Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

Wonder Woman 1984: 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU


Wonder Woman 1984’s story wasn’t as standalone as originally thought; there are 10 ways it impacted the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) at large.

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Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

Things were kept generally on a standalone basis in Wonder Woman 1984, which featured a story that seemed as if it didn’t impact the DC Extended Universe at large. This isn’t the case, though, as there were a number of things that can prove to be game-changers in future movies.

These are also the revelations in plot points or about items of great importance that can explain certain things that have been seen in earlier movies. Should a potential plot hole open in the DCEU’s timeline, there’s a good chance that this has been explained already through Wonder Woman 1984.

10 God Powers Can Be Duplicated

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

It was believed that Wonder Woman was one of a kind when she was revealed as the Godkiller weapon in the first movie. However, Wonder Woman 1984 showed the Cheetah receiving the same powers, meaning these abilities can be duplicated.

Being born with these powers isn’t a requirement, as Cheetah wished for them without even being aware of it. Despite Wonder Woman being touted as the only one who could kill someone like Ares, it’s now clear that her powers can be given to someone else to achieve the same importance she has.

9 The Old Gods Might Still Be Alive

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

It was shown in the movie that a Trickster God by the name of Dolos had been the one to create the Dreamstone. Considering that Wonder Woman wasn’t certain of his whereabouts, it’s entirely possible that the Old Gods — long thought to be deceased — might still be alive.

The fact that the warrior Asteria was also revealed to be hiding in plain sight provides further proof. This means it’s very much possible that the Old Gods are scattered around the world and are not showing their positions deliberately rather than them being extinct.

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8 Wonder Woman Was Active Before Dawn Of Justice

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

The movie has made some aspects of Wonder Woman out to be nonsensical, mainly over how she was said to be inactive for a century in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, only to be shown continuing her superhero activities in 1984.

Regardless, it’s at least confirmed that Wonder Woman had never actually gone into exile, as this was a front she had put up in order to help from the shadows. It also explained why she was on top of her game against Doomsday while before it was unclear how she was so good in combat despite inactivity.

7 Wonder Woman Has A Powerful Armor In Her Possession

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

After she got over her selfish wish to keep Steve in her life, Wonder Woman busted out the Asteria armor to battle the Cheetah. The armor was said to be from legend, although it got badly damaged before the final confrontation with Max Lord.

However, it could be seen that the core aspect of the armor was still intact, meaning Wonder Woman could still use it in the future. Due to this, it’s very much likely that the superhero will once again don this armor in future movies when the stakes are high.

6 Magic Of The Gods Survive Through Time

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

It seemed as if the influence of the Old Gods was gone when they themselves went extinct. However, Wonder Woman 1984 showed the Dreamstone being just as vicious as the Trickster God intended it to be even centuries later.

This means that the magic of the Gods can very well survive even if they couldn’t. Should any character come across similar magic, it’s possible that the Gods can return in some shape or form through the leftover magic that remains active.

5 The World Had Experienced A Catastrophic Event Much Earlier

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

Due to the machinations of Maxwell Lord, the world plunged into chaos when the effects of the Dreamstone got way out of hand. The entire planet saw its effects, as people ended up making wishes that had massive consequences.

It was believed for the longest time that Man of Steel had featured the DCEU’s first catastrophic event when Superman had battled the Kryptonians. Wonder Woman 1984 has now confirmed that a worldwide catastrophe had taken about three decades earlier.

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4 Powers Can Be Unlocked

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

The DCEU has generally shown the idea that powers are either intrinsic to superheroes from the beginning, can be bestowed, or can be developed due to being around particular environments. Wonder Woman 1984 has now confirmed that they can be unlocked as well.

This took place when Diana and Steve were on the plane, during which she used a previously dormant ability to turn things invisible. Along with this, she also brought out the power of flight — both abilities had to be unlocked rather than developed.

3 There Are Many Powerful Items Scattered Around The World

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

Another way that the movie has changed the DCEU is by revealing that Earth itself has many powerful items that can be used. Justice League had introduced the Mother boxes as otherworldly items that civilizations had adopted, but Wonder Woman 1984 portrayed the Dreamstone as a creation of Earth.

Since the Mother boxes had developed powers into Cyborg, opened up boom tubes, among other qualities, it was thought that Earth didn’t have such a powerful item. Now, it’s known that the planet does house similar objects and perhaps in greater power.

2 There Is An Afterlife In The DCEU

Wonder Woman 1984 10 Revelations The Film Introduced About The DCEU

The separation of Steve and Diana added to the list of sad things that have happened to her. There’s a small consolation, though, as Steve had revealed that he had been somewhere after his death. He didn’t remember this place, but he knew he was at peace.

With this revelation, it’s now known that the DCEU does have an afterlife, meaning that death isn’t final for anyone. It also provides context to Superman’s resurrection in Justice League, since he also had to have been in the afterlife before he was brought back.

1 Alternate Futures Can Be Averted

It’s never been confirmed if the relatively cheesy vision of the future Bruce Wayne saw in Dawn of Justice had ever been averted in Justice League, with some speculation that this timeline was still going to happen. Wonder Woman 1984 has confirmed that futures can indeed be averted.

The proof to this is the vision Max Lord had, where he saw his son lost and in danger after Lord refused to renounce his wish. Following this, Lord did indeed take his wish back, thus denying this future from playing out and avoiding that reality altogether.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wonder-woman-1984-dceu-canon-revelations-things/

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