Sony Insiders Say There Are No Official Plans For New MCU SpiderMan Trilogy

Sony Insiders Say There Are No Official Plans For New MCU Spider-Man Trilogy

Sony insiders say that there are currently no formal plans for another trilogy following Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Sony Insiders Say There Are No Official Plans For New MCU SpiderMan Trilogy

Sony insiders say that despite recent announcements, there are no confirmed plans for a new MCU Spider-Man trilogy after Spider-Man: No Way Home. The upcoming Spider-Man movie is the third solo outing for Tom Holland’s iteration of Peter Parker. Directed once again by Jon Watts (who has helmed every Spider-Man movie in the MCU), the film will follow

Holland’s Spider-Man entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2016 with the debut of Captain America: Civil War, following a lengthy process to rejoin the character (owned by Sony) with his Marvel comrades. That led to the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017 and Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019, with Spider-Man: No Way Home coming to round out the current trilogy for the character. Very little is still known about the overall plot of No Way Home, but some have suggested that the multiverse-focused story could allow that film to pave the way for other Spider-Man actors from previous iterations of the franchise to join Holland on-screen. It has mostly been uncertain if No Way Home would be the last adventure for Holland’s Spider-Man, but in a recent interview, Sony Head, Amy Pascal, said there were plans to bring Holland’s Spider-Man back for another trilogy and continue the story.

Now, with Spider-Man: No Way Home set to hit theaters next month, audiences have their sights set on the future of the collaboration between Marvel and Sony. However, according to a report from THR, Sony insiders have said there are currently no official plans for a new trilogy involving Holland as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, though there are plans for him to continue his involvement in the Marvel world. At this time, nothing has been confirmed about a new trilogy following his character.

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While nothing is confirmed, a trilogy could still end up happening. While nothing is “official,” a new trilogy could still be something that is currently being discussed as a real possibility. As of now, however, Sony insiders are emphasizing and standing by the fact that no trilogy has actually been planned yet.

This raises a conversation as to whether or not Holland’s Spider-Man should get another solo trilogy after the release of No Way Home. The character clearly remains bankable, but there is no shortage of newer Marvel heroes who have either already been introduced or will be introduced in the coming years. Instead of getting his own trilogy, it’s not entirely unreasonable to see a Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Holland’s Spider-Man becomes a supporting player – similar to how Marvel handled Iron Man in Phase 3. Spider-Man: No Way Home will hit theaters on December 17.

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