Predicting How Supergirls Story Ends

Predicting How Supergirl’s Story Ends


With Supergirl entering its final season many are wondering how Kara Zor-El’s story will end; in tragedy with a noble sacrifice, or a happy ending?

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Predicting How Supergirls Story Ends

With Supergirl coming to a close at the end of its sixth season, many are wondering just how the story of Kara Zor-El will end. Will she sacrifice herself to save the multiverse, as she has in other media? Or will she earn a happy ending and find a peaceful way to live out her life, free from the responsibilities of her power? Will her story even end at all, allowing her a chance to appear later as a guest in other Arrowverse series?

The recent announcement that Supergirl was ending in 2021 at the conclusion of Season 6 was completely unexpected. Some outlets reported that the main motivator was the show earning its lowest ratings ever after being moved to a Sunday night time slot following Batwoman. Others suggested the show was coming to a close because of lead actress Melissa Benoist wishing to focus on motherhood and raising her new baby; a challenging enough task without also carrying the weight of an hour-long superhero drama!

Whatever the reasons, fans have already begun speculating just how Supergirl Season 6 will bring the story of Kara Zor-El to a conclusion. More importantly, the fans are wondering just what kind of an ending they should expect. Here are some theories on precisely how Supergirl’s story in the Arrowverse may end.

Theory 1: Supergirl Sacrifices Herself To Save The Universe

Predicting How Supergirls Story Ends

The death of Supergirl has been teased repeatedly over the course of the series. One poster commissioned for Supergirl’s Season 2 finale paid homage to the famous cover of Crisis On Infinite Earths #7; the comic where Kara Zor-El originally sacrificed herself in battle to save her cousin, Superman, and defeat the cosmic being known as the Anti-Monitor. The cover and poster both showed an anguished Superman carrying the body of a dead Supergirl, despite neither the comic nor the show having a scene exactly like it take place. In fact, the Supergirl episode had Kara Zor-El defeating her mind-controlled cousin in a one-on-one fight. Kara’s death was also teased during the Elseworlds crossover event, though Oliver Queen made a bargain with the Monitor to save her.

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Given the role Kara has played in forming the Arrowverse by acting as one of the shared reality’s Trinity (along with Green Arrow and The Flash) there is some logic to the idea that the end of her story should be a major event that culminates in a noble sacrifice to save all reality. The phrase “never-ending battle” is most often associated with Superman, but applies equally to Supergirl and the idea that nothing short of death will stop her from fighting to defend truth and justice. There is also considerable precedent for Supergirl dying heroically, even outside of her most famous death in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. After Oliver Queen sacrificed himself to save all reality, how could the Girl of Steel be expected to do any less in her final adventure?

Despite this, Supergirl Season 6 ending with Kara’s death still seems somewhat unlikely. With Kara having already survived the Arrowverse’s Crisis on Infinite Earths, having her die for anything less than the total destruction of all reality would seem truly anti-climactic. Even introducing a threat like Darkseid wouldn’t be worthy of Kara at this point. There’s also the problem that Kara dying just as Superman and Lois is starting might make it seem like Kara is being killed-off so as not to steal the spotlight from her cousin.

Theory 2: “And The Adventure Continues…”

Predicting How Supergirls Story Ends

Another possibility is that while Supergirl may come to a close with the final episode of Season 6, life in National City will continue as normal afterward. Supergirl could end in the same way that Arrow did, with most of its ensemble moving on to other things or other spin-off series. Alex Danvers and Kelly Olsen could get married and adopt a child; something Alex has pondered for a few seasons. Brainiac-5 and Dreamer could also move on to a new life together and J’onn J’onzz could move to a new town and a new detective series focused on weird mysteries that could only be solved by the Martian Manhunter.

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This may be the most likely scenario, as it’s unclear just how committed Melissa Benoist is to never playing Supergirl again. It’s possible she might not object to the series being left with an open ending and the possibility of Kara still being out there saving the world somewhere, even if she isn’t seen on camera. It’s also possible she might be up for the occasional visit with old friends, or appear in the annual crossover events.

Theory 3: A Happy Ending With Mon-El.

Yet another possibility is that Kara might wind up with Mon-El, the Daxamite prince whose heart she turned towards good over the course of Supergirl Season 2, and join the Legion of Superheroes in the 31st Century. While Mon-El did get married during the seven years of relative time he lived since traveling to the future and then returning to aid Kara in her battle against Reign during Supergirl Season 3, the marriage was strictly political and his wife gave him permission to seek a divorce when she realized that he truly loved Supergirl. Yet Mon-El chose to return to the 31st Century where he was needed as a hero, despite his desire to stay with the woman he loved. Kara traveling forward in time to be with him would be a logical compromise.

Beyond being a nice way to acknowledge the real-world romance between Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood and how the two fell in love, got married and had a child together while playing these characters, having Supergirl travel to the future to live among the Legion of Superheroes would also pay tribute to the character’s history in the comics just as much as having her die a hero’s death. In the DC Animated Universe, Supergirl traveled forward in time in the Justice League Unlimited episode “Far From Home,” and elected to stay there after falling in love with Brainiac-5. It would be both fitting and sweet to see Kara Zor-El reunited with her lost love while still fighting for a better tomorrow.

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