Sony is Planning For More Multiplayer Exclusives With PlayStation 5

Sony is Planning For More Multiplayer Exclusives With PlayStation 5


It looks as if gamers can anticipate a bigger focus on multiplayer games for the PlayStation 5, as Sony’s Shawn Layden confirms in an interview.

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Sony is Planning For More Multiplayer Exclusives With PlayStation 5

It sounds as if the PlayStation 5 will be receiving exclusive titles with a heavier focus on multiplayer. The new console, which has yet to even formally be announced, is starting to build excitement amongst fans as rumors and speculation about the updated hardware begin to spread. Naturally, after reports on the power of the tech subside, gamers are going to begin focusing on what software developers will be working on for PS5.

The thoughts of a God of War sequel and Spider-Man 2 on PlayStation 5 probably won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, and for good reason. Both of these games are likely to be in development for the new hardware – provided they don’t appear on PS4. Gamers will continue to guess which PS5 games are in the works, but they may now have a better idea of what types of game will make up the final layout.

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Speaking with the Chairman of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Shawn Layden, Business Insider was able to confirm that the PlayStation brand will likely be pursuing multiplayer titles in some fashion. Layden specifically referred to the single-player opportunities already present within the PlayStation library before referencing couch co-op and online multiplayer titles like Call of Duty and Fortnite.

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“Couch co-op — I mean that’s a whole category I think the industry needs to look back at. We have that with sports titles, and some racing titles, but not with much else. And I think that speaks to the power of the internet on the one hand, but otherwise we might wanna revisit that to get more family engagement in the gaming experience.”

“But, no, I was referencing more with the things like “GTA 5 Online,” or you look at “Call of Duty,” or “Fortnite,” or any of those experiences. Worldwide Studios, like I say, we’ve been going really heavy into story-driven gaming. The power of the narrative. Big, spectacular experiences. But not a whole lot in the multiplayer side of things, I think. That’s an area where you will likely see us start to make more noise in the new term.”

Layden is right to be optimistic about the prospect of multiplayer games, given that the battle royale genre has taken off in the past year. A newcomer like Apex Legends has gained 25 million players within its first week of availability, while Fortnite continues to be a dominant game within the industry. The only difference between what Layden has proposed is that both of these titles are available across various platforms. This means that they can immediately gain a larger audience because the key to their respective success is availability – something that’s not possible as a paid-for and platform exclusive experience.

Having said that, the future of PlayStation (and gaming in general) is looking quite interesting for gamers. Xbox is gearing up for a game streaming service, while the future PlayStation 5 is believed to be backward compatible in a bid to keep the library loaded with blockbuster exclusives. The best bet Sony would have at competition in this way is through some sort of service like Xbox is planning on, which would see to it that all platforms are touched upon by the brand. This is just speculation, but it’ll be an exciting few years for fans of the industry anyway. In the grander scheme of things, multiplayer games appear to be just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the impending platform war.

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Source: Business Insider

I’ve been writing about video games for over a decade. I enjoy a good rum & Diet Coke, gaming, hockey, and pretty much anything else that other stereotypical Canadians do.

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