Pokémon Unite Politely Asks Players To Stop Using GameBreaking Bug

Pokémon Unite Politely Asks Players To Stop Using Game-Breaking Bug

Pokémon Unite’s development team has addressed the recent Cramorant glitch, asking players not to take advantage of it until it can be fixed.

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The development team behind Pokémon Unite is asking players not to use a potentially game-breaking bug involving Cramorant. TiMi Studio Group and The Pokémon Company released Pokémon Unite back in July, with the successful title being downloaded over 50 million times across the Nintendo Switch and Android-compatible phones. As with any multiplayer arena game, fans have uncovered plenty of glitches and exploits to help them get ahead in Pokémon Unite, such as the incredible range of Pokémon Unite’s Venusaur, or being able to spam moves with Blastoise.

Players have now discovered a new cheat involving Cramorant, a pelican-like Water/Flying-type Pokémon that was part of Pokémon Unite’s initial roster when it launched over the summer. By performing a move during Cramorant’s scoring animation, players can retain the Pokémon’s temporary invulnerability well after the animation plays out. Since this glitch is relatively easy to invoke, some players have been taking advantage, making the game nearly unplayable as a result. Over the weekend, players have posted videos of this glitch in action, which has caused many users to target Cramorant players out of fear that they will activate the cheat – causing havoc with Pokémon Unite’s metagame.

The Pokémon Unite development team has addressed the Cramorant bug on the game’s official Twitter account (via Comicbook.com), informing players that it is currently in the process of correcting the issue in a forthcoming Pokémon Unite update patch. In the meantime, TiMi Studio Group is politely urging everyone to refrain from using the Cramorant glitch to gain an unfair advantage in Pokémon Unite while it works on this solution.

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Attention Trainers! We are currently aware of a major bug regarding Cramorant. We are in the process of resolving this, but we ask that you please refrain from purposeful usage of the bug in-game. Thank you for your patience and understanding! #PokemonUNITE

TiMi Studio Group’s advisory for Pokémon Unite players not to exploit the glitch to gain an unfair advantage in battle will likely fall on deaf ears to those who were going to use the bug already, but at least fans can rest assured that the development team is working to address the issue promptly. In the meantime, Pokémon Unite players will still need to stay on guard for those looking to take advantage of the Cramorant bug until this fix can be implemented.

This recent issue with Cramorant is far from the only controversy Pokémon Unite has faced. As far back as the game’s early days, Pokémon Unite’s microtransactions have been accused of fostering a predatory pay-to-win system – something that TiMi Studio Group acknowledged in a player survey back in July. This hasn’t stopped Pokémon Unite’s success, with countless fans enjoying the MOBA gameplay and range of characters. As the game continues to add new Pokémon Unite fighters, players can expect regular balances and patches to address bugs and glitches that may impact player experiences.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pokemon-unite-developer-cramorant-bug/

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