Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

Sherlock: 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)


Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock is a complex character – and one who can be as kind and caring as he is brutal and callous.

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Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

Sherlock Holmes is a hard nut to crack in every iteration of the character, but Benedict Cumberbatch takes the character to new heights of complexity in the Sherlock adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic novels.

What’s so special about Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes is that, while he certainly holds up the iconic reputation of being a cold and calculated detective, he also delves into self-exposing moments where he really shows his hand emotionally, revealing to viewers that Sherlock Holmes indeed has a soft side–even if he can be blatantly heartless much of the time.

10 Heartless: Asks Molly For Coffee

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

In the early days of their friendship when Molly asks Sherlock if he’d like to get coffee, it’s clear that it’s taken her ages to pluck up the courage to ask him such a question. Molly’s instantly obvious crush on Sherlock is the perfect thing to throw his complete obliviousness and habitual rudeness into the light, and fans feel deeply sorry for her when Sherlock interprets her request as an offer to simply make him coffee, not a date.

9 Heart On His Sleeve: Politely Rejects John

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

John asks Sherlock if he’s seeing anybody out of genuine curiosity about his personal life. Sherlock, not picking up on the nuances of what’s going on, assumes John is displaying an interest in him. Rather than bluntly rejecting him, as fans might expect, Sherlock handles the situation with grace and politely tells John that while he’s flattered, he’s not actually interested–showing that Sherlock is indeed capable of being careful around people’s feelings.

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8 Heartless: Rejoices In Crimes

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

It’s not one particular time in the show that Sherlock displays absolute excitement in the face of a new murder mystery, but rather, several. In fact, it’s this very attitude that defines a large part of who fans come to understand Sherlock to be.

It doesn’t matter how many people tell him that his behavior is considered despicable by the common person-Sherlock knows his enthusiasm aids him in solving crimes, so he allows himself to be openly gleeful, even if it means disturbing those around him.

7 Heart On His Sleeve: Defends Mrs. Hudson

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

John and Sherlock’s relationship to Mrs. Hudson is a lighthearted one for the most part, but that doesn’t mean it’s not also a substantial one. Indeed, to mistake it for so would be a great oversight. Sherlock knows Mrs. Hudson from long before even John does, and when the time calls for it, Sherlock shows his devotion–such as in the scene where she is captured by a group of thugs, and Sherlock makes them pay dearly for it.

6 Heartless: Uses John As A Test Subject

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

It’s a hilarious scene when at the end of The Hound Of Baskerville Sherlock is revealed to have been the one playing fake dog noises into the speaker of the lab John is hiding in, cowering away from a hallucinatory hound that Sherlock is working to convince him is real. It’s typical Sherlock to do such a thing for the sake of understanding a case–but when one thinks about it, its also a deeply cruel thing to do to somebody.

5 Heart On His Sleeve: Begs John’s Forgiveness

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

After Sherlock aggressively states to John that he doesn’t “have any friends”, John is understandably upset. The next day, Sherlock tries to jump back into acting as they usually do, trying to pretend nothing happened–but John won’t have it. In response, Sherlock resorts to groveling–showering John with compliments and assuring him that while he doesn’t have friends, he does have “one friend”–John.

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4 Heartless: Mocks Molly At Christmas

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

For someone so astute who picks up on the tiniest details that everyone else misses, Sherlock can be completely oblivious. When Molly shows up for a Christmas party at John and Sherlock’s flat, bearing a bag of gifts in hand, Sherlock loudly deduces that one of the gifts is for someone Molly has a crush on–completely embarrassing her in front of the room, who can all see clear as day that the gift is for Sherlock.

3 Heart On His Sleeve: Mourns The Woman

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

Sherlock’s reaction to The Woman dying (supposedly) gives viewers a glimpse into his romantic side. He sadly plays the violin; he doesn’t eat; he tries to begin smoking again.

Sherlock never openly acknowledges that he is sad because he believes her dead, but there is no other reason for it. He shares a special connection with The Woman, one that shocks viewers who, until that point, weren’t aware he could be romantically attached.

2 Heartless: Revealing He’s Alive

Sherlock 5 Times Sherlock Is Heartless (& 5 He Wears His Heart On His Sleeve)

One of the most painful–if not the most painful–moments between John and Sherlock is when Sherlock, having pretended to be dead and allowing John to go into legitimate grieving, suddenly turns up again. The way Sherlock reveals he is alive is in the most insensitive way possible, too–masquerading as John’s waiter, attempting to play off the big reveal as a joke and completely missing how traumatizing such behavior is for John.

1 Heart On His Sleeve: His Best Man Speech

Throughout the series, Sherlock lets slip here and there his true feelings toward John, but it isn’t until his speech at John’s wedding that he openly and fully embraces just how much he loves John and the importance of their great friendship, telling the whole room his vulnerable emotions in completely un-Sherlock fashion–or rather, finally letting loose a part of himself that viewers knew was there all along.

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