The New Green Power Ranger Proves Hes Worthy (But Doesnt Know It)

The New Green Power Ranger Proves He’s Worthy (But Doesn’t Know It)

In his upcoming origin story, the terrified Matthew Cook’s one moment of bravery proved he was worthy to become the new Green Power Ranger.

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The New Green Power Ranger Proves Hes Worthy (But Doesnt Know It)

Warning! Spoilers to Mighty Morphin #5 below!

Despite describing himself as a coward and a less than competent fighter, the newest Green Power Ranger’s origin story proved that he was indeed worthy of being offered the Dragon Coin and the responsibility of being the newest Power Ranger. Although his connection to Grace Sterling’s Promethea and acting independently of Zordon and the other Power Rangers will surely cause conflict later, the latest issue of Mighty Morphin seeks to shed light on the mystery that’s been hanging in the air since his noteworthy introduction.

Appearing originally in Go Go Power Rangers #1, Matthew Cook was an Angel Grove High School student, member of the football team, and Kimberly Hart’s original boyfriend. After discovering that his girlfriend was a Power Ranger, Matthew’s actions ranged from wanting to help the Power Rangers with their usual battles against evil to bitterness over Kimberly’s commitment and lies contributing to the end of their relationship. Matthew also suffered at the hands of their enemies when Rita Ripusla kidnapped and tortured him for months, failing to create a Putty duplicate of Matthew who, despite escaping, suffered severe PTSD as a result of the traumatic experience. After his relationship ended, Matthew eventually agreed to keep the Rangers’ secret identities to himself but his hopes of getting back together with Kimberly were severed upon learning she was involved with Tommy Oliver.

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In Mighty Morphin #5 by writer Ryan Parrott and artist Marco Renna, Matthew’s internal monologue explains that prior to a Megazord battle with another gargantuan monstrosity, he is no hero. He admits that he’s never even been in a fight, choosing to run away from conflict instead of addressing it. Despite becoming pretty fast as a result, he discounts any moment that could be interpreted as heroism “was out of complete and abject terror.” During this battle as nearby buildings were destroyed, showering rubble and debris to the ground, Matthew leaped forward to push an innocent bystander out of the way before he was crushed, putting himself in the path of certain death.

Matthew’s moment of bravery is something that we’ve seen often in comics, as a dramatic leap to save somebody in immediate danger is somewhat of a trope. While some heroes jump just in time or are protected from serious injury due to their powers, others haven’t always been as lucky. Although it is a huge risk, this is considered a hero’s sacrifice, putting other’s lives ahead of their own, and despite Matthew’s beliefs, he moved without serious thought or hesitation.

Although Matthew Cook may seem like just another teenager with an attitude, this moment was enough for Grace Sterling to teleport him to safety and offer him something that would change his life. Being a former Power Ranger herself, Grace knows a thing or two about heroism and the sacrifice that’s sometimes requested for it. Hopefully, Grace and her team at Promethea prepared Matthew for the big leagues because Angel Grove needs the Green Power Ranger now more than ever.

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