The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones


Game of Thrones is home to some of the best villains in television history, but who were the most intelligent baddies in the entire series?

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The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

There is a huge range of villains within the Game Of Thrones world, most of whom are battling to get themselves onto the Iron Throne. Whether it’s a plotter and schemer like Cersei Lannister, or someone who just wants to use brute force like Randyll Tarly, the variety of villains is something that helped to make the show so gripping.

However, the fact that many of the villains were intelligent is what kept audiences truly hooked. The characters are constantly looking ahead at different issues and possibilities, and that is what makes life difficult for the heroes of the show, forcing them to think and analyze even further themselves in order to survive and win the game of thrones.

10 Gregor Clegane

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Gregor Clegane, who is better known as The Mountain in the show, is one of the scariest characters to appear in Westeros. However, he is far from the smartest. Gregor is feared because of his sheer size and power, which is highlighted by how he kills Oberyn Martell.

However, the battle between them also renders Gregor nearly dead, and whatever is used to keep him “alive” makes him more zombie than man, so it’s unclear just how much he can think for himself. He’s a monster who follows orders and provides destruction, but he doesn’t bring much when it comes to intelligence.

9 Joffrey Baratheon

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Joffrey Baratheon was the opposite of The Mountain, in that he was not a physically imposing threat, and he would only ever fight if his opponent was as vulnerable as possible. However, he also lacked intelligence and instead allowed his mother and grandfather to dictate everything that happened during his reign.

Joffrey is certainly one of the most iconic villains in the show and was somebody that audiences despised, but he wasn’t able to smartly think about things himself. Joffrey didn’t create any specific plans and mainly just acted like a petulant child throughout his time on the show.

8 Viserys Targaryen

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Viserys Targaryen is also a very reactionary character who will happily resort to having a major tantrum rather than thinking about something in too much detail. While it is his sister who ends up being the true star of this family, Viserys is the one who sets everything in motion.

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While he is spoiled and childish like Joffrey, he is at least free thinking. Rather than having someone tell him what to do, Viserys attempts to put some plans together in order to make things happen, albeit at his sister’s expense, showcasing at least a shred of intelligence.

7 Ramsay Bolton

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Ramsay Bolton is another character that would act out and use his aggression and vile thoughts to strike fear into as many people as possible. While he was easy to fear and hate, Ramsay wasn’t the smartest of characters, as he would goad and push the buttons of people in the wrong ways.

This was never clearer than with Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, who he pushed too far and was ultimately felled by. While he can come up with some clever plans, as he is cold and calculated, it is ultimately Ramsay’s lust for violence that stops him from being too intelligent.

6 Qyburn

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Qyburn is an interesting character who is an experimental scientist that uses potions and other resources at his disposal in order to create medicine and weapons. He helps to make some devastating weapons that the Lannister family put to good use throughout the series.

He also helps to keep The Mountain alive and that helps to make him a great asset to Cersei. While he is quite shy, he proves that he’s one of the wisest and most creative people throughout the show.

5 The Night King

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

It’s hard to truly judge The Night King’s intelligence due to his cold and silent approach. He isn’t shown planning things like other characters or having clever conversations to get an upper hand, but he clearly knows exactly what he is doing in terms of building his army and striking fear into everybody.

The Night King is smart enough to know he needs to grow his army, adding a dragon into the mix in order to be at full strength when he leads his attack. He is clearly a strong leader who knows how to get the best out of his men, showcasing his intelligence in a slightly different way to other characters.

4 The High Sparrow

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

The High Sparrow might look innocent enough at first, but he is one of the smartest villains in the series. He cleverly uses religion as a tool, gaining an upper hand within the Lannister and Tyrell families so that he can take them down from within, which works brilliantly for him.

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He has no problem embarrassing other people in order to get what he wants, and he quietly builds together a strong, violent army that is capable of hurting others. The High Sparrow might not be around as long as other characters, but he is one of few that gets an advantage on Cersei, which is a highlight of his brains.

3 Petyr Baelish

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Petyr Baelish might not be someone who is pushing to lead an army, but he is one of the most intelligent characters within the show. Petyr is excellent at playing on the emotions of others, taking someone when they’re vulnerable and making the most out of the situation.

He can play someone along for as long as possible, making them do whatever he wants and has them believing that he is whoever he wants to pretend to be. This allows him to climb up the ranks and put himself into a position of power, purely through his smartness and communication skills alone.

2 Tywin Lannister

The 10 Smartest Villains In Game Of Thrones

Tywin Lannister is the head of the family and someone who uses his power and connections brilliantly. He is great at thinking of plans, particularly when it comes to battle strategy, as well as knowing how to get the best out of other people such as his two sons.

The brilliance of Tywin came from his conversations with others. He could easily impart his own thoughts onto anybody and the way he controlled Joffrey did help put the Lannister family into the most powerful position possible.

1 Cersei Lannister

While Cersei’s father was a smart man, she actually took things to a greater level with what she brought to the show. Cersei learned from her father carefully, following along with everything that he did, taking tips while also bringing her own ideas, and her vindictive behavior is something that allows her to take things further than her father.

She is cunning and clever and has no problem taking advantage of her own family in order to have the ultimate power. Whether it’s careful planning to take down her first husband or executing the explosion of the Sept Of Baelor, Cersei is a smart plotter that causes issues for everyone else.

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