The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The Sex Lives Of College Girls: The Main Characters, Ranked By Intelligence


From the four roommates to their love interests, some of the characters on HBO Max’s The Sex Lives Of College Girls are smarter than others.

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The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Mindy Kaling’s HBO Max series The Sex Lives of College Girls does a great job of showing how tough and stressful the first few months of college can be. The four roommates at Essex College love their newfound freedom, but they don’t always make the best decisions, and they all make mistakes thanks to their youth and inexperience.

Some main characters on this young adult comedy stand out as being more intelligent than others, and others have done some awful things that they shouldn’t have, making them seem much less smarter than their peers.

10 Dalton

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Whitney’s soccer coach Dalton has a lot to learn about love and life. He lies to Whitney that he’s in a loveless marriage, and their affair ends up getting Dalton and Coach Woods fired.

If Dalton was smarter and more mature, he would never get involved with Whitney, and he would also end his relationship since he’s clearly unhappy. He often seems arrogant and like he expects people to go along with whatever he says.

9 Nico

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Nico is definitely a TV boyfriend with red flags as he cheats on his girlfriend when he meets Kimberly and is drawn to her. While at first Nico seems fairly smart, as he tutors Kimberly in French, he quickly shows his real self when he forgets about a plan that they made to watch TV.

Nico’s worst mistake is sleeping with Kimberly, and he also handles himself poorly after, as he shrugs it off and doesn’t talk to Kimberly properly or maturely. Nico also doesn’t understand how problematic frat culture can be.

8 Kimberly

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Kimberly may be one of the most relatable characters on The Sex Lives of College Girls, but she’s not as intelligent as her roommates. She has a sheltered worldview and needs to broaden her horizons at college, and she also needs to focus on work and studying instead of getting caught up in her love life.

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While Kimberly is kind and caring, her decision to steal an economics test is a terrible one, and she doesn’t show good judgment during this storyline. If Kimberly can grow up and see more of the world, it seems like she can become a much smarter person.

7 Carol

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Carol can definitely be considered one of TV’s best mothers. She saves money so Kimberly can attend her dream college and she budgets so they can go out for a fancy and expensive dinner with Kimberly’s roommates.

Fans sympathize with Carol as she knows that their family doesn’t have a lot of money and she knows that’s hard for Kimberly, especially when she’s around her peers who are from wealthier backgrounds. Carol is strong and has a good head on her shoulders. She knows who she is and that not being rich is nothing to be ashamed of.

6 Whitney

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Whitney is a smart person who sometimes doesn’t make the best choices, but she realizes when she needs to own up to them, which is a sign of intelligence and maturity.

Whitney realizes that her affair with Dalton wasn’t the best idea, and she’s also smart and perceptive enough to realize that her mom, a famous senator, needs to spend more time with her and listen to her more.

5 Leighton

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

While at first, Leighton seems like a wealthy and conceited person, she’s revealed to have many more layers as she’s sweet, caring, and incredibly loyal. She hates that her brother Nico cheated on his girlfriend and hurt Kimberly, and she struggles with coming out to the people in her life.

Fans root for Leighton and Alicia and hope that in season 2, Leighton can admit her feelings for Alicia. In the season 1 finale, Leighton realizes that she needs to be honest with Alicia, so it’s likely that viewers will see the couple reunite in season 2.

4 Bela

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

In some ways, Essex College seems like one of the best TV and movie colleges. The campus is beautiful, tree-lined, and offers students the opportunity to take demanding classes while exploring interests. On the other hand, there are a lot of toxic students who make up the frats and some of the clubs, including The Catullan.

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Bela’s dream is to be one of the students chosen to be a member of the publication’s writing staff as she wants to be a comedy writer. Bela’s season 1 journey shows that she’s stronger than she might give herself credit for. She stands up for herself and another writer when Ryan assaults them both, and she’s smart enough to realize that this isn’t the best place for her and decides to quit.

3 Lila

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Kimberly meets Lila since they both work at Sips, and right away, Lila teaches Kimberly a lot about respect and not judging people.

Lila is wise and perceptive, understanding that Kimberly is naive and innocent but that’s no excuse for saying the wrong thing or offending people. Hopefully Lila will get more screen time in season 2 as she’s got a great personality.

2 Canaan

The Sex Lives Of College Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

The Sex Lives of College Girls is a memorable TV show with a college setting and that’s thanks to the well-crafted characters. Kimberly’s co-worker Canaan is one of the most intelligent people at Essex College as he works hard, treats people with kindness and respect, and always knows the right thing to do.

Canaan warns Kimberly that stealing the test and cheating is a horrible idea, and he also knows that Whitney is wrong to ignore him for a while, as he deserves a partner who puts effort into the relationship.

1 Alicia

Leighton’s love interest Alicia is definitely the most intelligent person at Essex College. She runs the women’s center and shows Leighton that she can be totally herself and find more confidence in her daily life.

Alicia is always there when someone needs her, like when she talks to Bela about Ryan’s assault at The Catullan, and she’s right to tell Leighton that if they’re going to be together, they have to be open about their love.

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