Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Scrubs: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality


Every main Scrubs character has at least one line or one moment that truly sums them up as a person or at least sums up a chunk of their personality.

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Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

One of the most significant ways that Scrubs is one of the more underappreciated sitcoms of the 21st century is in its writing. The show is brilliantly crafted in that regard, both in the storylines and in the dialogue. It is full of memorable quotes for fans, ranging from emotional admissions to hilarious one-liners, and so many of them act as perfect summations of the show’s beloved characters.

Every main character has at least one line or one moment that truly sums them up as a person or at least sums up a huge chunk of their personality and how they get viewed in the show by fans and characters alike.

Todd Quinlan

“I’m The Todd.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Todd Quinlan, better known as ‘the Todd,’ is not only one of the hilarious and best characters in Scrubs but also one of the worst and least likable people in the show in real-life terms. For all nine seasons of the show, he is a bit of an eccentric enigma.

Nobody can quite figure the Todd out, and he is wholly unique in his dedication to inappropriate jokes and comments. While quips like “In your endo,” represent Todd’s time in the show, Todd’s simple answer to the question of what he is sums him up perfectly.

Jordan Sullivan

“Sorry, That’s A Little Smile I Get When I’m Silently Judging Someone.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Jordan and Dr. Cox make for not only one of the best and coldest couples in Scrubs but one of the funniest due to their base level of hatred for absolutely everyone, something that gives Jordan many great lines, including this.

It is not just the fact Jordan is judging people and smiling about it, but it is that she tells them she is doing it to let it be known and not keep it a secret. She has no shame in that regard, and that confidence is one of her most admirable and most prominent traits.

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Ted Buckland

“Is It Me?”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Ted Buckland’s self-deprecation and lack of confidence make him both one of the saddest and funniest characters in Sacred Heart, and this gloomy response to the question of “Who’s the man?” sums him up brilliantly.

Despite being the only possible person the question could be directed at during that moment, Ted still has to question whether or not it is about him. Whether this displays a lack of brains or a lack of self-worth does not matter; either way, it is the perfect quote for Ted’s personality.

Bob Kelso

“What Has Two Thumbs And Doesn’t Give A Crap? Bob Kelso.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

There are two entirely different sides to Bob Kelso. The first is the cold-hearted, money-driven Chief of Medicine, and the other is the retired, care-free, muffin-loving softie fans meet following his exit of the position.

This quote sums up his time as the former. Not only is this a quote that accentuates his lack of care for other people and their wants, but it is a funny and insulting quip directed at Dr. Cox, which is a great representation of Kelso, considering he and Cox are always doing their best to get under the other’s skin and show them up whenever possible.

The Janitor

“Let Me Answer That Question With Another Question. Because I Wanted To.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

One of the most eclectic and memorable personalities at Sacred Heart is the Janitor, who is a compulsive liar and a character shrouded in lies and mystery, causing various issues for the characters and scheming daily for no reason other than just because.

That is why this quote so perfectly sums him up. Not only does it make no grammatical sense, but it showcases that he does things and says things just to do and say them. There is no real method to the madness. It is just madness and that is who the Janitor is. He wants to do something and just does it.

Carla Espinosa

“Listen, I Run Back And Forth For 18 Hours A Day Between Patients Who Might Die And Patients Who Will Die, And If I Find Time To Write An Order For Bedpans, I Write It Fast.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Carla has the kind of personality that can make her unlikeable at times, often bossing people around too much and being too demanding. However, there is no denying her fierceness, her pride, and her work ethic as an incredible nurse.

This quote comes when Lloyd insults her handwriting, and it pretty much shows that for one, Carla takes no nonsense from anyone, for two, she works damn hard, and for three, she is both supremely confident in herself and prideful in her work. It makes her one of the most respectable and admirable characters in the show and helped her become the favorite character of many fans.

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Christopher Turk

“But Now? I’m Not Risking My Health Eating Trash Food. I Mean Unless It’s A Corn Dog.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Similar to J.D., Turk is so often like a big man-child, and that helps make him one of the show’s funniest characters. When he has kids, however, he had to buck up his ideas a little, without losing who he was, of course.

That is what makes this line so perfect. It showcases how responsible Turk is now that he has children, but also that there are some immature tendencies he will never lose. Spoken with Turk’s typical charisma and energy, this is one of his more underappreciated quotes that help sum him up.

Elliot Reid

“I’m Insane, You Idiot.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Elliot has many solid romances throughout Scrubs, and while her short time with nurse Paul Flowers does not go top of the list, this quick line by Elliot is a succinct summation of her more neurotic side.

She follows this up by rambling about her three therapists, her self-doubt and panic attacks, the fact she is “claustrophobic, germaphobic, phobia phobic,” and other little examples of how she thinks she is a little unhinged. Elliot’s neuroticism is a massive part of her character and though she may claim that she’s “insane,” these are all things that make her so great, relatable, and beloved.

Perry Cox

“God, My Brilliance Is Becoming A Bit Of A Burden.”

Scrubs One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Dr. Cox’s character is far more complex than his arrogance, genius, and narcissism. It is certainly not only the front he presents, but it is a big part of the character is the side of him seen most often.

What makes this quote such a good representation of that side of Cox’s personality is the fact that nobody is around when he praises his already well-established level of intelligence; he is simply talking to and praising himself. On top of that, it is well noted by Cox he has zero belief in God, adding to the hubris of the moment and making it all the funnier.


“I’m Not Ashamed Of Who I Am.”

The central character and narrator of Scrubs and one of the show’s best characters is J.D., whose sensitive nature, silly humor, and bromance with Turk make him not only wholly unique but a character at whom insults get hurled at on the daily.

This line vocalizes an idea present in most episodes of the show, that being how unabashed J.D. is. Whether it regards his love of unicorns, daydreaming, laughing at his own jokes, sensitive temperament, or deep love for Turk, J.D. is not ashamed of any of it. He may care about certain opinions, but he rarely lets them get to him to the point he changes who he is.

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