiju himself. His situation as an employee in a highly overlooked and unglamorous trade was compelling in how he contributes to the overall effort against his world’s monsters but receives no recognition. With an overabundance of manga about characters who transform or gain unfathomable powers once a parasitic creature possesses them, Kaiju No. 8 would have stood out more had the story revolved around Kafka somehow unlocking a secret about his lame profession that could save the world. Instead, it latched on to the undeniable success of Attack On Titan to become a story about a guy who can transform into the very monsters that are laying siege to his world.

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