Shazam! Is Headed To Hell To Get His Powers Back

Shazam! Is Headed To Hell To Get His Powers Back

Having the abilities of the gods is a sweet power set to have, but now with them on the fritz, Shazam! needs to go to hell to sort things out!

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Shazam! Is Headed To Hell To Get His Powers Back

Warning! Spoilers for Shazam! #1!

In DC Comics, Shazam! aka Billy Batson is a powerhouse superhero that can go toe-to-toe with Black Adam or even the Man of Steel himself, Superman, any day, and now he needs to literally travel to hell to get his failing powers back! Suffice it to say, “Highway to Hell” would be a hugely appropriate theme song for Billy’s latest journey.

Shown at the tail-end of the very first issue of the Shazam! four issue limited series by Tim Sheridan and Clayton Henry, Billy Batson has been having a hard time controlling and utilizing his powers with any kind of consistency as of late, leading to a crestfallen hero who simply doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. Currently enrolled in Teen Titans Academy to further improve his skills as a hero, Billy is doing his best to help his fellow colleagues and friends around him, all the while getting more and more frustrated at his unusual predicament.

Revealed that one of his surrogate family members, Freddy, has taken a turn for the worse with his “debilitating neurological disorder”, Billy is upset over the fact that he can’t share the power of Shazam! like he normally does to stave off Freddy’s illness. Usually giving him the “Stamina of Atlas”, Billy realizes that he needs to do something drastic to get his powers back, or risk losing not only his best friend, but the entire idea of being a superhero.

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Eavesdropping on a meeting between the magically inclined sorcerer known as Doctor Fate, and the Titans that oversee the Academy such as Nightwing, Starfire and Beast Boy, Billy overhears that a potential crisis-level event is brewing across the DC universe, making odd happenings occur and unexplainable events take place. Telling the Titans that the Rock of Eternity, or the source of Shazam!’s powers, has been “displaced” to the Underrealm, or hell as it’s referred to right afterwards, Fate reveals that, “…unless eternity is rightfully restored, Shazam…Billy…and those with whom he shares power will certainly remain affected,” giving Billy the information and incentive he needs to figure out how to reclaim his power.

Met by a fellow Teen Titans Academy student and “Ms. Raven’s star pupil”, Dane, immediately afterwards, Billy is shocked to find out that Dane can quite literally open a portal to hell. Knowing full well that this trip would be tough for even his alter ego to handle, Billy is determined to see his journey through regardless, and will no doubt do whatever he has to in order to help Freddy, restore his powers fully, and of course, return to fully being the hero known as Shazam! once again.

So even though Shazam!’s powers aren’t exactly what they used to be, the ability to turn into Billy’s alter ego has become a wildcard that he can’t exactly rely on but will need to utilize at some point to successfully reclaim what’s rightfully his. Shazam! might be boxed out of being the hero he knows he can be at the moment, but if Billy gets his way, it’s a problem that won’t be sticking around for long.

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