Nickelodeon AllStar Brawl Could Get Voice Update Like Power Rangers

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Could Get Voice Update Like Power Rangers


Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl does not feature character voices, but like Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, it could be updated with voice acting.

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Nickelodeon AllStar Brawl Could Get Voice Update Like Power Rangers

While Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl does not currently feature voice acting for its playable characters, voices could be added in a future update to the game. The fighting game Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid was updated to include voice acting after its launch, so All-Star Brawl could potentially receive the same treatment. With voice lines, the characters featured in All-Star Brawl could regain an important and recognizable aspect of their personalities.

Even though Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl fighters have no voiced lines in the game, many of them are recognizable by their voices. From older Nickelodeon characters like Ren and Stimpy to newer ones like Lincoln Loud, a number of fighters on All-Star Brawl’s roster are heavily associated with their actors’ iconic voice performances. Adding the original voices of these characters to the game in an update could make their inclusion in All-Star Brawl feel more accurate and genuine to their original portrayal.

Potentially, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl could receive voices via an update to the game the way voices were implemented in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. Following the game’s initial release in March 2019, Battle for the Grid was updated to include voice acting one month later. Moreover, the original cast of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television show reprised their old character roles in the game. Battle for the Grid continued to have voice lines recorded as more characters were added to the game, such as the characters Ryu and Chun-Li in a Power Rangers crossover with Street Fighter. The willingness of the developers to include such classic voices for their characters shows respect to fans, as it makes characters more accurate to how fans remember them and fuels excitement for their inclusion.

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Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Developers Have Considered A Voice Update for the Game

The developers of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl have considered the idea of updating the game with voices. In an interview with Game Informer, Joel Nyström, CEO of the game’s developer Ludosity, addresses the question of adding voice-over to All-Star Brawl. In his answer, Nyström alludes to the difficulty of such an addition, but he asserts that when it comes to the future of the series, the team “will be reviewing all options, which may include adding VO down the road.” While not direct confirmation, this answer leaves open the possibility of a voice update for the game at some point.

With the confirmation of DLC characters for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, it is possible that the arrival of new fighters could come with a voice update for existing ones. With how old some of the characters in the game are, accurately recreating their voices may be a process that requires more time. Still, if Battle for the Grid is any indication, the roster of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl may one day be updated with the voices fans remember.

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