Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners, Ranked According To IMDb


Many original screenplays have won an Oscar over the years. Here’s a look at 10 of the best, ranked by IMDB.

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Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

The art of writing an original story specifically for the big screen is not what it used to be. Today, Hollywood films are more likely to be an adaptation of some property coming from other media. This includes comics, books, and even stage plays. It is just how the market works: Studios trying to capitalize on property.

But films that come from original scripts are part of movie history. Inventive stories that allowed filmmakers to take advantage of the film medium as much as they could. This is what the Oscar for best original screenplay recognized and why the category is separated from an adapted screenplay. Here are 10 of the best winner according to IMDB.

10 The Apartment

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Billy Wilder’s The Apartment is a masterclass in storytelling. Is really demonstrates the ability of the director to mix different genres, like comedy and drama, to tell a totally original and unexpected story. Jack Lemon and Shirley MacLaine deliver their performance with such nuance not common for the era.

The exceptional thing about The Apartment is how it handles its twist and turns, with simple details that didn’t have to spoon-feed the audience with unnecessary exposition. A truly must-see film.

9 The Sting

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

A movie based on real-life con artists and pickpocketers, The Sting became one of the most celebrated films of 1973, thanks to the chemistry between both leads, Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and mostly because of the story, written by David S. Ward.

Geroge Roy hill had already directed Newman and Redford in the western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where they were also are the lead actors. The movie won 7 Academy Awards, including best original screenplay.

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8 Citizen Kane

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

The classic of classics. As praised as Citizen Kane is nowadays, at its time, the epic story of Charles Foster Kane wasn’t all the rage. It actually managed to score on Oscar on the 1941 ceremony. However, the category it won was the best original screenplay, which is one of the best aspects of the movie.

The innovations Orson Welles implemented in the production of the film are legendary (because seeing the roof in a movie was an innovative thing), but its screenplay, a circular story with an epic-urban scope, is still studied today.

7 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Screenwriter Charlie Kaufman had been working with director Spike Jonze on his previous two Oscar-worthy films Being John Malkovich and Adaptation. For this film, however, he decided to join forces with French director Michel Gondry, whose wacky style suited this movie very well.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind is a sci-fi drama, with touches of comedy, that is so inventive with its narration without compromising character development that it deserved all the accolades. The material is only elevated by the acting of Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

6 Good Will Hunting

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Many people forget that Ben Affleck had already won an oscar before Argo. And it wasn’t a directing or an acting award, but a screenwriting award. Beside his friend and known actor, Matt Damon, the acting duo embark on a film that portrayed Affleck’s Boston in a creative and well-told story.

They joined forces with Milk’s director, Gus Van Sant, and comedian Robin Williams, to make Good Will Hunting, which ended up being a critics darling, cementing the career, in a way, of its screenwriters.

5 American Beauty

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Sam Mendes’s debut as a filmmaker was one that left a lot of people impressed. coming from the world of theater. But American Beauty was also the first big feature film to be released by screenwriter Alan Ball who would go on to create iconic tv-shows such as Six Feet Under and True Blood.

Ball’s writing deals with family relations and sexual repression and liberation, all seen in American Beauty, which was the big winner of its year at the Academy Awards ceremony.

4 Sunset Blvd.

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

It’s not strange to see director Billy Wilder more than once in this list since he was one of the great American filmmakers of the world. And some say Sunset Blvd. is probably his magnum opus, his best movie. And maybe, some may disagree, but it was certainly a fresh story for Hollywood at the time.

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Not only does the movie start with his protagonist’s death, but it takes time to develop him in the only way Wilder knew how to, by taking an unsympathetic character and making him realize there was much to live for.

3 Django Unchained

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Structurally, one could say that Django Unchained is writer and director Quentin Tarantino’s most simple film, structurally speaking. It doesn’t have any crazy timeline jumps, it isn’t divided into chapters. It’s just a good hero’s journey from the perspective of a liberated African-American slave.

But what it lacks in structure complexity it makes up in dramatic richness and symbolism. Probably Tarantino’s best character, the story of Django serves as a well deserve emancipation for its titular character.

2 The Usual Suspects

Top 10 Original Screenplay Oscar Winners Ranked According To IMDb

Who would know that one of the best twists in Hollywood cinema would come from a movie of 1995? The Usual Suspects would cement the careers of actors like Benicio Del Toro and established a precedent on how to tell a story and set up a twist that would be taught in filmmaking classes.

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Back when Brian Singer was well-regarded as director, his talent joined with Christopher McQuarrie’s writing (who would later take over the Mission Impossible franchise) allowed this movie to become a staple of the neo-noir genre, and a favorite for many.

1 Pulp Fiction

The popularity of director Quentin Tarantino within cinephiles is well known and it’s not weird to see this movie as the highest-ranked screenplay-Oscar-winner in this IMDB list. However, it is well deserved, and it is argued that Pulp Fiction change the history of American independent cinema.

The 1994 film not only revived the career of Saturday Night Fever’s actor, John Travolta, but it changed how stories could be told, innovating with its jumping storylines.

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