The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time


Some cartoon characters have become so disliked that it becomes their primary defining trait just how hated they are.

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The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

Cartoons have given audiences plenty of characters to love, admire, and laugh at over the years. However, the opposite is also true. Some animated characters have become so disliked that it becomes their primary defining trait just how hated they are. Sometimes, it’s because a character is seen as obnoxious or annoying. Other times, it’s because the character gets too much focus.

Even if the show itself is liked, it’s still possible for one of the characters to be widely disliked. When it comes to long-running franchises, it’s not unheard of for certain characters to be heavily retooled or even written out in response to the strong dislike associated with the character.

10 The Fandom Likes The Villains Better Than Amber (Invincible)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

In the animated adaptation of Invincible, Amber is the superhero’s love interest. She unfairly faults Mark for constantly disappearing when he’s actually off saving the day. Later came the twist that she knew his secret all along, meaning she was blaming him despite knowing the full story.

Some viewers tend to like her less than the intended villains of Invincible. Additionally, many viewers felt that episodes dedicated too much time to her and Mark’s relationship.

9 Fans Imagined Characters To Replace Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

In Danny Phantom, Sam Manson, Danny’s friend-turned-love-interest, was often seen as too bratty and hypocritical by viewers. Danny Phantom also had a habit of revealing how special she was, such as being secretly rich or the most athletic character, with no explanation. Her relationship with Danny didn’t help because background characters frequently suggested that they get together, which made the pairing seem forced.

While it’s not unheard of for cartoon fans to pair the main character with alternate love interests or even villains, it became common for fans to make up original characters who they’d feel would be better off with Danny. This debate sparked the “True-Fan VS Anti-Fan” war in the fandom.

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8 Fans Might Have Tolerated Poof, But They Didn’t Like Sparky (The Fairly OddParents)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

The later seasons of The Fairly OddParents were plagued by the addition of new characters. While Poof was somewhat tolerated (as it made sense for Cosmo and Wanda to want a child of their own), Sparky, Timmy’s adopted fairy dog, wasn’t as accepted. His personality was seen as too obnoxious and his design wasn’t too popular, either.

His existence also caused continuity issues; his previous owners were adults, despite only children being allowed to have fairies. He disappeared after the ninth season, maybe because of the addition of Chloe, a girl who would share Timmy’s fairies with him.

7 Otto Rocket Was Too Bratty For Some Viewers (Rocket Power)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

While Rocket Power was already divisive, with some viewers finding the show dated, many of the lead characters were disliked too. For example, Otto was seen as too obnoxious, arrogant, and spoiled, even by viewers who liked Rocket Power.

It’s been noted that his selfishness seemed to increase as the series went on. One of his nastier actions included sabotaging his father’s wedding so he could go to a skating competition towards Rocket Power’s end.

6 There’s A Reason Snarf Isn’t Allowed To Talk Anymore (ThunderCats)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

Snarf of ThunderCats had been disliked thanks to his voice, his habit of saying his name, and his lack of prowess. The attempts to make him a more powerful character, such as a transformation into “Snarf-Ra, The Ever-living,” were seen as ridiculous.

The 2011 reboot reduced Snarf to a pet without the ability to speak, which is potentially a reaction to the dislike that the character endured. That said, some point out that Snarf’s nephew, Snarfer, was liked even less.

5 Blunk Already Annoyed Fans Of The Comics And Didn’t Have Much Appeal (W.I.T.C.H.)

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

The animated adaptation of W.I.T.C.H. already had a lot going against it, especially its rivalry with Winx Club. Additionally, it had a lack of search engine optimization, as many search engines infamously rendered the series “Witch” when fans tried to look it up online. Fans of the comics also disliked many changes to the story, including the inclusion of Blunk, a disgusting, goblin-like creature added to serve as comic relief.

Allegedly, Blunk was created in an attempt to get more boys interested in W.I.T.C.H., which was the same reason for Caleb being given a larger role. However, male viewers who were interested in W.I.T.C.H. probably found the idea patronizing.

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4 Super Friends: DC Is Still Trying To Make It Up To Aquaman

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

The Super Friends cartoon, which adapted classic DC Comics characters, already had a few disliked characters. These included Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog, three power-less additions who were eventually replaced by the Wonder Twins. However, Super Friend’s incarnation of Aquaman became infamous for his powers being limited to breathing underwater and talking to fish.

Aquaman’s portrayal in Super Friends has particularly haunted the character, with DC media constantly trying new ways to make him more serious. Despite this, this version of Aquaman still crops up in pop culture, like being the inspiration for SpongeBob’s Mermaidman.

3 Tiny Toon Adventures: Elmyra Didn’t Need The Spin-Off

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

In Tiny Toon Adventures, Elmyra was a counterpart to Elmer Fudd. Despite being an animal lover, she’s far more successful in killing animals, albeit by accidentally smothering them. After all, that little skull in Elmyra’s iconic hair ribbon had to come from somewhere.

In addition to getting an increasing focus on Tiny Toon Adventures, she eventually got her own show, the infamous Pinky, Elmyra, And The Brain. At this point, even the crew seemed sick of her, with the theme song’s infamous line, “It’s what the network wants, why bother to complain?”

2 The Flintstones: The Great Gazoo Is Sometimes Blamed For The End Of The Show

The 10 Most Unlikable Cartoon Characters Of All Time

In The Flintstones’ later seasons, the Great Gazoo was a green alien who grants wishes to Fred and Barney. Mostly used as a plot device to allow more supernatural shenanigans in The Flintstones, he was also disliked for being condescending to Fred and Barney.

It’s also a plot point that his powers can’t actually help or he’d be sent back home, although it’s implied that he succeeded in his final appearance. It’s even been theorized that he’s partially to blame for The Flintstones’ cancellation. Someone must have liked him, however, as he had a spin-off comic series in the early 1970s.

1 Scooby-Doo: Even The Franchise Grew To Hate Scrappy-Doo

Scrappy-Doo has always been a complicated character for the Scooby-Doo franchise. Added in the late 1970s to revitalize the series, he actually was popular among younger viewers and is partially credited with keeping Scooby-Doo going. However, the hatred that some fans had for Scooby’s nephew became so memetic that later Scooby-Doo series have demonized him.

This has included the live-action film making him the twist villain and the Mystery Inc. series having the characters mention that they “promised not to speak of him.” Even before that, he was famously used in a Cartoon Network ad where he complained about modern cartoons getting better treatment.

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