Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

Bob’s Burgers: 10 Best Gene & Linda Mother-Son Moments


Between spa days, complementing each other and helping realize their worth, Gene and Linda have a great relationship on Bob’s Burgers.

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Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

Bob’s Burgers is one of the best family animated shows to hit televisions. There’s a unique and comical dynamic between the Belcher family. Despite the children often picking on their father, Bob, there are many heartwarming moments. Like Louise and Bob bonding over an old samurai movie.

Each member of the family has their special relationships with each other. That’s no different for Linda and Gene. Their mother-son relationship is one that’s inspiring. Between spa days, complementing each other and helping realize their worth, Gene and Linda have a strong relationship.

10 Linda Gets Excited About Gene Being a Cheerleader

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

If there’s one thing to always admire about Linda as a good parent, is that she allows her children to be whoever they want to be. She doesn’t care for stigmas or her image as long as they do something they’re happy about. A cute moment between Linda and Gene occurs in season four in “Gene It On.”

Linda is originally excited that Tina is trying out for cheerleading but overjoyed when Gene is picked instead. Some can say that Linda was being a bit selfish over disregarding Tina’s feelings. But she takes Gene’s new activity as a wonderful thing that happens to both of them. Gene is also enthused and lets his mom just take in his new look. Gene is even more than happy to hear her ideas for moves.

9 Gene Welcomes Kisses From Mom On Valentine’s Day

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

There are more than a handful of cute moments between Linda and Gene. In “Bob Actually,” Gene proves he’s a total Momma’s boy. In a short scene, Linda gives her children Valentine’s Day cards. Gene is happy to find that he gets one thousand kisses. He’s overjoyed and says, “Give me some sugar, momma.” He also doesn’t want Linda to short him.

This type of scene also occurs in another Valentine’s Day-themed episode. In “My Fuzzy Valentine,” Louise wants none of Linda’s smooches and tells her to give them to Gene. Gene happily takes them all.

8 Gene Approves Linda’s Blonde Hair

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

What’s so sweet about Gene and Linda’s relationship is that they’re always complimenting each other. Even when in “Tina Tailor Soldier Spy” when Linda dies her hair blonde. Gene calls her “Middle-aged blonde Barbie.” While everyone else and even Bob finds the new change drastic, Gene makes her feel better.

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He playfully puts her hair on top of his. In an epiphany, he realizes the phrase, “blondes have more fun” might be true. Linda is happy that Gene gets her.

7 Their After School Snacktivity

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

In “Like Gene For Chocolate,” Gene and Linda’s mother-son moments sways towards being cute and a bit selfish. When Gene’s favorite candy changes its formula, he wants to speak to the people in charge. Linda is all for it. She tells Bob that they have to support Gene in his efforts.

In reality, Lind might actually want to go to get some candy. Regardless, in the episode Linda often gives him a pep talk to not give up and that they’ll come back the following day. At dinner, she says that in his future resume he can include that he fought the man and is cute as a button She even makes a joke that it will be their after school “snacktivity.”

6 Linda Keeps Gene’s Baby Teeth

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

It’s always a momentous occasion when a child loses their first baby teeth. It means a visit from the Tooth Fairy and some extra cash. But in Gene and Linda’s situation, it’s a bit different. Gene was scared of the Tooth Fairy when younger so Linda instead collected his teeth.

She almost has a full set. Instead of money, Gene gets kisses which Louise thinks is a rip-off. The whole episode shows how much Gene cares about his mom’s feelings. His tooth gets snatched by a seagull and he tries everything possible to make a fake one so his mom can be happy.

5 Linda Approves Of Gene’s Die Hard Play

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

Linda is always up for supporting Gene’s plans, even if it’s for a rival musical. In season five, Gene’s musical based on Die Hard gets rejected. While the musical based on Working Girl gets the thumbs up. In the first scenes, the Belchers and Courtney’s father are in Mr.Frond’s office arguing. He’s upset that Gene gets to tell the story and Linda backs him by saying, “because he’s my beautiful boy. That’s why.”

Later on in the story, Linda learned about the rival musical and tries to get people hyped for it. She even calls a woman jealous for trying to shush her. When she goes to watch it she calls him magnificent. She later defends Gene’s play when Bob insults it.

4 Linda’s Kisses and Pinworms

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

In season eleven of the show, things get a bit uncomfortable in the derriere area. “Worms of In-Rear-ment” was all about Gene getting pinworms, an epidemic that’s plaguing the school. Watching the episode would make any viewer feel uncomfortable and get chills. Everyone seems to have gotten it except Louise. Linda thanks she couldn’t have gotten them but Lousie begs to differ.

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In a montage scene, audiences get to see just how much love Gene and Linda have for each other as mother and son. They cuddle on the couch and Linda gives a plethora of forehead kisses. All while fighting who loves each other more. They even Lady and The Tramp pasta. It’s no surprise that Linda would get pinworms.

3 They’re Piano Bar Dream

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

It’s cute to see Lind ana Gene share the same passions and interests. One of them is the opportunity to open a piano bar. In season eight, Teddy wonders where Bob is and gets a bit too serious in taking over Bob’s role. Linda explains that he took Louise to a soccer game.

Lind and Gene have an epiphany. They promised the next time that Bob would leave they’d open a piano bar. Gene hurries to get his keyboard dresses and wigs. It’s a fun episode of Gene and Linda trying to make their dream come true and belting some tunes.

2 Gene Joins Theater

Bob’s Burgers 10 Best Gene & Linda MotherSon Moments

This is unarguably one of the sweetest moments between Linda and Gene. It also showcases Linda’s parenting skills. Gene gets the opportunity to try out for local play but doesn’t get the role. Lind hates to see Gene’s dreams crushed and makes a wager with the producer to get him a role.

Along the way, Gene learns that he wasn’t a good actor at all and he’s only part of the play because of Linda. But Gene feels down about himself and everyone thinking he’s too dramatic. Linda’s there for a mom-son talking too. She tells him that she’ll always be his number one fan.

1 Their Interrupted Spa Day

In season eleven of Bob’s Burgers, Gene and Linda’s mother-son moments don’t let up and the episode “Mommy Boy” is all about them. Linda finally gets to feel independent and go to a women’s business group. But audiences learn that Gene and Linda have a weekly Spa Day on the same night.

Gene and Linda sit in the tub, eat some snacks, and vent about their day. Gene is upset that Linda will miss a month’s worth of Spa Days. Linda then feels guilty about doing her own thing. In the end, Linda explains understands Gene’s frustration and promises to always be there for him

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