Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

Star Wars Rebels: The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments


Star Wars Rebels is home to some of the best stories in the galaxy, but what were the most heartwarming moments in the animated series?

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Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

The importance of found family, hope, forgiveness, and standing up for what’s right have always been key themes in Star Wars storytelling. One of the reasons that the animated television Star Wars Rebels resonates with fans so strongly is because it does an excellent job of incorporating these timeless themes in its thrilling, emotional, and character-driven story.

Through gradually developing the found family of the Ghost crew and their allies and continuing the story of beloved characters from The Clone Wars, Rebels knows how to make fans invested in the characters’ individual and group journeys. From scenes that have galaxy-changing ramifications to small and intimate character moments, Rebels has no shortage of heartwarming scenes.

10 Kallus And Kanan Share A Moment Of Gratitude

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

After narrowly escaping with his life, Kallus thanks Kanan for taking him in. Kanan replies by thanking Kallus for risking everything. It is a small, touching moment of gratitude shared between two former enemies.

The arrogance and hatred that Kallus displayed during season 1 and most of season 2 are gone, replaced by sincere relief and gratitude that he is now fighting alongside people who stand up for what’s right, and people who genuinely appreciate and care about him. Seeing Kanan reciprocate these feelings by expressing his gratitude for everything Kallus risked as a double agent makes the moment even better. This moment shows what is possible when former enemies can find common ground.

9 Yoda Smiles And Waves To Ahsoka

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

As Ahsoka runs out of the crumbling Jedi Temple on Lothal in the episode “Shroud of Darkness,” she turns to see Yoda as he shares a kind smile and waves at her. Ahsoka grins back at him before resuming her run out of the Jedi Temple.

Things did not end well for Yoda and Ahsoka during the Clone Wars. Ahsoka chose to leave the Jedi Order at the end of the show’s fifth season. During the show’s sixth and seventh seasons, Yoda is shown to still be struggling with what happened to Ahsoka and the role that the Jedi Order played in her choice to leave. This small moment in Rebels provided some much-needed closure for both of them. Despite what happened in the Clone Wars and all the terrible things that happened since then, Ahsoka and Yoda are able to share this moment of mutual encouragement and to know that they have both found a way forward.

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8 Kanan And Rex Salute Each Other

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

At the end of the season 2 episode “Stealth Strike,” Kanan salutes Rex and Rex salutes him back. This moment shows significant character growth for Kanan given his mistrust of Rex and of all clones since Order 66. The Bad Batch and the Kanan comics show that he has been dealing with this mistrust ever since the clones turned on him and his master Depa Billaba.

This moment in Rebels shows that Kanan has come to genuinely respect Rex and views him as an equal. He judges Rex based on his actions and no longer views him the same way he has viewed all clones for many years.

7 Ahsoka And Rex’s Reunion

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

Between season 7 of The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, and the upcoming Ahsoka series, it is easy to forget that Ahsoka and Rex were not always at the forefront of Star Wars storytelling. When The Clone Wars was canceled, fans did not know what became of Ahsoka and Rex and whether the characters would ever see each other again.

Their reunion at the end of the Rebels season 2 episode “Relics of the Old Republic” is the first time that fans saw them together again after the cancellation of The Clone Wars. After not seeing each other for many years, the reunion is just as heartwarming for the characters as it is for the fans.

6 “This Is Our Rebellion.”

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

The season 3 episode “Secret Cargo” ends with various rebel cells meeting above Dantooine and Mon Mothma proudly watching this happen as she declares, “This is our rebellion.” It is a historic, galaxy-changing moment as the rebellion against the Empire becomes unified in a way it never has been before.

It is a rewarding moment that is made even better by knowing everything the Ghost crew and Phoenix Squadron have done to make it possible. They can see firsthand that their actions are making a difference and helping to bring people across the galaxy together to finally topple the oppressive Empire.

5 Hera And Kanan’s Last Kiss

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

The slow-burn relationship of Kanan and Hera gets the payoff that it deserves in the fourth and final season of Rebels. It culminates in a sincere declaration of love and an epic kiss in the episode “Jedi Night.”

It is heartwarming to see the two characters finally being open about their feelings and making time for each other, even amidst the craziness of the war they are busy fighting. The tragedy that ensues shortly after this scene does not diminish the beauty of the moment.

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4 Zeb’s Leap Of Faith

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

“Legends of the Lasat” is a crucial episode for Zeb. The normally skeptical character takes a leap of faith by using his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost through an anomaly. By doing this, Zeb is able to safely and successfully lead Lasan refugees to their native planet of Lira San, a world that he discovers is already teeming with members of the Lasat species.

Zeb is able to stop punishing himself for what happened to his people and the planet Lasan. He has found a way forward for himself and the rest of his kind by taking a leap of faith.

3 Reclaiming Mandalore From The Empire

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

Between Death Watch, Maul, and the Empire, Mandalore suffered greatly during the events of The Clone Wars and Rebels. The Mandalorian people were bitterly divided and subjugated at the hands of various oppressors.

This makes it incredibly rewarding to see Sabine Wren, Bo-Katan Kryze, and other courageous characters reclaiming Mandalore from the Empire and the various houses uniting together. They rally behind Bo-Katan as their leader as she proudly raises the Darksaber for all to see with Mandalore finally free and united. The Mandalorian has somewhat tainted the moment given all that the show has revealed about the Great Purge of the Mandalorian people that followed not long after this, though.

2 The Liberation of Lothal

Star Wars Rebels The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments

Rebels spends the majority of the first season on the planet Lothal and continues to return there in the following seasons. Fans became deeply invested in the planet, its people, and Ezra’s deep connection to it. Seeing Lothal suffer so grievously at the hands of the Empire was devastating, but it made the ultimate liberation of Lothal all the more rewarding.

Even without the backing or resources of the Rebel Alliance, Ezra, the Ghost crew, and a small handful of individual allies are able to come together to defeat the cunning Grand Admiral Thrawn and the might of the Empire. It is inspiring to see their commitment to Lothal and everything they did to see the mission through to the end, showing the rest of the galaxy that the Empire can be bested and freedom can be won.

1 The Epilogue

Everything about the epilogue in the series finale is heartwarming. The liberation of Lothal is shown to endure as the Empire never again takes control of the planet and it remains free. Hera, Zeb, Kallus, Rex, and Sabine all get endings that honor their journeys as individuals and their relationships with each other.

The power of their found family, the hope they carried, and their unceasing commitment to stand up for what is right all endure and are shown to have played a significant role in reshaping the galaxy for the better.

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