Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City: The 10 Best Characters


From Claire Redfield to Jill Valentine, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City is filled with some very memorable characters.

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Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

While Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City brings several big-name franchise characters to the screen (again), not all of them are equally endearing. Regardless, what makes a character one of the movie’s best isn’t entirely dependent upon adaptation accuracy. Some character changes in the movie are for the better, be they a hero or villain.

It’s all really about which characters push the narrative along and which hold it back. Which are a liability in a zombie apocalypse and which have the ability to save others. Welcome to Raccoon City’s top characters are both central to the story and proficient in combat.

10 Leon S. Kennedy (Avan Jogia)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Often excluded from even the best Resident Evil movies, Leon S. Kennedy has a prominent role in Welcome to Raccoon City. Unfortunately, the movie goes out of its way to make him seem like an incompetent rube.

He gets a good moment with a rocket launcher towards the end of the movie, but almost every one of his frames up until then had either someone else beating up on him or, worse, him beating up on himself. Should there be a sequel, Kennedy may need to be reworked.

9 Chris Redfield (Robbie Amell)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Chris Redfield is another character who is changed from his video game counterpart. Welcome to Raccoon City’s Chris Redfield is timid and mostly incompetent. He’s also incredibly dupe-able and has been used by Raccoon for years.

This includes him and his sister living in the middle of what amounted to a laboratory for most of their lives. It’s as if he has no idea that William Birkin and Umbrella at large is sinister. Robbie Amell’s Redfield has the look, but that’s about it.

8 Richard Aiken (Chad Rook)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

STARS member Richard Aiken doesn’t get much to do in Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City besides being the less interesting half of the less interesting team in the Spencer Mansion. But, to be fair, he was never one of the 90s survival horror games’ most interesting characters.

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The team is investigating a mysterious reported death. Wesker suggests everyone split up individually (for which he has his own motive). Instead, they go in pairs, with Jill Valentine joining Wesker. That leaves Aiken with Chris Redfield, and both spend most of their time slowly approaching one zombie before swiftly shooting at many. Aiken is swarmed, and Redfield squirms away.

7 William Birkin (Neal McDonough)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Neal McDonough essentially plays the role in Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City that Iain Glen played in a few of the Anderson years installments.

As William Birkin, McDonough does what he does best: villainy behind a smile. Birkin isn’t fleshed out quite as much as Glen’s Dr. Isaacs, but he’s still a man obsessed with his work. When his wife asks him what he’s been doing in the lab, he replies with “God’s work.” That reply in and of itself summarizes Birkin, but he would’ve been a better character with some clearer motivation.

6 Chief Brian Irons (Donal Logue)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Chief Brian Irons is the authority figure who gleefully runs from responsibility in the middle of a crisis. He would’ve left his STARS subordinates in Raccoon City to rot were it not for Umbrella’s gunmen mowing down civilians then tearing Irons’ vehicle to shreds.

Even with such a negative characteristic as cowardice, Chief Irons is a fun character. Like some other cast members, he throws around the “F” word a lot but at least Donal Logue can sell the dialogue in the character’s most overwhelmed moments.

5 Ben Bertolucci (Josh Cruddas)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Ben Bertolucci is only in two scenes of Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City but he makes an excellent impression.

His initial scene focuses on the last message that he sent Claire. He’s a conspiracy theorist who just may not be looking into a theory. He’s established as a Raccoon City resident who cares about the safety not just of himself, but of the population at large. His second scene involves him in a jail cell, where he gives off some more exposition before being bitten (by a zombie he oddly walks close to then turns his back on).

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4 Jill Valentine (Hannah John-Kamen)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

One of the most recognizable Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City cast members, unfortunately, doesn’t get much to do. But since Hannah John-Kamen (Ant-Man and the Wasp) is a very talented actor, it’s exciting to see what she could do with an expanded rendition of Jill Valentine in the future.

Valentine is one of RE’s toughest, fan-favorite characters. She gets some tough moments in Welcome to Raccoon City, but this is a good character whose great moments are ahead of her.

3 Albert Wesker (Tom Hopper)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

One of the Resident Evil movies’ best villains, Albert Wesker, gets some depth in Welcome to Raccoon City. Unlike his sunglasses-adorned appearances in the other Resident Evil movies, Wesker here is just a man.

This makes him somewhat endearing to the audience, even if he is messing over his friends for cash. Wesker is one of the film’s better characters if only for the fact that he displays concrete personality traits (as well as internal conflict while sitting at his desk, looking at the pager).

2 Claire Redfield (Kaya Scodelario)

Resident Evil Welcome To Raccoon City The 10 Best Characters

Ali Larter’s Claire Redfield was pushed to the side for much of Resident Evil’s initial six-film series. Here, she’s the lead, and the film is better for it.

There’s a lot to build when it comes to Claire, but she carries the majority of the film fairly well. This is due to one factor and two dynamics. For one, she’s pretty much constantly saving someone (usually Leon). Then, there are her interesting relationships with both her brother as well as Lisa Trevor. Her empathy with the latter alone pushes her towards the top of the film’s cast of characters.

1 Lisa Trevor (Marina Mazepa)

One would be forgiven for thinking Lisa Trevor is the villain of the film had they seen the trailer. But, in reality, she’s only responsible for one scare, and that’s just because she’s horribly lonely and reaching out to Claire.

The viewer can’t help but feel awful for Trevor. She’s been experimented on to no end, hasn’t been bathed in years, and resorts to wearing a skin-like suit to refrain from revealing her face. The movie took some liberties with this character, but Trevor ends up being the heart of the film. She also may very well be the bravest, considering she saves both Claire and Leon.

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