Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Seinfeld: 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer


These behind the scenes facts about Seinfeld’s Kramer gives some insight into Michael Richards’ portrayal of the character and how he became so loved.

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Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Cosmo Kramer. Just the name gets Seinfeld fans excited because he is one of the most beloved, dynamic television characters of all time. While the actor’s reputation took a nosedive after an unfortunate racist outburst during a stand-up set, Michael Richards will forever be remembered as Jerry’s weird neighbor.

Given that he’s a rather complex character, there are a lot of facts about what went into making this character who he is that some fans may not know. Since a gift not enjoyed is like a flower that doesn’t blossom, here are some facts about this fan-favorite character.

10 Cosmo V Kenny: Dawn Of Nothing

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Larry David, the creator/occasional writer of Seinfeld, has been open about how his neighbor, Kenny Kramer, was the nucleus of Kramer. Kenny Kramer would randomly burst into David’s apartment, eat his food, and would come up with odd schemes to make cash, as cited in the DVD short documentary, Kramer Versus Kramer.

David and NBC had to actually gain clearance from Kenny in order to ensure that they could use his name, which actually wasn’t secured when filming on the pilot began. This is why Jerry calls the character “Kessler” in the pilot, which is called back to in “The Betrayal.”

9 Enter Michael Richards

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

For those of a younger age, Fridays was kind of a clone of Saturday Night Live that Larry David worked on before Seinfeld. Many may struggle to remember the series nowadays outside of the altercation that occurred between the cast and guest, Andy Kaufman.

But a lasting part of Fridays’ legacy is introducing Larry David to Michael Richards. Both Richards and David were performers and writers for the show and then seven years after Fridays came to an end, the two reunited on the set of Seinfeld.

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8 Richards’ Fashion Insight

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Michael Richards was very into the costume design of Kramer, working very closely with costume designer Charmaine Simmons to make his wardrobe consistent. As stated in Kramer Versus Kramer, one detail they were passionate about was that all of Kramer’s wardrobe was from the 70s and that he had never bought new clothes.

Kramer’s pants were usually just a tad too short, implying that he’d grown since he’d first gotten them. Another peculiar detail is that Kramer’s trademark shoes had little white stars on them that were painted black and they had a slide to them which Richards would use to his advantage.

7 Kramer’s Dog

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Among the many things that didn’t make it past the pilot for Seinfeld was Cosmo Kramer’s dog. Back when the character was called “Kessler,” Kramer owned a dog that only appeared in the pilot before never being mentioned again.

According to Larry David, the dog was only featured because of Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld had a dog routine that David wanted to use as the pilot’s opening stand up joke. Thus, Kramer had a dog in the pilot so that Jerry’s sketch in the opening made at least one iota of sense.

6 Why Kramer Wasn’t In The Chinese Restaurant

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Loner is certainly a word that could potentially describe Cosmo Kramer, which may explain why the character wasn’t a part of the first big hit of Seinfeld. That said, the fact that “The Chinese Restaurant” didn’t feature Kramer was a big letdown for Michael Richards.

Richards has stated that he was disappointed he wasn’t in “The Chinese Restaurant,” but Larry David’s reasoning for this is sound. David simply believed that Kramer didn’t really hang out with Jerry, George, and Elaine, which is why he didn’t join them to go see Plan 9.

5 Richards Got Fed Up With Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is one of the most acclaimed actresses of all time, but that didn’t stop her from having a giggle fit or two while making Seinfeld. Dreyfus has admitted that her laughing in the middle of a take would get on Michael Richards’ nerves.

Often Richards would take issue with Dreyfus’ perceived unprofessionalism, getting mad at her disrupting the take as she was unable to control herself. Since he did this in character, this would often lead to some hilarious outtakes.

4 When Kramer Was Injured In The Parking Garage

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

Speaking of outtakes, a rather scary one went down during the making of the show’s more underrated episodes, “The Parking Garage.” At the end of the 23rd episode, Kramer places the air conditioner he’s just bought into the trunk of his car.

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During filming, Richards accidentally knocked himself in the face with the box (which, by his request, had an actual air conditioner in it), to which he responded in character, naturally making Dreyfus laugh. Fun fact, the gang was supposed to simply drive off at the end of the episode, but the car actually fails in real life and the actors’ reactions are real.

3 Michael Richard’s Trip To Bali

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

When Michael Richards took a break from filming Seinfeld to go on vacation, he found out just how big of an impact his character had made across the globe. Among the actor’s travels, Richards’ remembered when he paid a visit to Bali in the DVD documentary, Kramer Versus Kramer.

While in Bali, Richards saw an ancient Buddhist tribe. One of the tribesmen recognized him, screaming “Kramer!” As it turned out, the tribe had TVs and they watched Seinfeld when it came on.

2 George Gives Up

Seinfeld 10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Kramer

For all the work he put into the character, Michael Richards won an Emmy three times during his tenure on Seinfeld. As Jason Alexander, who played George, shared in Kramer Versus Kramer, he knew he didn’t have a chance when pitted against his co-star.

Alexander knew that Richard’s performance as Kramer was so strong that he was guaranteed to win every time. By his admission, Alexander was floored when another actor beat Richards, which only happened two times.

1 Richards Didn’t Like Being In A Duo

Throughout Seinfeld’s run, Kramer was occasionally paired with Wayne Knight’s Newman and Danny Woodburn’s Mickey Abbott. However, if one were to ask Michael Richards what he thought of this, he probably would have a few criticisms.

Wayne Knight has said in Kramer Versus Kramer that Richards wasn’t a fan of being part of a duo, with his style of comedy working best with Kramer as a solo act. Regardless of how the actor felt about it, Kramer’s rapport with Newman and Mickey is a fond memory for Seinfeld fans, along with his dynamic with the late Jerry Stiller’s Frank Costanza and Phil Morris’ Jackie Chiles.

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