The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

The Wolf Of Wall Street: Main Characters Ranked By Likability


Several outrageous personalities come together in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Some characters like Max Belfort are more likable than others.

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The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Martin Scorsese presents one of his highest-rated movies with The Wolf Of Wall Street. The movie brings together some of his trademark filmmaking with notable collaborators from the latter half of his career. These stars bring interesting characters based on real-life white-collar criminals to life on screen.

Certain characters like Max Belfort are cheery and easy to like. Others like Jordan Belfort are harder to place on the likability scale. The characters’ demeanor and actions allow fans to either condemn or relate with them.

Nicky “Rugrat” Koskoff

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

There are a few personalities who seem to follow Jordan around like his lapdogs in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Like all of the big Stratton Oakmont players, Nicky manipulates investors. He leads them to believe the worthless stock he sells is valuable so he can profit from the commission he earns.

However, Nicky seems to take great pleasure in swindling his investors. He is less developed than some of the other characters and has less screen time. As a result, audiences seldom see any moments of compassion from Nicky.

Donnie Azoff

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Donnie is Jordan’s best friend in The Wolf Of Wall Street. He makes for some of the funniest moments in the film. Fans love to watch Donnie’s wild partying behavior, but he isn’t as likable as some of his peers.

Donnie proves to be unlikable in his actions. He lies constantly and is driven by his own selfish actions. He is erratic and self-important, something showcased clearly in his confrontation with Brad Bodnick. His carelessness lands Brad in jail, and the company faces major consequences as a result.

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Jordan Belfort

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Jordan is the protagonist of the film, and fans learn more about him than any other character. He is presented in such a way that fans relate to him, but Jordan has several qualities that make him hard to like. For example, some fans say he’s one of Martin Scorsese’s least intelligent main characters. His foolishness makes him short-sighted.

As a result, he causes pain to many. He cheats on his wife Teresa Petrillo with Naomi Lapaglia, marries her, then makes her miserable. He puts hundreds of poor people in debt for his gain. He puts his child in danger in a fit of rage. Jordan redeems himself in behavior like trying to save Donnie from police prosecution, but his selfish actions seem endless.

FBI Agent Patrick Denham

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Agent Denham is one of the few lawful citizens audiences get to know best and gives The Wolf Of Wall Street one of its best quotes. He follows Jordan’s illegal activity and tries to find ways to indict him for his crimes. His personality is put on display most clearly when Jordan invites him to his yacht.

Denham is a more likable character because he isn’t seen committing acts of violence and betrayal like so many of The Wolf Of Wall Street’s main characters. However, he is smug and pretentious. When Jordan tries to speak with him, Denham does everything but laugh in his face.

Brad Bodnick

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Brad is one of Stratton Oakmont’s biggest hotheads. Fans see his short temper on display several times throughout The Wolf Of Wall Street. When his anger concerns Jordan and Donnie’s sloppy business management, his rage seems justified. His reasonableness clashes with Jordan and Donnie’s chaotic tendencies.

However, Brad becomes less likable than his peers when he gets angry at people who don’t deserve it. He flips out at a waitress for taking too long to bring him ketchup. Upon his introduction, he bullies the high school kids he sells drugs to. Brad’s behavior outside the business paints him in a different light.

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Chester Ming

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Chester is another founding member of Stratton Oakmont. He is generally mild-mannered and soft-spoken. He provides a pleasant air to the Stratton Oakmont crew and has several likable qualities.

However, Chester shows he isn’t as likable as he initially appears. When Jordan, Ming, and Donnie interrogate Jordan’s butler, Ming’s aggression surfaces. It’s hard to watch him beat Jordan’s apologizing butler and brings down Ming’s likability.

Naomi Lapaglia

The Wolf Of Wall Street Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Jordan’s wife Naomi is one of the most likable characters in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Unlike her husband, she doesn’t lie or cheat for her own benefit. She lacks the selfishness presented by nearly every other main character in the film.

Naomi isn’t perfect, and she is complicit in Jordan’s crimes. She enjoys the life of luxury Jordan’s life affords, but she isn’t active in the business which takes money out of the hand of the financially suffering. He is pleasant and respectful. However, once she is crossed, she proves she will stand up for herself boisterously.

Max Belfort

Max is Jordan’s dad and one of the most likable personalities fans see. He acts as a moral compass to Jordan’s increasingly debaucherous behavior. Max helps counteract the glorification of Jordan’s lifestyle in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Furthermore, the only time fans see him painted in a negative light is when his hidden temper is revealed.

However, he hides it from outsiders in an attempt to protect them. Max is often seen with a smile on his face. His pleasant demeanor is matched by his behavior, as he often tries to steer Jordan in the right direction and protect him from harm. Max’s advice doesn’t save Jordan, but it gives him a fighting chance.

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