Supergirl’s Krypton Escape Just Stopped Making Sense

Supergirl’s Krypton Escape Just Stopped Making Sense

As Krypton’s secret history is revealed, a shocking fact about Supergirl’s childhood makes it even less likely she survived to come to Earth.

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Supergirl’s Krypton Escape Just Stopped Making Sense

Warning: contains spoilers for World of Krypton #1!

Like her cousin Superman, Supergirl escaped Krypton’s destruction, but in World of Krypton #1, new revelations about the House of El come to light – revelations which make Supergirl’s escape from Krypton even more surprising. The debut issue, the first of six, is on sale now in print and digital.

Supergirl is Kara Zor-El, and first appeared in Action Comics #252. Unlike her cousin, who was rocketed from Krypton as an infant, Supergirl was a teenager when she landed on Earth. Supergirl’s arrival also introduced the idea of the House of El, as well as serving as a gateway to Krypton’s history. This window into Superman’s family opened up new story possibilities as creators began chronicling the saga of the House of El and how it relates to Krypton’s society and destruction. In the new miniseries World of Krypton, written by Robert Venditti, with art by Michael Avon Oeming, colors by Nick Filardi and letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, readers learn more about Superman’s illustrious family, seeing not only his father Jor-El in action, but a heroic General Zod as well. Readers also meet the infant Supergirl, and learn she is at the center of a conspiracy that threatens not only the House of El, but Krypton as a whole.

As the issue opens, it is a time for celebration on Krypton, as the current military campaign against the Daxamites is over. It is also a time for celebration for the House of El, as it is Kara Zor-El’s Naming Ceremony and many Kryptonian dignitaries are attending. All is well until terrorists attack the party, calling for the fall of the House of El, and specifically targeting the infant Kara. Chaos ensues, but Kara is saved thanks to Zod’s quick thinking. After the dust settles, readers learn that Kru-El, one of Jor-El’s brothers, may have been behind the attack, as a way of gaining power.

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Someone wants to destroy the House of El – someone who is willing to attack the family at one of their most joyous moments and try to kill an infant. It’s revealed that Supergirl is the first in the new generation of Els, and therefore seen as representing the family’s renewed influence and legacy. Supergirl is ironically saved by General Zod, here portrayed sympathetically rather than as the future warlord DC fans know, but it’s clear there are unknown forces at work on Krypton.

Kara actually grew up on her home planet, meaning that not only was she miraculously rescued from its destruction, but that she survived so long despite having become a political figurehead who others sought to kill almost from birth. It was already somewhat unlikely that two cousins and their family dog were the only survivors of Krypton’s destruction, but the fact that Supergirl was targeted for death from such a young age (and only survived the first attempt due to her eventual enemy) makes her survival even more miraculous. This revelation adds a new layer to Supergirl’s origin, highlighting how strong and resilient she is, something recent Supergirl writers such as Tom King and Marguerite Bennett have stressed.

Supergirl and Superman both escaped Krypton’s destruction and made a life for themselves on Earth, but readers have learned that even in childhood, Supergirl was a controversial figure targeted for assassination, making her life on Krypton much rougher than her cousin’s.

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