Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ 10 Best Quotes


Similar to its predecessors, Star Wars: The Force Awakens features many memorable lines. Here are the 10 best quotes from the hit movie.

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Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

Audiences may have divided opinions about the sequel trilogy, but there’s no denying that The Force Awakens revitalized the Star Wars franchise. The film was a critical and financial success that resonated with new and old fans alike as it seamlessly blended new elements with beloved elements of the original trilogy.

Similar to its predecessors, The Force Awakens features many memorable lines. Some of these quotes are memorable because of the meaningful things they reveal about the characters and themes of Star Wars, while others are more memorable for being humorous and meme-worthy. These are the 10 best quotes from The Force Awakens.

10 “You Cannot Deny The Truth That Is Your Family.”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

This is one of the first lines in the sequel trilogy films and it’s also one of the most important. Ben Solo can call himself Kylo Ren as he wears a mask and serves the First Order. No matter what he does, though, the complicated legacy of his family will always be a part of him.

He can try to run and hide from this or try to utterly destroy it, but Ben Solo will always be a Skywalker and always be the son of Leia and Han. Ben’s inner conflict and his character development are among the best elements of the sequel trilogy, which are teased in Lor San Tekka’s powerful words.

9 “The Garbage Will Do!”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

Fans can’t help but smile when they see that the Millennium Falcon is the “garbage” ship that Rey refers to on Jakku. All these years later, people are still making jabs at the ship, yet it continues to get the job done as Rey and Finn use it to evade the First Order’s forces and escape Jakku.

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This line also signals the moment where the sequel trilogy begins to feel like it truly connects with the original trilogy. The Millennium Falcon appears in the film before any of the original trilogy characters and it evokes both nostalgia and excitement for what’s to come as the new heroes Rey and Finn use the ship in their own adventures.

8 “The Belonging You Seek Is Not Behind You. . . It Is Ahead.”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

Maz Kanata’s wise and hopeful words make it clear that Rey’s future matters more than her past. The family she’s waiting for on Jakku is never coming back and the remote desert planet will never help her find the sense of belonging that she seeks.

These words opened up the door for endless fan theories and speculation, but more importantly, they help Rey begin to see that the best is yet to come. She’s barely scratched the surface of reaching her potential and forming meaningful connections with others. Maz’s line can also be applied outside the context of Star Wars as an important reminder not to be stuck in the past and to begin working toward a better future.

7 “All Remaining Systems Will Bow To The First Order And Will Remember This As The Last Day Of The Republic!”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

No one thinks they are the villain of their own story; everyone believes that they are in the right. This is what makes Hux’s speech so compelling before Starkiller Base fires on the Hosnian System.

Hux is sincere in his admiration of the First Order and in his hatred of the New Republic and the Resistance. The palpable rage and conviction in his voice is frightening as it’s clear that he believes annihilating the Hosnian System will make the galaxy a better place.

6 “You Probably Don’t Recognize Me Because Of The Red Arm.”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

This line from C-3PO is hilarious and works perfectly with his personality. Only C-3PO would interrupt a reunion between Han and Leia and worry that Han doesn’t recognize him because of the red arm.

The red arm is a clever way to show the passage of time since Return of the Jedi and that certain things have changed for all the original trilogy characters. The real story behind his red arm is actually quite fascinating and emotional, but fans can still enjoy the delightful C-3PO line without knowing the full history behind it.

5 “You’re Afraid. . . That You Will Never Be As Strong As Darth Vader!”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

The mention of Darth Vader is exciting, but what really makes this line powerful is that it subverts the audience’s expectations and shows Rey’s strength. She is not a damsel in distress at the mercy of the monstrous Kylo Ren.

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She is a resilient, clever, Force-sensitive young woman who drives Kylo Ren out of her mind and turns the attack back on him. He taunted her only moments ago, but now she is able to unhinge him by voicing his deepest insecurity.

4 “That’s Not How The Force Works!”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

This line is classic Han Solo as it’s hilarious and uncompromisingly blunt. The Force works in mysterious ways and fans still debate over certain aspects of it, but it’s clear that the Force doesn’t magically tell people what to do.

Han is no Jedi, but he knows this much about the Force, and it’s funny to see him say this when Finn suggests that the Force will magically solve the issue of lowering the Starkiller Base shields.

3 “I’m In Charge Now, Phasma! I’m In Charge!”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

Fans may remember this line because of John Boyega’s gleeful and overenthusiastic delivery, but it’s more important than that. After spending a lifetime of Captain Phasma and other authoritative figures trying to mold him into a brainwashed and subservient soldier, Finn finally has control over his life.

Captain Phasma no longer gets to dictate his actions. He’s in charge now and will help decide what happens to her next. It’s a transformative moment and Boyega’s delivery shows that Finn can barely contain the emotion behind it.

2 “I Want To Be Free Of This Pain. Will You Help Me?”

Star Wars The Force Awakens 10 Best Quotes

The Force Awakens shows that Kylo Ren can be a ruthless villain, but it also shows his vulnerability and that underneath the Kylo Ren facade, Ben Solo is still a scared and tormented young man. The desperation and yearning in these words make his inner conflict feel real.

For a brief moment, he seems like a frightened child reaching out to his father. Just when it seems like he might renounce the dark side and reunite with his family, the line takes on new meaning as he kills Han, believing that the death of his father will finally end his conflict and free him from his inner torment as he fully embraces the dark side.

1 “Chewie, We’re Home.”

Even though fans first heard this line in one of the trailers, it’s still the best line in the film. Han says it when he and Chewbacca board the Millennium Falcon. It’s the first time back on their beloved ship ever since it was stolen.

The line takes on a far greater significance for Star Wars fans as The Force Awakens feels like a return “home” to what makes Star Wars resonate and work so well in the first place.

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