Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

Avatar: The Last Airbender – The 10 Saddest Things About Katara


While Avatar: The Last Airbender might be an animated show meant for kids, it deals with heavy themes. Here are the saddest parts of Katara’s life.

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Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

While Avatar: The Last Airbender might be an animated show meant for children, it deals with some very heavy themes of death, war, genocide, government control, and much more. There are many really sad things that happen to the main characters in the series, even including some of the antagonists like Zuko and Azula.

And, almost all of the members of Team Avatar deal with a lot of trauma at such young ages. Katara is one character who often seems quite mature and capable for age given that she’s already gone through and lost so much as a young teen. Here are the most tragic things that happened to her.

10 She lived the last years of her life without Aang

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

While this is something that happens in The Legend of Korra, it is still rather sad to think about. Luckily, Katara and Aang are able to live long lives together and have a family like they wanted.

But, after spending decades with Aang as her companion and husband, it would have been difficult to be without him in the last years of her own life. She would have missed him a lot especially when it came to seeing her kids and grandkids.

9 Because she had to worry about helping save the world

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

Seeing as The Last Airbender is meant for children despite having a wide audience, there are some things about it that don’t totally make sense.

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However, if you set disbelief aside, it’s really sad that Katara has to deal with the stress and worry of being a key player in stopping the Fire Nation and saving the world from more pain, war, and destruction.

8 When she meets her mother’s killer

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

One of the most intense episodes involving Katara is “The Southern Raiders” when Katara goes with Zuko to find the man who killed her mother.

Katara is understandably filled with anger and pain, and she wants to get back at him for the horrible things he did. It’s an emotional episode, and it’s difficult to see Katara grapple with this trauma and figure out if she wants to go the route of revenge or not.

7 When she thinks she has lost Aang for good

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

From the moment that Aang comes out of the ice, Katara is there for him. These two develop a close bond as friends and over time that bond becomes more romantic. Katara is always looking out for Aang and trying to protect him, and she clearly cares about him a lot.

So, when Aang is nearly killed by the lightning bolt Azula sends at the end of season two, Katara is understandably upset. Luckily, Aang recovers and is okay, but it was a terrifying moment for her when she thought she’d lost him.

6 Team Avatar often didn’t appreciate her efforts

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

Katara has a lot of great traits as well as some not-so-good ones, but sometimes she wasn’t appreciated for what she did. While she could tend to try to control people too much, she also was more responsible and knew when the Gaang needed to be kept on track.

While the other members of the team didn’t enjoy this so much, her stability and ability to take charge were needed elements of leadership.

5 She faced a lot of sexism

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

After Katara’s parents were both gone, she and Sokka both had to grow up fast. However, the work seemed to be very much divided along gender lines, and since Sokka was mostly just playing soldier, this left Katara taking on a lot of household chores.

Then, when she wanted to be trained as a water bender by Master Pakku, he wouldn’t because she was a girl. Katara really had to fight to be seen as an equal.

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4 When she is forced to bloodbend

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

Katara is a person who tries to do the right thing and doesn’t want to inflict harm on others. She’s heroic and tries to save other people, and she wouldn’t want to force others to do something against their will. Not only is she betrayed by Hama, someone she saw as a mentor, but she was then manipulated into having to blood bend.

This is not something that Katara wanted to do because she recognized that it was deeply unethical. Having to blood bend to save Sokka and Aang was very upsetting to her.

3 She had to take on a lot of responsibilities as a kid

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

While Katara often gets criticized, both by other characters and by fans of the show, for being annoying because she tells others what to do, there’s a good reason for that.

Katara is pretty much forced into a parental role after she and Sokka are left alone, and in many ways, she has to be the more mature one even though Sokka is the oldest. She doesn’t really get to enjoy her childhood and has to act more like an adult.

2 Her father wasn’t around much because of the war

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Saddest Things About Katara

After Kya died, Sokka and Katara also didn’t get to have their father around much. Hakoda left with other men from the Southern Water Tribe to try and protect their home from the Fire Nation.

But, this left Sokka and Katara alone except for their Gran Gran. Having to be apart from their dad and not knowing if he was going to be all right would have been extremely difficult. It’s no wonder she felt somewhat resentful.

1 She lost her mother at such a young age

Of all the difficult things that Katara goes through, the most tragic of them all is when her mother is killed. Katara was only a child, and while she didn’t see her mother be killed, she saw the before and the aftermath.

Seeing all this would have been deeply traumatic for a kid, and she then had to live the rest of her life without her mom who she loved deeply.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-katara-saddest-character-aspects/

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