Resident Evil Village Lady Dimitrescus Height Revealed By Capcom

Resident Evil Village: Lady Dimitrescu’s Height Revealed By Capcom

Resident Evil Village’s art director, Tomonori Takano, has at long last confirmed the astounding height of the alluring Lady Dimitrescu.

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At long last, Capcom has divulged the most mysterious of Resident Evil Village’s many secrets – the height of the very alluring vampire lady, Lady Dimitrescu. Since she caught the internet by surprise earlier in the year, many a Resident Evil fan (and non-fan) has pondered how tall the lady stands. Someone even went the extra mile, attempting to calculate Lady Dimitrescu’s height based on the height of the presumably 15th Century French doors she casually ducks beneath in PlayStation 5’s Maiden demo. That guesstimate placed her at a hair over 7 feet tall. Such an educated guess, while admirable in its attempt, was way off.

Fans haven’t only taken to figuring out the lady’s proportions, however. Though Resident Evil Village won’t hit stores for another three months, it seems she already has a dedicated fan club of sorts. And her influence on the internet is evidently growing in size, considering the viral cosplay of Lady Dimitrescu that regularly makes the rounds, alongside fan art that never fails to impress. The lady’s reach apparently knows no bounds, despite her existence only being known for a short while. If there was any doubt of her vampiric nature, this certainly casts it aside – as does recent word from Resident Evil Village’s art director.

In a Twitter post on the Resident Evil account, which acknowledges Lady Dimitrescu’s adoring fans, Capcom left a message written by RE Village art director Tomonori Takano. The note mentions the development team’s glee at seeing the fanfare surrounding the lady, then goes on to reveal the most shocking of details. Lady Dimitrescu stands approximately 9 feet, 6 inches tall, her hat and high heels included. Takano’s final note in the message additionally confirms the lady and her daughters are all vampires.

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Your love for Lady Dimitrescu is loud and clear. đź‘’ Here’s a message from our RE Village art director Tomonori Takano, along with a very curious fact you may have wondered about:

The fuss over Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters has been nothing short of incredible to watch unfold. In such a brief span of time, these characters, these absolutely horrifying characters, have sparked something in fans. That spark is especially admirable when considering how the community has responded to the tragic passing of Jeanette Maus, who voiced one of the daughters. A GoFundMe page started while Maus was still receiving cancer treatment, and donations continue to pour in from the RE community and fans of the late actress’ other works.

Fans don’t have to wait too much longer to see Lady Dimitrescu and Co. in action. As noted above, PS5 owners can explore Castle Dimitrescu now via the console’s exclusive Maiden demo. Capcom previously announced that a separate demo is slated to hit all platforms sometime this spring, but specifics are scarce as of writing.

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