The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

The Walking Dead: 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Rick’s Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)


The Walking Dead’s Rick Grimes has been unseen since he was taken away in a helicopter. Which are the best fan theories & which are hilariously bad?

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The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

Ever since Andrew Lincoln appeared on his last episode of The Walking Dead as Rick Grimes and the show shocked viewers by not killing him off, fans have been on the edge of their seats to find out what will happen next.

Showrunners have confirmed that three movies centered around Rick’s character are in the works. Yet to be titled, they will presumably follow the events that happened to Rick after he was rescued by Jadis and taken in a helicopter to an undisclosed location.

Yes, helicopter. Who are these strange people and what do they want with Rick? This is the biggest question that fans have: where did Rick go? Some theories make total sense while others will have you laughing at how much they don’t make sense.

10 It Will Fill in The 6-Year Gap: Perfect

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

One of the most logical theories, though not specific to a location, is that wherever Rick is, it will fill in the gap between when he was taken in the helicopter and the six years that have since passed on The Walking Dead.

Remember, when Rick left, Judith was just a little kid and RJ wasn’t even born! So there’s a lot that happened on both sides. And we might even get to see flashbacks of what was going on concurrently in Alexandria during that six-year timeframe that we missed due to a series time jump.

9 He’s Dead: Hilariously Bad

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

This theory is so seriously bad, it makes no sense. We know the upcoming films will be centered on Rick. And we know there will be three movies. So would The Walking Dead universe seriously make us watch Jadis save him and whisk him off in a helicopter, tease movies that explain he went, and make us wait for years only to kill him?

It’s a ridiculously bad theory that is certainly wrong. Rick might very well end up dead. But it will be a while until that happens.

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8 He’s With the Commonwealth: Perfect

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

Rick may be taken to the Commonwealth, a massive community in the comics where people live comfortably in social hierarchy, much like they did pre-apocalypse.

Seeing as Eugene has made contact with a woman named Stephanie from a community not too far away, chances are the Commonwealth will be introduced on the series. But remember, the series is happening 5-6 years later which means Rick might very well have already come and gone to the Commonwealth years prior by the time Eugene talks to Stephanie.

7 He’s Still in a Coma: Hilariously Bad

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

This theory has floated around for a while as a potential one for the whole series: that Rick has actually been asleep and in a coma this whole time, and everything was a dream. The concept has been shot down with showrunners confirming that everything we are seeing is indeed happening.

Thus, it’s highly unlikely that Rick will go on to film three movies only to end up full circle where he started, lying in a hospital bed in a coma. We don’t expect to see him wake up after years (or less?) of being out cold to realize none of the events really happened and the world is just fine. Boring!

6 He’s in a Different County: Perfect

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

Scott Gimple told Entertainment Weekly that Rick would be going to “a new world” that is very different from what we’ve seen before. Since he’s traveling by air, chances are he’s going for quite a long ride – he’s not just flying from one state to the next.

So it’s perfectly plausible to believe that Rick might very well to headed to a different country entirely, clear across this world. This would explain why, as much as he might want to, he has no means of getting back to his family and must acquiesce to what he’s told in order to hopefully one day be reunited with them.

5 He’s Close By: Hilariously Bad

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

Regardless of the location, any series that suggests Rick is within driving, horseback riding, walking, or hiking distance to get back to his family is unacceptable. If Rick could get back, there’s no doubt he would do whatever it takes to return to Michonne, Judith, and RJ, the latter of whom he has never even met!

He has to be somewhere he can get back to Alexandria only by plane, maybe even an island, so there’s literally no way out unless he can secure a helicopter for himself.

4 He’s With People Looking For a Cure: Perfect

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

We will almost certainly find out who those mysterious helicopter people are that Jadis was working with, where they are located, and what they are doing. They are likely trying to re-build a society around the walkers.

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But maybe they are also looking to find or develop a cure for the virus, hoping to end the apocalypse. And somehow, Rick is there to help. He might even decide not to leave if he knows he can help with the greater good, hoping it might result in a better world for his children.

3 He’ll Merge With Fear the Walking Dead: Hilariously Bad

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

While we can see some potential crossover between the films and the series and its spin-offs, depending on the timelines, we can’t see Rick appearing on The Walking Dead again (unless it’s the series finale) nor on Fear the Walking Dead.

We can, however, see characters from FTWD appear in the movies. The most likely person would be Isabelle, the soldier who befriended Al during a scouting mission and told her all about her community. Al herself could also make an appearance should Isabelle try to convince Al to come back with her. But Rick appearing on FTWD? Not a chance.

2 He’s With Heath: Perfect

The Walking Dead 5 Perfect Fan Theories About Ricks Whereabouts (& 5 Hilariously Bad Ones)

It has already been confirmed that Health, who mysteriously disappeared from the series without explanation, was abducted by the same group as Rick, with Jadis’ help. So it’s totally plausible that wherever Rick is going, he will find Heath.

The reality is that the actor who played Heath, Corey Hawkins, left the show at the end of season seven because he secured a leading role on the short-lived 24 spin-off series 24: Legacy. His unexplained exit leaves the door firmly open for the character to re-join Rick and provide at least one known ally in the movies.

1 In the Future: Hilariously Bad

While it’s possible the movies could eventually do time jumps like the shows have, with years between them (there will reportedly be three films), we can’t see things automatically launching into the future. For one, we need to know what happens to Rick right after he was taken in the helicopter.

Remember that this was also 5-6 years before the current timeline in The Walking Dead. Which means if Michonne ever does find Rick, it won’t be until long after the stories are told in the first films. And we can’t see them skipping over those critical stories to show Rick in the future, or even present day. It needs to go back 5 years so we find out what he has been doing all that time.

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